如果你曾經去美國留學,想不想把你的經驗在AIT臉書上跟大家分享呢?歡迎曾到美國留學的台灣學生,將你的留美經驗寫成一段中文600字以內的文章,內文包括你的學習經驗,留學生活最好的回憶,並附上留美時期就讀的學校與攻讀學位(請提供中英文)與二到三張留美照片並留下您的電子郵件、郵寄地址與連絡電話、連同文字寄到 educationusataiwan@mail.ait.org.tw,我們會從中挑選五名朋友,在今年11月的國際教育週分享您的文章。如果你的投稿獲選,會收到我們的一份驚喜小禮喔!徵文截止日期:2017年6月30日。
你想到美國留學嗎?在這個「美國各州教育」系列裡,我們介紹了台灣學生留學美國的前十大州。每個州、每所學校提供的都是一個獨一無二的教育經驗。如果你有留美相關問題,歡迎你到留學美國諮詢中心的臉書EducationUSA Taiwan詢問,並報名一個你有興趣的主題活動吧!#DestinationUSA #EducationUSA
Did you study abroad in the United States? Would you like to be featured on AIT’s Facebook? For Taiwan students who have studied in the U.S., send your “Study in the U.S. Experience” to educationusataiwan@mail.ait.org.tw including what you learned and your favorite memories of your student life in U.S. You can also include the schools you attended and the degree you pursued (limited to 600 words in Chinese) and two or three photos for your chance to be featured on AIT’s Facebook! We will pick five stories from the submissions and share them during 2017 International Education Week. If we pick your story we will also send a thank you gift. Please share your #MyUSExperience story before June 30.
Do you want to study in America? In our #StateEducationInAmerica series, we introduced the top ten most popular states for students from Taiwan. Each state and each school offer a unique educational experience. Do you have specific questions regarding study in the United States? Visit the
EducationUSA Taiwan Advising Center Facebook and register for a workshop!
- 關於stateeducationinamerica 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
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stateeducationinamerica 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
你想到美國留學嗎?在這個「美國各州教育」系列裡,我們介紹了台灣學生留學美國的前十大州。每個州、每所學校提供的都是一個獨一無二的教育經驗。如果你有留美相關問題,歡迎你到留學美國諮詢中心的臉書EducationUSA Taiwan詢問,並報名一個你有興趣的主題活動吧!#DestinationUSA #EducationUSA
Did you study abroad in the United States? Would you like to be featured on AIT’s Facebook? For Taiwan students who have studied in the U.S., send your “Study in the U.S. Experience” to educationusataiwan@mail.ait.org.tw including what you learned and your favorite memories of your student life in U.S. You can also include the schools you attended and the degree you pursued (limited to 600 words in Chinese) and two or three photos for your chance to be featured on AIT’s Facebook! We will pick five stories from the submissions and share them during 2017 International Education Week. If we pick your story we will also send a thank you gift. Please share your #MyUSExperience story before June 30.
Do you want to study in America? In our #StateEducationInAmerica series, we introduced the top ten most popular states for students from Taiwan. Each state and each school offer a unique educational experience. Do you have specific questions regarding study in the United States? Visit the EudcationUSA Taiwan Advising Center Facebook and register for a workshop!
stateeducationinamerica 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
每年的跨年你是在台北101慶祝的嗎?每年跨年美國紐約市時代廣場的跨年派對也是年度盛事!水晶球、演唱會煙火、新年倒數與美國的知名藝人的演出,例如女神卡卡、碧昂絲與瑪麗亞凱麗都讓這個派對成為經典,也是每年最燦爛的一場盛會。紐約的高等教育極富盛名也多元,除了知名的研究型大學如哥倫比亞大學與康乃爾大學,專業學校如茱麗亞學院,曼哈頓音樂學院或是普瑞藝術特學院都吸引了非常多傑出也有才華的學生就讀。去年,紐約州是全美最受台灣留學生歡迎的第二大州。紐約州,也有人稱它 “帝國州”,等著你自己發覺其中有趣的故事。關於更多美國留學資訊,請詳見:EducationUSA Taiwan臉書。#StateEducationInAmerica #DestinationUSA #EducationUSA
Have you celebrated New Year’s Eve in Taipei near Taipei 101? In New York the crowds gather at Times Square to watch the ball drop, hear concerts, and watch fireworks with American celebrities such as Lady Gaga and Beyoncé and Mariah Carey! New York State’s higher education is diverse including research universities such as Columbia University and Cornell University, and arts schools such as The Juilliard School, Manhattan School of Music and Pratt Institute. Last year, New York was the 2nd most popular State for students from Taiwan. For more information about studying in the U.S. also follow EducationUSA Taiwan.