喜欢看stand up comedy,尤其Whoopi Goldberg 和 Russell Peters。前者吐槽时事以及美国政治可谓一绝,而后者调侃各个民族的特色(奇怪的是当他开你民族的玩笑的时候,你不会生气,反而会觉得天啊太准了😂😂😂)
"Taking action is hard, but know what? Enduring a bad situation can be it's own hell."
For me, when it comes to stand up comedians it's got to be Whoopi Goldberg👍 and Russell Peters👍. The former just knows how to handle the serious topics and roast whoever deserves the roasting (haha😜 I love her) while the latter excels in capturing the characteristics of each ethnicity. (No, you don't get offended but rather, you'll be really impressed if your ethnicity made it as part of his jokes😉)
All that aside, I really admire Whoopi🌷After her jokes, you'll be thinking🤔. Because no matter how ridiculous the topics sound in her jokes, they're all current affairs that are actually happening. Like the newly-elected Brazil President who decides to sabotage Amazon rainforest for money 🙄- yup, ridiculous but happening in real life.
Like Whoopi said, " Taking action is hard, but know what? Enduring a bad situation can be it's own hell."
#WarOnOurFuture #standupcomedy #standupcomedian #whoopigoldberg #russelpeters
waronourfuture 在 約克在哪裡?Where is York? Facebook 的最佳解答
#波索納洛 尚未上任,但他作為下屆總統已開始佈局。他首先提出的幾項政策,包含將環境保護部縮編至農業發展部之下,著實嚇慘了許多自然保育人士。
比起 #亞馬遜 作為世界之肺、原住民與動植物家園的重要性,他更強調土地利用的經濟價值,欲鼓勵伐木、種植大豆、採礦等進入雨林,增加國民收益。
Newly elected President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro holds the future of the world's largest rainforest in his hands. His plans for it put us all in jeopardy. #YEARSproject #WarOnOurFuture