其實香港真係好多特別嘅酒舖。去咗好有個性同好法國嘅Premier Cru試法國Alsace葡萄酒試酒會,但係去錯咗試酒時間!!好彩店主好人,照比我試咗3支其中1支Alsace 葡萄酒!有運呀!😆試咗法國Alsace 嘅Domaine Weinbach "Cuvée Théo" Riesling 2016年,充滿白花、白桃、礦物及檸檬等味,清爽而優雅。Alsace 免費試酒會將於今個星期五晚上6-8時,你有時間快d去支持下啦!Cheers! 🥂
Hong Kong has got many interesting wine shops! I just visited Premier Cru wine shop. It’s one of the indigenous & cool French wine shops! I went there for Alsace wine tasting, but I mixed up the time and date! Lucky that the shop owner still offers me to try one of the 3 Alsace wines for tasting! 😆 I tried Alsace Riesling, Domaine Weinbach "Cuvée Théo" 2016. It’s elegant with white flowers, white peach, mineral & lemon curd notes. If you have time, the right tasting time is this Friday at 6-8pm! Come and try! Cheers! 🥂
#DrinkAlsace AlsaceWines Alsace Wine Official Hong Kong #alsace #alsacewine #alsacewinetasting #wine #winetasting #riesling