接續Cindy來天津遊玩,開心到隔天宿醉一整個上午! 原本計畫要出去玩的行程,再加上天空飄著一片濃厚的霧霾,我們只能去飯店隔壁的7-11晃晃...
Continuing with Cindy’s trip to Tianjin, China, she was so overwhelmed with joy (ecstatic) that she spent the entire morning in bed rest, hungover. Our initial plan to go about the city was thus put on hold, and also due to a daunting thick layer of smog covering every inch of the sky, the furthest extent of our morning trip (that we tried to save) only reached till the nearby 7-11 convenient store.
Fortunately, the smog cleared up after Benji’s stage show “Shoushui”, that we got to resume our trip, starting again with a late night meal and a night trip (full of LED lights) to The Tianjin Eye.
Interesting Facts:
The Tianjin Eye
Opened in 2009, The Tianjin Eye is the only Ferris wheel constructed on a bridge. The structure is 120 meters all and the wheel has a diameter of 110 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a 35 stories tall building, with a total of 48 passenger capsules. The average time to complete a revolution is 28 minutes.
Why is it compared to the London Eye and not Asia’s Star of Nanchang or Singapore Flyer?
We are not sure about this, it was said so in a local tour guide book. We guess that it was because of the similarity in both names, and that the London Eye is one of the most popular Ferris wheel of all time.
The London Eye
Opened in 2000, The London Eye is England’s paid top attraction for tourists. The structure is 135 meters tall with the wheel’s diameter at 120 meters. It has a total of 32 passenger capsules that can hold up to 25 passengers each. One revolution takes an average of 30 minutes to complete.
Music used in this video:
Show Me The Way by Vendredi https://soundcloud.com/vendrediduo
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/ZcAiMZtYrv8
Music: Bumper Tag - John Deley https://youtu.be/lnGhMo5ZQvA
Track Name: "Closing Time"
Music By: Jay Man @ https://ourmusicbox.com/
Official "OurMusicBox" YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/ourmusicbox
License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ
Last but not least…最後呢
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