Thank you FB Page: Farah Ridwan & Co for sending me this gift, the Wal Asr Men's anti clockwise watch. A simple yet elegant watch and suits my personality.
The last watch that I had, when I was 14 😅 , so when IG @farahridwanco send a watch to me, I guess, no more reasons for being late 🤣🤣🤣.
Thanks once again to FarahRidwanCo and if you would like to purchase it, you may DM, PM or go to their website
And best of all, the price is just $49! It’s very affordable compared to other Arabic Anticlockwise watch.
Some interesting infos bout anti clockwise;
Anticlockwise movement are everywhere around us. Positive energy flows from your left to your right! 🤗
The main vein takes blood from left to right then bring it to the heart, aided by suction.
We muslims circumambulate the Kaabah seven times, the planet earth that we are living in rotates around the most powerful star in the universe, the Sun in anticlockwise direction!
Guys, it’s best to use this anticlock watch on your left wrist to protect their chronometers from damage.
#macam👍 #anticlockwisewatch #farahridwanco