If the only prayer you ever say is ‘Thank You’ that will be enough - Eckhart Tolle
Practice gratitude #profound #gracestralaguide
Reach for the sky... my heartfelt gratitude to @wvdmalaysia @sofiboypawprints and her tribe, and friends for the LOVE and SUPPORT for #worldvegandaymalaysia2018 Thank you
You are always getting better,
Soften Strala
Slow Down
Have Faith
and repeat
#showup #setintention #visualization #stayaspositiveasyoucan #doourbest #sensitized #ease #moveeasy #thisisyoga
Thank you all! Big love, Grace
#loveandgratitude #stralayoga #stralaguide #stralaeverywhere #yogamalaysia #fitnessmalaysia #malaysiafitness #thanksgiving2018 #yogaforeveryone
worldvegandaymalaysia2018 在 Grace Strala Guide KL, Malaysia Facebook 的最佳貼文
Beautiful thoughts from a mother with 9 year old daughter,
A strong and mindful consistent to do yoga together with kid or people in community will lead us to a powerful snowball soulful #loveandpeace
See the lights in others, and treat them as if that is all you see - Dr Wayne Dyer
Indeed, that is all I see.
Overwhelmed with gratitude to all beautiful friends today @wvdmalaysia
Thank you Thank you Thank you, yoga is for everyone.
Huge Love, Grace
ps. @shafiqology @ainasyazwanisalleh we forgot to wefie 😅
@wvdmalaysia Kane is so funny, brilliant in selfie #nofilterneeded #selfieangle
#gracestralaguide #blessed @stralayoga
#VegansBoleh #WVDMalaysia #festival #publika #kualalumpur #WorldVeganDayMalaysia2018 #ecofriendly #sustainableliving #savetheplanetwithyourdiet #govegan #klevents #publikaevents #november #malaysia #yogamalaysia @ Publika
worldvegandaymalaysia2018 在 Grace Strala Guide KL, Malaysia Facebook 的精選貼文
#throwbackpicture #worldvegandaymalaysia2017
Swipe ⬅️ for this year deets
Onwards xo #gracestralaguide #gracechildlightyoga
#Repost @wvdmalaysia with @get_repost
So much happening at World Vegan Day Malaysia 2018! :O
And as you know, this is all free!
Jot down the dates and times, guys! ^_^
No fees or registrations- you just need to come grab a seat!
Bring over your family and friends!
A quick look at what is awaiting you at World Vegan Day Malaysia 2018! <3
#VegansBoleh #WVDMalaysia #festival #publika #kualalumpur #WorldVeganDayMalaysia2018 #ecofriendly #sustainableliving #savetheplanetwithyourdiet #govegan #klevents #publikaevents #food #foodfair #november #malaysia #foodie
@ Publika