身邊有些朋友知道我計畫性地轉為home schooling (自學),彼此也經常交換意見。
每個家庭home school的經驗也都不盡相同
不論你是因為有四處旅居的需求?孩子有special needs? 宗教信仰?還是因為像我們這樣對於社區/疫情有安全考量,反正就是個決定,看妳覺得是不是適合你家的孩子
我單純只是覺得學區的課程對我來說有點浪費時間,畢竟小孩要學的東西很多,老母我沒有耐心一一盯著😂 希望有效率一點趕快完成。home school比較能針對個別孩子的需求去強化他擅長的領域或補足落後的科目,上課的方式完全由媽媽自己制定where, when and how
我還是新手幼幼班菜鳥,目前還是跟著學區的課,沒有直接withdraw (但之後會申請改為part time students)
但是下課之後就以我自己制定的課表在學習(嗯⋯沒在管學校功課,只要有交就好,主要以媽媽的功課為重點)。學區其實在你file declaration 之後也有蠻多支援,還是可以參加學校限定時數的課程,所以沒什麼好擔心啦!
👉🏻如果想知道要不要開始?欸⋯只能問自己啊😂 我沒有答案,但很推薦盡量參與自學社團,有很多前輩分享寶貴經驗。
(以下只是option 1,Homeschooling under the homeschool statute是我考慮的。還有option 2 Homeschooling with a private or denominational school 大家可以自己研究)
1. Meet the teacher qualifications.
You must be qualified to operate a homeschool program by either:
instructing only your child and being supervised by a certificated person (i.e., the certificated person and the parent together plan the educational objectives; the certificated person has a minimum average of one contact hour per week with the child; and the certificated person evaluates the child’s progress); or
instructing only your child and having either 45 college quarter credits or the equivalent in semester credits (approximately 30 semester credits, since one quarter credit equals two-thirds of a semester credit); or
instructing only your child and having completed a course in home-based education at a postsecondary institution or a vocational-technical institute (these courses generally do not require an extensive time commitment); or
instructing only your child and being “deemed sufficiently qualified to provide home-based instruction by the superintendent of the local school district.”
2. File a notice of intent.
You must annually file a signed declaration of intent to homeschool by September 15 or within two weeks of the beginning of any public school quarter, trimester, or semester. File with the local superintendent or with the superintendent of a nonresident district that accepts the homeschool student as a transfer student. The declaration must include the name and age of your child, specify whether a certificated person will be supervising the instruction, and be written in a format prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction. HSLDA has a declaration of intent form available for our members’ use, which you can find below.
3. Teach for the required number of days.
You must teach 180 days per year, or average 1,000 hours per year.
4. Teach the required subjects.
Your homeschool curriculum must include occupational education, science, math, language, social studies, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, and the development of an appreciation of art and music.
5. Conduct an annual assessment.
You have two options for the required annual assessments. The results of the assessment do not need to be submitted to the public schools but must be retained as part of your child’s permanent school record.
The assessment options are:
Ensure that a standardized test approved by the state board is administered annually to your child by a “qualified” person (i.e. anyone qualified by the test publisher to administer the test), or
Have your child evaluated by a certificated person.
僅此附上我新開張的 #羅比媽自學小教室 照片,目前只有兩個實驗生就是了~哈哈哈
abeka homeschool 在 Abeka Homeschool - YouTube 的推薦與評價
For over 40 years, Abeka has partnered with homeschooling families to provide everything they need to teach with confidence.Digital textbooks and teaching ... ... <看更多>
abeka homeschool 在 14 Abeka Academy ideas - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Jul 25, 2021 - Explore Abeka's board "Abeka Academy", followed by 1939 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about abeka, abeka academy, homeschool. ... <看更多>
abeka homeschool 在 Abeka Homeschool - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
For over 40 years, Abeka has partnered with homeschooling families to provide everything they need to teach with confidence. Whether it be digital textbooks ... ... <看更多>