作曲和編曲人CY Kong親自示範「侘寂」的Beat的製作過程。
#Repost @conanyota with @get_repost
The Korg VolcaBeats was used in creating the beats in the main beatbox patterns in the Gin Lee's song (especially the intro). (Yes and I have a custom made MIDI Device Panel in Cubase). The #Volca series are great little boxes, and could be put to many uses!! ________________________________________________________________
(Note: the Device Panel for Cubase has always been available freely on cykong.com)
#Korg #KorgVolca #VolcaSeries
#VolcaBeats #KorgVolcaBeats
#AnalogueDrums #Drumboxes #Beatboxes
#Cubase #SteinbergCubase #MidiDevicePanel #MidiControl #CubaseMidiDevicePanel
#SongsIWrote #SongsIArrange
#ArrangementWork #Sequencing
#GinLee #李幸倪 #侘寂 #cykong