[PARIS, 2017]
When u see something u like, 1st, u pretend to take a nice pic with it.
(PIC2) Then u pretend to sit closer & still take a pic with it. Last but not least, u grab it quick! But oh shit.. photographer didn’t get the memo & took PIC 3! Which wasn’t suppose to happen.
* @thepeninsulaparis If the penguin went missing, it’s not me. I didn’t take it. I wouldn’t wanna be in your blacklist!
#throwbackpic @ The Peninsula Paris - Official
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讓人羨慕的事…又來了 – 半島酒店的聖誕蛋糕Bûche de Noël par Le Peninsula
算一算我也是武肺疫情的重災戶, 往年這時候要趕場到處試喫各大高級旅館, 糕餅店即將在年底推出的聖誕木柴蛋糕Bûche de Noël和明年一月初國王餅Galette des Rois. 今年情況淒冷, 巴黎高級旅館都還在慘澹經營, 當然沒有幾家推出這項代表歡樂團聚的應景食品.
剛上任的行政主廚David Bizet(從四季酒店到Taillevent餐廳, 再被挖到半島)大概要藉此機會展現才華, 立下馬威, 儘管年底的過節氣氛可能仍舊清冷, 但是過節還是要過的, 這次他推出一個組合口味都非常令人意外且驚喜的作品: 魚子醬蛋糕.
放在一個喜氣洋溢的圓形紅盒子裡, 打開是一塊表面驚人的墨黑色蛋糕. 像切乳酪一樣地切開後, 即可看到層次分明, 材料獨特大膽的組合: 燻烤香草和黑蕎麥做成的軟餅乾底座, 一層香草ganache, 一層微甜的白巧克力-白花椰菜, 中間兩層淡綠色的則是微酸微甜, 清爽細緻的奇異果醬.
這塊蛋糕有各種口感: 軟綿, 酥脆, 乳滑, 油潤. 也有各種甜酸鹹鮮味道, 平衡感很好, 有魚子醬溫潤的海鹹味而沒有鹹腥氣, 效果意外地討人喜歡. 更別提搭的奢華感了, 一塊蛋糕裡真的有多達50g的法國魚子醬!
當天還有另一個雖然較保守卻是更討好的小東西: 松露酥皮餅. 鮮亮清新的現刨松露, 鬆軟酥脆的酥皮麵包, 也是很有奢華感, 但是也兼顧到真有的美味.
過去David Bizet在四季酒店裡的餐廳L’Orangerie的表現就讓人非常激賞, 細膩, 輕巧, 唯美, 現代. 被請去Taillevent. 今年初米其林才剛給予兩星的肯定後不到一周, 就傳聞和餐廳經理不和, 拂袖而去, 落腳半島. 可惜還來不及表現就遇上武肺疫情.
在今年發表為數不多的聖誕作品裡, 這個魚子醬蛋糕應該會教人印象深刻, 為2020這個混亂年份留下一絲美麗的尾巴.
魚子醬聖誕蛋糕將在12/18-01/01/2021之間限時上市, 僅能在酒店內享用.
我說沒錯吧? 能嘗到這塊蛋糕是很讓人羨慕的事.
thepeninsulaparis 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Paris pastries / 巴黎甜點] 巴黎半島酒店 2019 年聖誕節蛋糕與下午茶甜點 / Christmas tea time & 2019 Yule log creation of Dominique Costa (The Peninsula Paris - Official ) (for English, click "see more")
週二受邀至巴黎半島酒店品嚐 Dominique Costa 主廚創作的聖誕節蛋糕以及聖誕節下午茶甜點。Dominique 主廚的「Vigne Enchantée」(「魔幻葡萄藤」)聖誕節蛋糕,我之前已經在巴黎巧克力大展時看到、也已分享給大家,當時一直很好奇味道,沒想到最後很幸運地在年末親自品嚐到了。
「魔幻葡萄藤」以歐洲聖誕節必備的熱飲「熱紅酒」(vin chaud / mulled wine)為主題,外觀分成兩部分,上方是巧克力與榛果帕林內做的葡萄藤、下方則是葡萄酒盒造型的法式慕斯蛋糕(entremets),主要結構包括香料蛋糕(pain d’épice)、熱紅酒煮西洋梨(poire au vin chaud)、香草輕奶餡(crémeux vanille)與焦糖杏仁酥脆層(croustillant amande caramélisé)等。最令人感到驚奇的,其實是 Dominique 主廚在創作時為一般消費者設想的貼心,從外觀看來像是很堅硬的巧克力雕塑,其實不管是慕斯蛋糕還是巧克力榛果帕林內葡萄藤都很容易切開,在自家聖誕節餐桌上也可以毫無困難地和大家分享。味道則是超乎想像的輕柔,一點都沒有酒精味,熱紅酒的香氣、西洋梨的圓潤和香料蛋糕帶來的聖誕節氣息交織在一起,能夠為聖誕大餐劃下完美的句點。
Dominique 主廚為半島酒店設計的聖誕節下午茶甜點,則圍繞著秋冬常見的食材與風為主題,如栗子、榛果、巧克力等,熱紅酒與西洋梨的搭配也再次以「迷你巴巴」出場,另外還有熱帶水果搭配米布丁、櫻桃搭配優格的組合。當天幾乎每一樣甜點都非常清爽、完全不膩口,能夠把幾乎所有甜點都有餘力地品嚐一遍,真的很令人開心。
巴黎半島酒店今年並與法國代表汽車品牌 Citroën(雪鐵龍)合作,在酒店大廳做了大型的古董車佈置、聖誕樹上也掛了迷你雪鐵龍的裝飾,仔細尋寶會有驚喜。酒店除了有小型的聖誕市集外,也另外開了一個聖誕節的快閃甜點店,可以外帶 Dominique Costa 主廚的作品。更多當天的影音請看我的 Instagram 精選動態「Palaces & Hotels」:https://tinyurl.com/yx4avmku(最前面是今年新開幕的 Hôtel du Louvre 凱悅羅浮宮酒店,也可以一併欣賞)。
🔖 延伸閱讀:
2019 年巴黎聖誕節蛋糕創作:https://tinyurl.com/r9j6jnf
Jimmy Mornet 主廚的 2019 年聖誕節蛋糕與下午茶甜點創作:https://tinyurl.com/yx2zloos
I got invited to taste the 2019 Yule log creation and Christmas tea time pastries of the chef Dominique Costa at The Peninsula Paris the other day. While I was already very interested in the “Vigne Enchantée” (“Enchanted Vine”) yule log since its exhibition earlier at Salon du Chocolat, I felt really lucky to be able to taste it finally at the hotel.
Inspired by the indispensable “vin chaud” (French mulled wine) during the festive season, “Vigne Enchantée” composes of a chocolate sculpture of a grape vine and a mousse cake shaped like a wooden wine box. Consistuting by a crispy layer of caramelised almonds, a gingerbread (pain d’épice), mulled wine poached pears pears, vanilla crémeux, and coated by a thin layer of Dulcey chocolate, the cake is extremely easy to be cut and sliced. The chef has apparently taken into consideration that it’s something to be shared on the Christmas dinner table, so he has put extra efforts in it. Flavour-wise, it is slightly spiced by the ginger bread and full of the sweetness of mulled wine and pears. Amazingly light, it is for sure a true delight to the Christmas dinner.
Patries offered at the Christmas tea time surround popular ingredients of the season, such as chestnuts, nuts, and chocolate. The "mulled wine & pears” combination is highlighted once again and transformed into a mini baba. Other pastries like rice pudding mini tarts and cherry yogurt mousse cakes are very lovely as well. Most of them are very light and refreshing which is a good news for those who would like to have a bite on everything.
This year the Peninsula Paris is collaborating with Citroën for the Christmas celebrations. Displays such as a vintage Citroën, part of the hotel collections, and huge Christmas trees decorated by mini Citroëns are installed at the hotel hall lobby. A mini Christmas market and a pop-up pastry shop are also available to all guests. More photos and videos of my visit can be be found in my Instagram highlights “Palaces & Hotels”: https://tinyurl.com/yx4avmku
Click on the photos to find out more 👉🏻👉🏻
🔖 You might also be interested:
2019 Yule log creations: https://tinyurl.com/r9j6jnf
2019 Advent calendars: https://tinyurl.com/serwgfz
Yule log and Christmas tea time by Jimmy Mornet (Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme): https://tinyurl.com/yx2zloos
#yingspastryguide #paris #dominiquecosta #thepeninsulaparis #bûchedenoël #buchedenoel