“Hôm nay Chân Không viết lá thư này gửi đến quý vị là vì tăng thân Làng Mai đang đối mặt với một thách thức chưa từng có. Khi đại dịch Covid lan rộng khắp châu Âu, các trung tâm của Làng Mai không thể mở cửa để đón thiền sinh đến tu học như trước đây. Điều kiện sống của tăng thân không cho phép chúng tôi có thể đảm bảo an toàn cho những thiền sinh đến Làng.
Tài chính của tăng thân hoàn toàn phụ thuộc vào các khóa tu nên hiện tại chúng tôi cũng đang gặp khó khăn trong việc đáp ứng những nhu cầu cơ bản nhất cho tăng đoàn. Chúng tôi phải cung cấp thực phẩm, chỗ ở và đảm bảo y tế cho gần 600 xuất sĩ sống ở 10 trung tâm thực tập của Làng Mai ở nhiều nước trên thế giới. Quả thực là chúng tôi sẽ không thể vượt qua giai đoạn khó khăn này một mình. Chúng tôi hoàn toàn đặt niềm tin vào tấm lòng hảo tâm của quý vị thân hữu trên khắp thế giới.
Có thể có những người trong quý vị đã nghe hoặc đọc câu chuyện của Chân Không về một nắm gạo. Khi Chân Không còn là một sinh viên trẻ sống ở Việt Nam trong giai đoạn chiến tranh ác liệt, có rất nhiều người đau khổ; rất nhiều gia đình và trẻ em trong khu ổ chuột sống trong đói khổ. Chân Không thấy mình cần phải làm một cái gì đó, vì vậy Chân Không đi từ nhà này sang nhà khác và chỉ xin mỗi nhà một nắm gạo nhỏ để giúp nuôi trẻ em đói. Hầu hết mọi người đều có thể san sẻ một nắm gạo. Cùng với nhau, chúng tôi đã quyên góp được những túi gạo lớn và mang đến cho những người nghèo không có gì để ăn. Đây là sức mạnh đáng kinh ngạc của tăng thân, của sự lân mẫn, chăm sóc lẫn nhau.
Cũng với tinh thần này mà Chân Không viết cho quý vị ngày hôm nay. Mong ước của Chân Không là nếu quý vị có dư dả một chút, quý vị có thể cân nhắc việc san sẻ “một nắm gạo” cho gia đình tâm linh nơi quý vị cư trú mỗi tháng. Các vị xuất sĩ của Làng Mai sống rất đơn sơ, chi phí cho thực phẩm hàng ngày của chúng tôi là 4€ mỗi người. Chỉ với 28€, bạn đã giúp cung cấp thực phẩm cho một xuất sĩ trong cả tuần. Số tiền tuy nhỏ nhưng có thể tạo ra sự khác biệt rất lớn. Nếu điều kiện cho phép, quý vị có thể xem xét việc trở thành người hỗ trợ hàng tháng và tham gia nhóm thân hữu hỗ trợ tăng thân xuất sĩ Làng Mai bằng trái tim yêu thương và tấm lòng hảo tâm của quý vị.
Món quà hàng tháng của quý vị, dù lớn hay nhỏ, sẽ giúp cung cấp thực phẩm và chăm sóc sức khỏe cho các vị xuất sĩ Làng Mai trên toàn thế giới, cũng như chi trả cho các nhu yếu cơ bản của chúng tôi khi chúng tôi truyền bá Phật pháp trực tuyến và làm hết sức mình để giúp giảm bớt khổ đau trên thế giới.
Chúng tôi vô cùng tri ân tấm lòng hảo tâm của quý vị.
Chúng tôi luôn nguyện cầu hồng ân Tam bảo gia hộ cho quý vị và gia đình của quý vị thật nhiều sức khỏe và bình an.
Sen búp xin tặng người,
Sư cô Chân Không
T.B. Nếu quý vị có người thân bị bệnh hoặc đang có khổ đau và mong muốn chúng tôi gửi năng lượng hộ niệm cho người ấy thì quý vị có thể gửi một email với tên và một vài thông tin về tình trạng của người ấy đến địa chỉ: dana@plumvillage.org.
Quý đạo hữu có thể chọn tài khoãn nào tiện nhất để gửi vào.
Việt Nam
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同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅王大喜,也在其Youtube影片中提到,we nee $3000USD for our new APP Donation here!至2019/08/24止。🙏☀️✌️🦜 銀行代號:048 銀行名稱:王道銀行 帳號:01000115473288 Citi Bank: Name: Ta-Hsi Wang Swift code: Citi...
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1. 在美國華府舉辦每月中國政策討論會,條件允許的情況下,逐漸擴大為每週中國政策討論會,為對華政策提供建議;
2. 發行每兩週一次的關於中國問題的中英文雙語簡報,以期外界加深對中國的了解和認識;
3. 巡迴各地通過演講和座談的方式與各界人士交流,就各類問題在求同存異的基礎上爭取共識;
4. 製作系列民主教育短視頻向中國國內發送,以開展啟蒙工作,
5. 針對中國民生問題每年公布政策白皮書,為未來的中國發展提出具體主張;
6. 與香港,台灣,西藏,新疆等地未來政治力量舉辦對話會議,討論未來的發展可能;
7. 向90後年輕世代公開徵集對於中國未來的想法與主張,建立思想論壇;
8. 把已經建立的官網(網址:)辦成一個具有思想性,政策性的公共討論平台,集中各種有一定深度的,理性的研究文章,供外界參考;
9. 廣泛收集並建立“中國維權運動視頻資料庫”,“中國民主運動歷史資料庫”,“人權侵犯者據報平台”等,為歷史留下見證
10. 出版有關制度轉型,歷史回憶,討論文集等書籍。
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附件1. 團隊名單
• 所長:王丹 (八九學生領袖);
• 副所長:項小吉 (八九學生領袖)
• 辦公室主任:金岩 (八九學生領袖),
• 法律顧問:李進進 (八九學生領袖)
• 理事會召集人:王軍濤 (中國民主黨主席)
理事:王丹,王軍濤,胡平(原《北京之春》主編),項小吉,陳小平(明鏡集團總編輯),金岩,童屹 (八九學生領袖,律師),王天成(法律學者),林飛帆(台灣太陽花學運領袖),蘇曉康(作家),王潤之(企業家),張偉國 (原《動向》雜誌主編),黃之鋒(香港雨傘運動學生領袖),白曉彤(加拿大中國留學生)
學術委員:Perry Link ( UC Riverside大學教授),鈴木賢(日本明治大學教授),陳奎德(哲學家),夏明(紐約城市大學政治學教授),王超華(八九學生領袖),馮崇義 (澳大利亞悉尼科技大學教授)。夏業良(原北京大學教授),Anne Thurston(約翰霍普金斯大學國際關係學院教授),白夏(法國巴黎政治學院國際研究中心名譽研究員)
顧問委員:Larry Diamond (斯坦福大學教授),廖亦武(作家),康正果(作家),吾爾開希(八九學生領袖),張伯笠(八九學生領袖),吳祚來(作家),吳仁華(八九民運研究專家),魏碧洲(《世界日報》副總編輯),貢嘎扎西(達賴喇嘛駐北美辦事處華人事務官),Marie Holzman(法國著名漢學家),于金山(原紐約中華公所主席)
附件2. 美國之音報導:
本次活动的主办方是刚刚成立的华盛顿智库“对话中国”(Dialogue China)。这家智库由六四学运领袖王丹成立,旨在围绕中国转型期的现实问题提出建设性的意见。这是智库开设的第二场研讨会。出席会议的嘉宾包括“北京之春”杂志荣誉主编、中国异见人士胡平和美国乔治城大学历史系教授、新疆问题专家米华健(James Millward)。人权组织人权观察中国部主任索菲•理查森(Sophie Richardson)担任会议主持。“
附件3: 典禮影片
aba number 在 王丹网站 Wang Dan's Page Facebook 的最佳解答
Account Number: 639802818
ABA(ROUTING)NO: 021001088
Bank Information: HSBC Bank USA, N.A.
1185 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY 10036
aba number 在 王大喜 Youtube 的最讚貼文
we nee $3000USD for our new APP Donation here!至2019/08/24止。🙏☀️✌️🦜
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aba number 在 pennyccw Youtube 的精選貼文
Allen Iverson scored 37 points in his MVP Season vs. Orlando Magic
One of the most controversial Basketball players of all time, Allen Iverson is one of the most loved and hated figures in Basketball. Born Allen Ezail Iverson in Hampton, Virginia, he grew up very poor to a struggling mother and a father who deserted him. Growing up, he was very athletic, playing football and basketball throughout most of his education prior to college. Iverson began focusing on basketball at his mother's insistence, despite wanting to be a football player. He proved to be a talented basketball player. At Bethel High School in Newport News, he began his high school basketball career. He developed a reputation of talking a lot and being uncoachable. To say he had a rough childhood is quite an understatement. On one of his places of residence, he walked through knee-deep sewage daily. During one summer, he witnessed the death of almost ten of his closest friends. Iverson first came to the national spotlight in 1993 in a controversial incident surrounding violent events at a bowling alley in Newport News. While the events that happened there will never be fully known, the generally accepted story is that some white students got into an argument with Iverson and his friends. The first question surrounding the event is whether he started it or if the white kids started it. Also, the question surrounded whether or not he assaulted a white woman by hitting her over the head with a chair. The prosecution insisted that surveillance tapes undoubtedly showed Iverson was the culprit, but in reality the tapes showed nothing conclusive. Two factors did him in at his hearing; first of all, two white people said they saw him assault the girl. Secondly, the judge was from the very conservative southeast Virginia establishment and did not have any sympathy for Iverson, his background or his talent. Seeing that Iverson requested a bench trial, this was crucial to his case. To add fuel to the fire, Allen Iverson flew in for the weekend from a tournament to be in Virginia for his trial. This played into the prosecution's hands and also upset the judge, both of whom saw this as evidence that Iverson did not respect the law. He was sentenced to a 5 -year jail term. This case sparked a tremendous amount of national attention. The case caught the interest of Bill Cosby and Spike Lee, who would be a fan and advocate of Iverson for many years. People all around the Newport News area started a movement to free Allen Iverson. He spent only four months in jail. Governor Douglas Wilder pardoned him. This move all but ended his political career and sparked another controversy. Wilder was also black, and white voters in Virginia viewed this move in a very racist light. Iverson was viewed now in much of white America as essentially a convicted felon who was out of prison only because a black man was governor of his state. Iverson got out conditionally, however. He had to adhere to a curfew and could not play basketball until he got his high school diploma. He could not accept a scholarship to the University of Kentucky but did get a scholarship once he completed his high school education in a learning center. During this time, he received his nickname, the answer. He was called such because his friends said he was the answer to basketball's conformity so to speak, people that conformed to this family friendly image, such as Charles Barkley, Isiah Thomas and most importantly, Michael Jordan, who was a childhood hero of his. He accepted a scholarship to Georgetown where John Thompson coached him. Thompson became somewhat of a father figure to him, but he was hard to manage, and the two had a workable but very turbulent relationship. Iverson completed only two years of his education where he became the top NBA draft pick in 1996. He was drafted by the ailing Philadelphia 76ers in 1996. Iverson is immersed in hip-hop culture. This made him an incredibly controversial figure in basketball. His clothing looked more like a gangster rappers than it did Michael Jordan's. On the court he seemed to embody the gangster rapper's image. He had an arm covering on one arm when he played, and also was one of the first players to have cornrows; a hairstyle up until that time was popular in prison. To make matters worse, he had an incredibly "in your face" style, which did not sit well with older players like Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and others. Jordan said of him when Jordan's Bulls played Iverson's 76ers, that he had no respect for the game. Despite this, no one denied Iverson's talent. He could hustle the ball, could get around even the tallest players. He became known for his fast drives to the baskets and his ability to fake the ball in a move called the crossover. Spike Lee lost respect for him when he turned down his invitation to star in the film He Got Game (1998). As a very pointed move, Lee cast former collegiate rival Ray Allen in the part. The Sixers found themselves suddenly a respectable team. They acquired a new coach, the unusual Larry Brown. As a player in the ABA almost twenty years ago, Brown was also a young outsider fighting the system. Larry Brown now was a button-down-suit-and-tie coach. The two did not get along well at first; in fact, their relationship at best was serviceable. Brown was always unhappy with Iverson for not showing up to practice. Iverson insisted his game was pure inspiration, and he had little need for practice. The two rarely saw eye to eye. He received a tremendous number of awards in his short career. He was named rookie of the year in 1997, and on more than one occasion, he was an All NBA First Team, NBA All Star, was an All Star MVP, and received perhaps what was his crowning achievement to date when he was NBA MVP in 2001. That year, Iverson led his team to the NBA finals, but had a rough ride against Kobe Bryant and 'Shaquille ONeal's Lakers. They lost the championship in game five of the series. It was still quite an achievement because the Sixers had not been to the finals since Dr. J (Julius Erving) and Moses Malone led them to victory over the Lakers in 1983 in a 4-0 sweep. Iverson has over 20 tattoos. Each tattoo is a symbol of his life. One denotes the name of his group of friends he has known since childhood, Cru Thik, another who says the answer, another who is dedicated to his mom who is a strong presence as Sixers games, and many others. He married his high school sweetheart Tawanna Turner and they have two children.
Won the gold medal at World University Games with the US Team in 1995.
Named Big East Rookie of the Year 1995
Named Big East Defensive Player of the Year 1995, 1996.
1st pick in NBA Draft 1996
Was named MVP of the 2000-01 NBA season.
Attended Georgetown University from 1994 to 1996 where he was coached by the legendary John Thompson.
Drafted first overall by the Philadelphia 76ers in 96.
Rookie of the Year 1997.
NBA Rookie 1st Team 1997.
Rookie All-star game MVP in 1997.
NBA All Star 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
All Star Game MVP 2001, 2005.
NBA MVP 2001.(Shortest MVP in MVP history)
All NBA First Team 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005.
In 2001, Led the 76ers to their first NBA Finals appearance since 1983 (lost to the LA Lakers in 5 games).
Played for Georgetown University.
Played Quarterback in HS and led his school to state titles in football and basketball his senior year.
Under lifetime contract with Reebok.
Daughter Tiaura (b. 1995), son Allen II, or "Deuce" (b. 1998).
Led the Bethel High School Bruins (Hampton, Virginia) to the 1993 basketball and football state championship; the then-16 year old played point guard and quarterback.
Released a rap album, Slow Motion, with appearances by his friends Ma$e, Jermaine Dupri, Da Brat and Kool-G-Rap.
Georgetown University's all-time leading scorer.
Named after his father, Allen Broughton, who left the family and never married Iverson's mother.
Since 1998, he has hosted the Allen Iverson Celebrity Classic to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Hampton Roads, Virginia.
Lives on the same street as M. Night Shyamalan.
Wife Tawanna, gave birth to their 3rd child, Isaiah Rahsaan Iverson, the baby weighted 7 lbs. and was born at 9:30 A.M. on August 8, 2003.
He founded the Crossover Foundation.
Allen's third child, son Isaiah Rahsaan, was named for Isiah Thomas and the late Rahsaan Langford, Allen Iverson's close friend who was shot to death in October 2001.
Olympic Bronze Medalist (2004 - Basketball).
He and wife Tawanna welcomed their fourth child, daughter Messiah Lauren Iverson on August 16, 2005 at 11:47 AM, weighing 6 lbs, 12 ounces.
Currently playing for the Denver Nuggets

aba number 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最佳解答
Video of the latest Hook-Up featuring Allen Iverson with rappers Malice and Pusha T. ESPN The Magazine
One of the most controversial Basketball players of all time, Allen Iverson is one of the most loved and hated figures in Basketball. Born Allen Ezail Iverson in Hampton, Virginia, he grew up very poor to a struggling mother and a father who deserted him. Growing up, he was very athletic, playing football and basketball throughout most of his education prior to college. Iverson began focusing on basketball at his mother's insistence, despite wanting to be a football player. He proved to be a talented basketball player. At Bethel High School in Newport News, he began his high school basketball career. He developed a reputation of talking a lot and being uncoachable. To say he had a rough childhood is quite an understatement. On one of his places of residence, he walked through knee-deep sewage daily. During one summer, he witnessed the death of almost ten of his closest friends. Iverson first came to the national spotlight in 1993 in a controversial incident surrounding violent events at a bowling alley in Newport News. While the events that happened there will never be fully known, the generally accepted story is that some white students got into an argument with Iverson and his friends. The first question surrounding the event is whether he started it or if the white kids started it. Also, the question surrounded whether or not he assaulted a white woman by hitting her over the head with a chair. The prosecution insisted that surveillance tapes undoubtedly showed Iverson was the culprit, but in reality the tapes showed nothing conclusive. Two factors did him in at his hearing; first of all, two white people said they saw him assault the girl. Secondly, the judge was from the very conservative southeast Virginia establishment and did not have any sympathy for Iverson, his background or his talent. Seeing that Iverson requested a bench trial, this was crucial to his case. To add fuel to the fire, Allen Iverson flew in for the weekend from a tournament to be in Virginia for his trial. This played into the prosecution's hands and also upset the judge, both of whom saw this as evidence that Iverson did not respect the law. He was sentenced to a 5 -year jail term. This case sparked a tremendous amount of national attention. The case caught the interest of Bill Cosby and Spike Lee, who would be a fan and advocate of Iverson for many years. People all around the Newport News area started a movement to free Allen Iverson. He spent only four months in jail. Governor Douglas Wilder pardoned him. This move all but ended his political career and sparked another controversy. Wilder was also black, and white voters in Virginia viewed this move in a very racist light. Iverson was viewed now in much of white America as essentially a convicted felon who was out of prison only because a black man was governor of his state. Iverson got out conditionally, however. He had to adhere to a curfew and could not play basketball until he got his high school diploma. He could not accept a scholarship to the University of Kentucky but did get a scholarship once he completed his high school education in a learning center. During this time, he received his nickname, the answer. He was called such because his friends said he was the answer to basketball's conformity so to speak, people that conformed to this family friendly image, such as Charles Barkley, Isiah Thomas and most importantly, Michael Jordan, who was a childhood hero of his. He accepted a scholarship to Georgetown where John Thompson coached him. Thompson became somewhat of a father figure to him, but he was hard to manage, and the two had a workable but very turbulent relationship. Iverson completed only two years of his education where he became the top NBA draft pick in 1996. He was drafted by the ailing Philadelphia 76ers in 1996. Iverson is immersed in hip-hop culture. This made him an incredibly controversial figure in basketball. His clothing looked more like a gangster rappers than it did Michael Jordan's. On the court he seemed to embody the gangster rapper's image. He had an arm covering on one arm when he played, and also was one of the first players to have cornrows; a hairstyle up until that time was popular in prison. To make matters worse, he had an incredibly "in your face" style, which did not sit well with older players like Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and others. Jordan said of him when Jordan's Bulls played Iverson's 76ers, that he had no respect for the game. Despite this, no one denied Iverson's talent. He could hustle the ball, could get around even the tallest players. He became known for his fast drives to the baskets and his ability to fake the ball in a move called the crossover. Spike Lee lost respect for him when he turned down his invitation to star in the film He Got Game (1998). As a very pointed move, Lee cast former collegiate rival Ray Allen in the part. The Sixers found themselves suddenly a respectable team. They acquired a new coach, the unusual Larry Brown. As a player in the ABA almost twenty years ago, Brown was also a young outsider fighting the system. Larry Brown now was a button-down-suit-and-tie coach. The two did not get along well at first; in fact, their relationship at best was serviceable. Brown was always unhappy with Iverson for not showing up to practice. Iverson insisted his game was pure inspiration, and he had little need for practice. The two rarely saw eye to eye. He received a tremendous number of awards in his short career. He was named rookie of the year in 1997, and on more than one occasion, he was an All NBA First Team, NBA All Star, was an All Star MVP, and received perhaps what was his crowning achievement to date when he was NBA MVP in 2001. That year, Iverson led his team to the NBA finals, but had a rough ride against Kobe Bryant and 'Shaquille ONeal's Lakers. They lost the championship in game five of the series. It was still quite an achievement because the Sixers had not been to the finals since Dr. J (Julius Erving) and Moses Malone led them to victory over the Lakers in 1983 in a 4-0 sweep. Iverson has over 20 tattoos. Each tattoo is a symbol of his life. One denotes the name of his group of friends he has known since childhood, Cru Thik, another who says the answer, another who is dedicated to his mom who is a strong presence as Sixers games, and many others. He married his high school sweetheart Tawanna Turner and they have two children.
Won the gold medal at World University Games with the US Team in 1995.
Named Big East Rookie of the Year 1995
Named Big East Defensive Player of the Year 1995, 1996.
1st pick in NBA Draft 1996
Was named MVP of the 2000-01 NBA season.
Attended Georgetown University from 1994 to 1996 where he was coached by the legendary John Thompson.
Drafted first overall by the Philadelphia 76ers in 96.
Rookie of the Year 1997.
NBA Rookie 1st Team 1997.
Rookie All-star game MVP in 1997.
NBA All Star 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007.
All Star Game MVP 2001, 2005.
NBA MVP 2001.(Shortest MVP in MVP history)
All NBA First Team 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005.
In 2001, Led the 76ers to their first NBA Finals appearance since 1983 (lost to the LA Lakers in 5 games).
Played for Georgetown University.
Played Quarterback in HS and led his school to state titles in football and basketball his senior year.
Under lifetime contract with Reebok.
Daughter Tiaura (b. 1995), son Allen II, or "Deuce" (b. 1998).
Led the Bethel High School Bruins (Hampton, Virginia) to the 1993 basketball and football state championship; the then-16 year old played point guard and quarterback.
Released a rap album, Slow Motion, with appearances by his friends Ma$e, Jermaine Dupri, Da Brat and Kool-G-Rap.
Georgetown University's all-time leading scorer.
Named after his father, Allen Broughton, who left the family and never married Iverson's mother.
Since 1998, he has hosted the Allen Iverson Celebrity Classic to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Hampton Roads, Virginia.
Lives on the same street as M. Night Shyamalan.
Wife Tawanna, gave birth to their 3rd child, Isaiah Rahsaan Iverson, the baby weighted 7 lbs. and was born at 9:30 A.M. on August 8, 2003.
He founded the Crossover Foundation.
Allen's third child, son Isaiah Rahsaan, was named for Isiah Thomas and the late Rahsaan Langford, Allen Iverson's close friend who was shot to death in October 2001.
Olympic Bronze Medalist (2004 - Basketball).
He and wife Tawanna welcomed their fourth child, daughter Messiah Lauren Iverson on August 16, 2005 at 11:47 AM, weighing 6 lbs, 12 ounces.
Currently playing for the Denver Nuggets

aba number 在 ABA routing transit number - Wikipedia 的相關結果
In the United States, an ABA routing transit number (ABA RTN) is a nine-digit code printed on the bottom of checks to identify the financial institution on ... ... <看更多>
aba number 在 电汇编码Swift CODE、 IBAN CODE 及ABA CODE的区别与联系 的相關結果
ABA是指美國銀行家協會(American Bankers Association ),按照其標準制定的一個銀行帳戶號碼,通常是美國的銀行才有,9位數字,叫做ABA Number, ... ... <看更多>
aba number 在 ABA Routing Number - American Bankers Association 的相關結果
The ABA routing number was developed by the American Bankers Association in 1910. It identifies the specific financial institution responsible for the ... ... <看更多>