Ibu yang bersalin secara pembedahan terdedah dengan pelbagai risiko.
Antaranya mereka mudah terkena jangkitan kuman..
Menurut BabyCenter, ibu akan diberi satu dos antibiotik untuk mengurangkan risiko terkena jangkitan sebelum melalui pembedahan.
Walau bagaimanapun, kira-kira 8% daripada wanita yang menjalani pembedahan Caesarean ini masih mendapat jangkitan selepas pembedahan.
3 jenis jangkitan yang boleh berlaku adalah:
✅Jangkitan pada bahagian luka – Tanda-tandanya adalah kemerahan, berair, atau kesakitan yang semakin teruk pada bahagian tersebut.
✅Jangkitan pada lapisan uterus (rahim) – Tanda-tandanya adalah pendarahan yang teruk, lendiran yang tidak normal dan berbau serta demam. Masalah ini lebih berkemungkinan berlaku sekiranya jangka masa air ketuban pecah adalah lama sebelum anda mula rasa sakit bersalin atau sekiranya ibu menjalani banyak pemeriksaan faraj sebelum pembedahan.
✅Jangkitan salur kencing – Semasa pembedahan, sebatang tiub nipis atau catheter akan dimasukkan ke dalam salur kencing untuk mengosongkan pundi kencing anda. Jangkitan boleh berlaku melaluinya.
Antara risiko lain.. ibu boleh kehilangan lebih banyak darah berbanding proses bersalin normal. Tubuh ibu mudah menggigil dan kesejukan.
Selepas pembedahan, ibu perlu banyak bergerak untuk mengelakkan gumpalan darah beku. Ianya boleh terbentuk di urat saraf bahagian kaki dan pelvik ibu.
Darah beku ini boleh bergerak dan menyumbat salur darah di peparu. Bahaya! Pulmonary Ebolism boleh menyerang bila2 masa je.
Sebab tulah.. ibu tak boleh stress dan buat kerja berat2. Luka masih baru dan anytime boleh terbuka semula.
Pantang makan.. jangan ambil makanan2 yang mendatangkan alahan pada luka. Kadang2 kita nampak luka luaran nampak ok, tapi dalaman kita tak tahu.
Rajin-rajin bersihkan luka, lap kering2 dan anginkan bagi kering.
Jadi janganlah kita senang-senang label ibu yang bersalin czer ni lebih mudah, tak sakit dan saja mengelak dari bersalin normal.
Kita tak tahu apa yang mereka lalui.. mungkin lebih dasyat dan sakit sebab dah lalui kontraksi dan induced pula sebelum kena emergency czer.
Take note ya!
Buat papa mama yg nak ilmu kehamilan - kelahiran - berpantang - mendidik anak2 & penyusuan susu ibu boleh klik link ini utk dptkannya ya : 😍
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Giving birth czer is not an easy way to free yourself from normal maternity pain.
Mothers who are in surgery are exposed to various risks.
Among them are easily affected by germs..
According to babycenter, mother will be given a dose of antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection before going through surgery.
However, about 8 % of women undergoing this caesarean surgery still get infection after surgery.
3 types of infections that can happen are:
✅ infection in the wound - signs are redness, watering, or pain that is getting worse on that part.
✅ infection on the layer layer (Rahim) - the signs are bad bleeding, abnormal goo and smell and fever. This problem is more likely to happen if the period of water breaks is long before you start to feel the pain of delivery or if the mother has a lot of vagina check before surgery.
✅ Urinary Tract Infection - during surgery, a thin tube or a catheter will be put into a urinary tract to empty your bladder. Infection Can happen through it.
Among other risks.. Mother can lose more blood than normal delivery process. Mother's body is easily shivering and cold.
After surgery, mom needs to move a lot to avoid frozen blood clot. It can be formed in the nerves of the feet and pelvic of the mother.
This frozen blood can move and clog blood vessels in lungs. Danger! Pulmonary Ebolism can attack anytime.
That's why.. Mom can't stress and do a job but the wound is still new and anytime it can be opened again.
Don't have to eat.. Don't take the allergy that brings allergies to the wound. Sometimes we see the external wounds look ok, but we don't know the inside.
Be diligent to clean the wounds, wipe the kering2 and the want to dry.
So let's not easily label the mother who gave birth this czer is easier, not sick and just avoid giving birth to normal.
We don't know what they go through.. maybe more terrible and sick because they have been through contractions and inducted before getting emergency czer.
Take note ya!
For papa mama who wants pregnancy knowledge - birth - confinement - educate children & Nursing Mother's milk can click this link for it ya: 😍
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