之前就看過Tenet 「天能」,
覺得Christopher Nolan真的是鬼才,
John David Washington很有個人魅力,
至於Robert Pattinson,明顯看得出來他比在Twilight暮光之城裡更快樂、更得心應手!
也是Christopher Nolan的作品:Inception 「全面啟動」,
🎞 俐媽英文電影—天能篇part 1️⃣:
🧩 tenet (n.) 教條;原則(電影順它的音,翻譯成「天能」)
🧩 twilight (n.) 暮光
🧩 dusk (n.) 黃昏
🧩 cloakroom (n.) 衣帽間
🧩 grab (v.) 抓
🧩 sewer (n.) 污水道
🧩 synchronize (v.) 同步發生
🧩 detonate (v.) 引爆;觸發💣
🧩 risky (a.) 有風險的
🧩 spare (v.) 省下;留下
🧩 afterlife (n.) 來生
🧩 coma (n.) 昏迷
🧩 squad (n.) (特警/攻堅)小隊
🧩 mercenary (n.) 傭兵
🧩 resign (v.) 辭職
🧩 transcend (v.) 超越
🧩 interest (n.) 利益💰
🧩 gesture (n.) 手勢
🧩 threat (n.) 威脅
🧩 nuclear war (n.) 核戰
🧩 magazine (n.) 彈匣(它不只是雜誌喔~)
🧩 entropy (n.) 熵(⚠️俐媽還特別叫念理工科的師丈解釋給我聽)
🧩 reverse (v.) 逆轉
🧩 cause-and-effect relationship 因果關係
🧩 free will (n.) 自由意志
🧩 intuition (n.) 直覺
🧩 ammunition (n.) 彈藥🔫
🧩 alloy (n.) 合金
🧩 Armageddon (n.) 世界末日
🧩 ally (n.) 盟友
🧩 yacht (n.) 遊艇🛥️
🧩 hostage (n.) 人質
🧩 parachute (n.)(v.) (乘)降落傘🪂
🧩 intrude (v.) 入侵
🧩 assumption (n.) 假定
🧩 reduction (n.) 歸納
🧩 negotiate (v.) 協商;談判
🧩 client (n.) 客戶
🧩 tycoon (n.) 大亨
🧩 Plutonium (n.) 鈽
🧩 broker (n.) 掮客
🧩 protagonist (n.) 主人翁
🧩 intelligence (n.) 情報
🧩 abandon (v.) 拋棄
🧩 ace (n.) 王牌
🧩 auction(n.)(v.) 拍賣(會)
🧩 forgery (n.) 假造
🧩 budget (n.) 預算
🧩 evaluation (n.) 估價
🧩 fraud (n.) 詐騙
🧩 jealous (a.) 嫉妒的
🧩 betrayal (n.) 背叛
🧩 accusation (n.) 控訴
🧩 atonement (n.) 贖罪
🧩 lava (n.) 熔岩🌋
🧩 investment (n.) 投資
🧩 antique (n.) 古董
🧩 warehouse (n.) 倉庫
🧩 opaque (a.) 不透明的;暗的
🧩 vault (n.) 金庫
🧩 terminal (n.) 航廈
🧩 customs (n.) 海關🛃
- 關於atonement翻譯 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於atonement翻譯 在 [翻譯] 7.2.5 戒律指南by Total (FocusedWill) - 看板WOW 的評價
- 關於atonement翻譯 在 認識贖罪日的意義Understanding the Day of Atonement or ... 的評價
- 關於atonement翻譯 在 謝罪atonement (n)... - 道地學英文Learning English American ... 的評價
- 關於atonement翻譯 在 [閒聊] 大家看過Atonement Camp嗎(韓漫) - C_Chat - PTT情感 ... 的評價
- 關於atonement翻譯 在 [閒聊] 大家看過Atonement Camp嗎(韓漫) - C_Chat | PTT Web 的評價
atonement翻譯 在 認識贖罪日的意義Understanding the Day of Atonement or ... 的推薦與評價

認識贖罪日的意義Understanding the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur │國度禾場事工Kingdom Harvest Ministries 翻譯 · Next:. ... <看更多>
atonement翻譯 在 謝罪atonement (n)... - 道地學英文Learning English American ... 的推薦與評價
謝罪atonement (n) 大多數人說他應該辭職謝罪。 Most said he should resign in atonement. ... 實用美語翻譯. Never look down on others when you can't achieve ... ... <看更多>
atonement翻譯 在 [翻譯] 7.2.5 戒律指南by Total (FocusedWill) - 看板WOW 的推薦與評價
《Introduction 介紹》
Discipline Priests are healers that heal through a mix of casting heals on
allies and damaging enemies. The entire spec revolves around the Atonement
mechanic, which is a buff applied by some spells which then causes all damage
done to heal whoever it was placed on.
While some healing is done by the Atonement applicators and a few other
effects, most healing ends up being done by Atonement itself which comes from
a variety of damaging spells. In this guide, we will explore how to most
effectively heal with this unique healing spec.
《Discipline in Raids 團隊中的戒牧》
In raids, the name of the game is efficiency. Cooldowns should be used often
and in the most effective manner possible, and non-cooldown spells should be
used in a way to get the most value out of your time and mana spent using
them. How exactly this happens will change a lot depending on a given fight's
damage pattern, but it will usually involve a steady stream of Atonement
applicators and damage spells with spikes of healing around Power Word:
Radiance, which applies Atonement to 5 people instead of just 1.
《Core Spells 核心技能》
Power Word: Shield 真言術.盾
Power Word: Shield is the most efficient single target healing spell
Discipline has. Don't be fooled by its initially low absorb and higher mana
cost than Plea; after artifact traits PWS is a massive absorb with a long
enough duration to almost always get used. Unless you have something very
specific you want to be doing instead, using PWS on cooldown is a good start.
Penance 懺悟
Penance is Discipline's primary damage ability. It does a lot of damage very
quickly and is where the bulk of rotational Atonement healing will come from.
Penance does have the option to be cast on an ally to heal them directly,
however the healing done by Atonement when Penance is used for damage quickly
outscales its direct healing, as early as having only 3 Atonements active.
This spell should also be used on cooldown unless there is something very
specific you would rather be doing.
Shadow Word: Pain 暗言術.痛
Shadow Word: Pain (also called Purge the Wicked if that talent is selected)
is a moderately efficient damage spell on its own, so it should be cast on
any targets that will live long enough to heal for its full duration. The one
exception is the Power of the Dark Side trait, which drives a Penance buff
based on RPPM from SWP ticks, so at least one SWP should always be active
somewhere to generate Power of the Dark Side procs.
Plea 祈求
Plea applies Atonement to one target and heals them for a little bit. It is
cheap and a good way to get out more Atonements if you have a lot of time and
don't mind spending a bit of mana.
Shadow Mend 暗影癒合
Shadow Mend is Plea's big brother. It costs almost twice as much mana but
delivers a big heal when it drops, some of which falls off if the target
doesn't take damage soon. Use it when you want to get Atonements out but also
want to do some heavy spot healing and Rapture is on cooldown.
Smite 懲擊
Smite is an ultra cheap damage spell. If you have nothing else to do and have
a decent number of Atonements active (6+), press Smite and keep on pressing
it until you find something better (Penance, PWS, PWR) to do or Atonements
need to be reapplied.
Power Word: Radiance 真言術.輝
Power Word: Radiance hits your target plus the 4 allies within 30 yards of
your target that have the lowest health and do not have Atonement. Its
Atonements also only last for 9 seconds instead of 15. Having an 18 second
recharge should make PWR's purpose fairly obvious: use it when you want to
heal a lot of people very quickly, but use it intelligently or risk not
having it when you really need it. Having 2 charges opens up some huge burst
healing options, and is mostly how PWR is used in conjunction with some other
very important cooldowns.
TL;DR 總結
Use Power Word: Shield on cooldown for cheap Atonements and big shields, keep
Shadow Word: Pain (or Purge the Wicked with talent) up on whatever targets it
makes sense to, and Penance on cooldown for efficient damage. Between these
abilities, use Plea and Smite to put out and heal your Atonements, or use
Shadow Mend to burn extra mana on some more healing. Use Power Word: Radiance
to heal a lot of people, followed by Penance and Smite to heal them for even
more for a while. Doing this will get you through any Normal or Heroic raid
in the game.
《Cooldowns 爆發性技能》
Using cooldowns appropriately is where most of the skill cap of Discipline
comes in for raids. Before diving in, keep in mind that Atonement does more
healing the more damage you can do while it is up, and every point of damage
does more healing with more Atonements active. This means that it is often
most efficient to stack a lot of Atonements on top of a lot of damage rather
than spreading it all out. Of course, there are limits to this idea as you
can't heal people past 100% health, so we will advise which cooldowns to use
together and which ones to use separately.
Power Word: Radiance 真言術.輝
Power Word: Radiance Remember this guy? One unique aspect of PWR is that it
has an 18 second recharge, but with 2 charges, which means there is the
normal singular use of PWR that you can do every 18 seconds on average, or
you can use 2 PWRs in a row if you go 36 seconds without using PWR at all. In
its own special way, PWRx2 is its own cooldown that is outside of the normal
rotational healing Disc does, however using it comes at the cost of
rotational PWR for a while both before and after using PWRx2. At a whopping
10 Atonements applied for a total of ~3 seconds of cast time (after Haste),
using PWRx2 is quite powerful even if you don't do anything else special.
Evangelism 祈福
Evangelism is a level 100 talent with a 75 second cooldown, but one that we
almost always have in a raid. For the low price of one GCD, all active
Atonements get extended by 7 seconds. Evangelism can be used on its own
rotationally for a nice boost, however that is far from the most efficient
way to use this cooldown. When Evangelism is used with PWRx2 as well as some
Atonements set up beforehand with PWS and Plea, we can have 15+ Atonements
active for well over 10 seconds straight. This is the Evangelism Combo, and
is one of the strongest healing “abilities” in the game. By guaranteeing
many Atonements for a good 10-12 seconds, we can use the guiding principle
mentioned at the beginning of this section to bust out tons of healing by
shoving as much damage as we can into this combo without going overboard.
祈福是個100等天賦,CD 75秒,戒牧在團隊中的不二選擇。只要用一個GCD就能讓現存所有
Shadowfiend 暗影惡魔
Shadowfiend is a powerful 3 minute damage cooldown that makes a pet which
attacks your target for 12 seconds, dealing more than a Smite's worth of
damage each time it hits. It is best used when you have a lot of Atonements
out (outside of Evangelism unless you want it to overheal entirely) and
either cannot Smite for a while or just really want to pile on the healing.
Consider using it before Rapture or before you intend to use PWR.
Rapture 狂喜
Rapture removes the cooldown from PWS for a while, which allows a big
Atonement blanket across the raid as well as some nice shields for a small
amount of mana. This is a good supplement between Evangelism Combos to bust
out some extra raid healing when it's needed. You can cast Penance during
Rapture, but only if a lot of people with Atonement are not at full health.
Light's Wrath 聖光之怒
Light's Wrath scales exponentially with number of Atonements (more damage
with more Atonements and more healing with more Atonements = exponential
scaling!). Coincidentally, it only has a 15 second longer cooldown than
Evangelism, so more often than not you will be able to LW with Evangelism. If
you must use it somewhere else, use it after Rapture or 2 PWRs to get some
value out of it.
Power Word: Barrier 真言術.壁
Power Word: Barrier is great when the entire raid (or at least most of the
raid) can stack up under it and take a lot less damage. With the Barrier For
the Devoted trait, you also do double Atonement healing to people under it,
so it's a good time to use with a spare PWR and Shadowfiend or Light's Wrath.
TL;DR 總結
Identify when the raid will take the most damage each ~75-90 seconds and plan
the Evangelism Combo around it (Plea/PWS into PWRx2 into
LW/Evangelism/Penance/SmitexLots). Use spare PWRs, Rapture, Shadowfiend, and
Barrier to help fill in the gaps between Combos along with the gameplay in
the Core.
《Talents - Raid 團隊天賦》
These talent selections are aimed mostly at Mythic raiding. Some rows are
more forgiving if you want to take something else, while other rows are not.
We will specify how much the choice matters and provides reasons why each
talent is different.
Level 15 - Twist of Fate 命運無常 - Castigation 厲懲 - Schism 暗影分裂
Usually Take - Twist of Fate. Twist of Fate is a very powerful passive that
essentially increases healing by 20% when it matters most. Don't fall into
the trap of thinking that you can figure out exactly how much healing it is
providing just by looking at its uptime on WarcraftLogs. Instead, use the
Disc Priest Analyzer located here.
Sometimes Take - Castigation. Castigation also passively increases healing.
Again, see the Analyzer for your particular situation. However, Twist of Fate
will generally be more healing on most circumstances.
Never Take - Schism. What will become a running theme is that extra abilities
that cost mana and time are generally poorly balanced against passive talents
that increase healing with no cost. It's a long explanation to get into the
details, but suffice it to say that Schism is one of these abilities.
Level 30 - Angelic Feather 天使之羽 - Body and Soul 身心合一 - Masochism 受虐
Usually Take - Angelic Feather. Without any other mobility to rely on except
a very small speed boost while channeling Penance, Feather is the premium
mobility spell available to Discipline and is needed to simply do mechanics
most of the time.
Sometimes Take - Masochism. If you really don't need movement on a particular
fight, Masochism is some extra healing value as it turns a self-Shadow Mend
into an extremely powerful spell. However, often you will take less damage and
do more healing if you just moved a little more quickly.
Never Take - Body and Soul. Power Word: Shield is just too good of an ability
for healing to be wasting it on movement. If you really want to make a friend
move more quickly, move faster yourself and use Leap of Faith on them or just
learn how to place Feathers under friends.
Level 45 - Shining Force 閃耀力場 - Psychic Voice 心靈之聲 - Dominant Mind 心控
As a CC row, this row practically never matters. The only even potentially
raid-useful talent here is Shining Force, and even then making a healer spend
mana on an ability many DPS have would be pretty cruel.
Level 60 - Power Word: Solace慰 - Shield Discipline護盾戒律 - Mindbender屈心魔
Usually Take - Shield Discipline. It may be a little boring, but will
generally give you the most bang for your buck.
Maybe Take - Mindbender . If for whatever reason a fight does not make use of
extra mana (Tichondrius in Nighthold was a good example), Mindbender is a
good way to get some additional throughput.
Never Take - Power Word: Solace. It's just not better than the other two in
any way except in PvP.
Level 75 - Sanctuary 庇護 - Clarity of Will 意志清明 - Shadow Covenant 暗影聖約
Usually Take - Sanctuary. Being the only talent on the row that increases
healing without forcing us to be inefficient, Sanctuary is an easy default.
However, even Sanctuary will never be more than 2-4% increased healing, so if
the circumstances call for it, taking something else is not a big punishment.
Maybe Take - Clarity of Will or Shadow Covenant. Perhaps a fight exists where
stacking a big absorb on someone via Grace/Clarity of Will/Power Word: Shield
completely cheeses a mechanic. Maybe a fight exists with near-infinite mana,
making Shadow Covenant a better filler than Smite or Plea. These are
possibilities, but they are remote.
Level 90 - Purge the Wicked 驅淨邪惡 - Divine Star 神性之星 - Halo 輝環
Usually Take - Purge the Wicked. On a single target, this is a ~20% upgrade
to Shadow Word: Pain in the damage and mana departments. That's good enough
to be better than Halo most of the time, but on any fight where being able to
Penance and spread PtW is possible, this talent is far better than the other
Sometimes Take - Halo. On a purely single target fight with bursty raid
damage, consider Halo.
Never Take - Divine Star. Worse than Halo in every circumstance.
Level 100 - Power Infusion 注入能量 - Grace 恩典 - Evangelism 祈福
Usually Take - Evangelism. As explained above, Evangelism is what some might
call “pretty good.”
Sometimes Take - Grace. However, say a fight consists of almost nothing
except random single target damage that sits on individual targets for 5-10
seconds who need heavy spot healing or they will die. Grace is very good at
dealing with that situation. It may also be used in a theoretical Clarity of
Will cheese scenario.
Never Take - Power Infusion. What's better than a cooldown that moderately
increases healing for 20 seconds every 2 minutes? Probably one that increases
your healing by 200-300% for 8 seconds every minute.
《Discipline in Dungeons 地城中的戒牧》
Thankfully dungeons are much more straight-forward. In a nutshell, Atonement
is for multi-target healing and Shadow Mend/PWS are for single target healing.
The talents change the bulk of the gameplay, but in short I will simply copy
the “Core” part of Disc raid healing because it is mostly the same.
TL;DR Use Power Word: Shield on cooldown for cheap Atonements and big
shields, keep Shadow Word: Pain (or Purge the Wicked with talent) up on
whatever targets it makes sense to, and Penance on cooldown for efficient
damage. Between these abilities, use Plea and Smite to put out and heal your
Atonements, or use Shadow Mend to burn extra mana on some more healing. Use
Power Word: Radiance to heal a lot of people, followed by Penance and Smite
to heal them for even more for a while. If the tank is dying, spam Shadow
Mend until they are no longer dying.
《Talents - Dungeon 地城天賦》
In dungeons, due to the Mythic Keystone (or M+) system, dungeons can either
be very easy or very difficult to heal. If they are easy, there are options
to focus more on DPS and contribute to finishing the dungeon more quickly. We
will be pointing out these differences.
Level 15 - Twist of Fate 命運無常 - Castigation 厲懲 - Schism 暗影分裂
If the dungeon is hard to heal - Twist of Fate. Tanks get chunked very low
very quickly and you will always be healing them, so Twist of Fate is up
almost all of the time in any hard dungeon and is very good at helping the
group stay alive.
If you want more DPS - Castigation or Schism. Both talents increase DPS more
than a low-uptime ToF does and in different flavors. Schism may allow pushing
out even more DPS, however Castigation may be safer if things turn rough.
Level 30 - Angelic Feather 天使之羽 - Body and Soul 身心合一 - Masochism 受虐
Always Take - Angelic Feather. Keeping up with the group can be very
difficult without Feathers. Even if the dungeon is easy, it will add more DPS
than the other options.
Level 45 - Shining Force 閃耀力場 - Psychic Voice 心靈之聲 - Dominant Mind 心控
Always Take - Shining Force. Knockbacks are great, but fears are not.
For Fun - Dominant Mind. This talent is pretty silly, doesn't work very often,
and contributes very little DPS unless you find a mob that hasn't been nerfed
yet. It is, however, great fun and a nice way to make easy runs a little more
Level 60 - Power Word: Solace慰 - Shield Discipline護盾戒律 - Mindbender屈心魔
Always Take - Mindbender. Mana isn't relevant in 5 mans if you abuse mana
potions or just drinking, and Mindbender is simply the most throughput option
Level 75 - Sanctuary 庇護 - Clarity of Will 意志清明 - Shadow Covenant 暗影聖約
Usually Take - ???. The most boring raid talent row becomes the most
interesting 5 man talent row as CoW and SC's mana costs no longer make them
nearly unusable. If the tank needs an extra buffer, CoW might be good. If you
are dealing with an affix like Bursting or Grievous, Shadow Covenent to heal
up those pesky debuffs is a viable option. If you don't feel like doing
either, Sanctuary is, as always a decent passive.
Level 90 - Purge the Wicked 驅淨邪惡 - Divine Star 神性之星 - Halo 輝環
Usually Take - Purge the Wicked or Halo. Again, the choice depends a lot on
level and affix. Halo is better for mobs that die quickly and as an extra
group healing button, while PtW gets crazy with a lot of mobs that live for a
Level 100 - Power Infusion 注入能量 - Grace 恩典 - Evangelism 祈福
Usually Take - Grace for Single Target damage or Power Infusion for group
healing and DPS. In 5 mans, one use of PWR puts Atonement on the entire group
and can be chained for up to 30 seconds straight just with PWRs normal
cooldown. With Shadow Covenant also being a potential option, Evangelism has
little to no use in 5 mans. However, Grace is great for tank healing or
single-target debuffs, while Power Infusion is great for slamming out the
Smites and Mindbender damage.
《Stats 屬性》
Josh (Method) maintains an excellent spreadsheet for comparing Disc's stats.
Go to File → Make a Copy for your own editable version. You can also find
Trinket evaluations here.
A TL;DR of the sheet is that Haste is Disc's best stat by a bit, followed by
everything else with Mastery fluctuating up and down based on how much of
your total healing is done by Atonement.
Haste in this sheet does not have its own independent calculation but instead
is simply automatically rated higher than other stats to adequately fill out
a set of stat weights. There's a very in-depth conversation to be had about
why Haste is good for Disc specifically, but for now let's just say that we
know it's good and just don't have a great way of mathematically modeling
exactly how good.
《Relics 聖物》
An often-asked question is which relics are good. Below is a list of roughly
how many weapon items levels each trait is worth.
懺悟傷害 - +3 ilvl
痛傷害 - +2 ilvl
贖罪減傷 - +2 ilvl
盾變厚 - +2 ilvl
狂喜時間增加 - +1 ilvl
預支時間 - +1 ilvl
其他 - +0 ilvls.
《Legendaries 橘裝》
Discipline has access to many legendaries, some of which are situational,
some are all-around good, and some are rarely, if ever, useful. Below we will
cover each and every legendary (minus crafted) available to Discipline
Priests, from generally most useful to generally least useful for raids. This
is not a hard ranking of pieces and is highly subjective in areas, but we
will do our best to advise on how or when each is useful. Some dungeon advice
will be given, but we won't be focusing on comparing these for dungeons.
Velen's Future Sight (trinket) 費倫的未來之視(飾品)
Velen's Future Sight is hands-down one of, if not the most powerful pieces of
healing equipment ever introduced to the game. On its face, it's a stat stick
trinket (which is already pretty good compared to most trinket options)
with a healing boost on a medium length cooldown. In practice, the overhealing
redistribution portion of the trinket is by far the most useful. On a typical
fight, the healing redistribution alone is anywhere from 3-6% of total healing,
and that's not counting the 3-5% healing boost from the direct healing increase
For Discipline, this effect gets even stronger as Atonement often ends up
sitting around on people that reach full health quickly sometimes. Other
healers heal people, people heal themselves, and people use defensive
cooldowns that cause them to take less damage than the rest of the raid.
These people end up at full health, and normally your ticking dots, pet,
Penances, Smites, or Light's Wraths just end up overhealing. Using Velen's
turns all of that into effective healing that would otherwise be wasted.
All of this put together makes Velen's Future Sight the best legendary
available to Discipline, and should always be equipped in raids if you have
it, no exceptions.
Soul of the High Priest (ring) 大祭司之魂(戒指)
Soul of the High Priest is a legendary added in 7.2.5 (acquired through the
normal drop system). Discipline gets Twist of Fate, which essentially allows
us to always talent Castigation, which means you can more or less think of
this ring as a 33% boost to Penance (25% with T20 2p).
This item isn't very complicated. That kind of boost to Penance would be a
6-9% total increase in healing, which is just great. Boosting Penance is an
all-around healing increase that benefits sustained and burst healing more
than pretty much anything else besides Velen's. It does have a bit fewer
stats than rings normally do, but that's more than made up for with its effect.
Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus (neck) 情人項鍊(首飾)
Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus is a necklace with a bit of extra stats and
some self-healing in the form of a free auto-renewing absorb. It's not
uncommon for the absorb alone to be over 5% of your healing, and that's on
top of the extra 1-2% throughput the additional stats give over other
legendaries. There's also a kind of immeasurable benefit to never needing to
sacrifice your overall healing to try to keep yourself alive as most of the
time this essentially reduces the number of people you need to worry about
healing to 19 instead of 20. Although a simple item, Prydaz is great for any
form of content.
Xalan the Feared's Clutch (gloves) 「可怖者」薩蘭之執(手套)
Xalan the Feared's Clench is like Prydaz, only a bit different. When you have
Atonement, using Penance extends it. This becomes nearly permanent even
without Castigation and also provides slight benefits over Prydaz's effect
in the extra Sins of the Many stack. Where Xalan falls short of Prydaz though
is that it requires Atonement to already be up to get the benefit, and while
it can be easily applied before a fight even starts, if it ever drops off
then Atonement must be reapplied. On the other hand, Xalan doesn't give the
extra stats Prydaz does and also sits in a tier slot that can make gearing
awkward sometimes. For these reasons, it's slightly worse than Prydaz, but
overall still great.
Cord of Maiev, Priestess of the Moon (belt) 瑪翼夫之索.月之祭司(腰帶)
Cord of Maiev, Priestess of the Moon is a bit of an oddball legendary. Cord
of Maiev does not really give any extra healing at all outside of Evangelism,
as it often costs more mana than it's worth to use Penance that often.It is
great for powering up Evangelism or even spread out PWRs, but what it might
lack in a healing boost it makes up for with a massive DPS boost. If burst
healing and DPS is what you're looking for, Cord of Maiev is for you.
Estel, Dejahna's Inspiration (chest) 艾斯戴爾.德亞娜的鼓舞
Estel, Dejahna's Inspiration gives 1% haste for each Atonement you have
active for 8 seconds each time you Plea. This plays out as an odd sort of
maintenance buff where Plea essentially does not have a GCD cost every so
often, but still costs mana. It allows weaving in an extra Smite now and
then, but overall can be thought of as an additional 6-8% haste. This makes
Estel solid, but not a great legendary.
Skjoldr, Sanctuary of Ivagont (bracers) 斯科喬得.伊瓦剛聖域(手腕)
Skjoldr, Sanctuary of Ivagont starts to get into the more utility-focused
legendaries. While it does have a 15% straight increase to PW:S (worth around
a 2% healing increase overall), it falls short of most of the legendaries
focused solely on healing increases. The real purpose of this piece is the
Pain Suppression cooldown reduction, which can get it down to 1.5-2 minutes
instead of 3.5, which makes it a decent legendary for dungeons. However, in
raids, that Pain Suppression is difficult to make good use of and there are
much better tools available in any raid that do the same thing but better.
Skjoldr is an okay legendary to wear if you don't have anything better and
you shouldn't be sad to see it, but it won't be winning any awards.
Sephuz's Secret (ring) 好朋友戒指
Sephuz's Secret is basically a ring that gives 2% haste and 10% movement
speed, because you will almost never see the proc in a raid except on some
very, very specific fights. Fortunately, a ring that gives an extra 2% haste
and 10% speed is really not that bad compared to some of the things further
down the list. It even has Crit and more Haste on it, wow!
Should you find yourself in a fight where you can actually dispel somebody to
proc the effect, Sephuz is surprisingly good. How good it is really depends
on how well that dispel lines up with when you might want to PWR or Rapture.
This one is kind of a wild card, so consider asking Discord if it's any good
on a specific fight.
Inner Hallation (shoulder) 心靈之輝(肩膀)
Inner Hallation sometimes gives Power Infusion (haste and mana cost
reduction) for 9 seconds after PWR. You know what else gives haste, is not
random, and is up a lot more often? Estel. In short, Inner Hallation is a
poor man's Estel on a good day. On a bad day it will proc on back to back
PWRs and then not proc again for 2 minutes, and it sits in a tier slot.
Use it if you're just starting out and have gotten a bad run of legendary
luck, and move on as soon as you can.
Norgannon's Foresight (boots) 好朋友鞋子
Norgannon's Foresight gives a bit under 2% extra Crit. Realistically, that's
the benefit you'll be seeing the most as the sum total of spells you might
really need to cast on the move that you can't stand still for 3 seconds for
include Smite and Shadow Mend. There's a possibility that some fight somewhere
just so happens to require you to PWR while moving for a specific mechanic, but
by that deep into Mythic you'll have better legendaries anyway.
N'ero, Band of Promises (ring) 尼羅.誓約指環(戒指)
N'ero, Band of Promises has a strange tooltip, but essentially it means when
you cast Penance at an enemy, the damage it does will pretend like everyone
under Barrier has Atonement for that spell only (if they already have
Atonement, it still only heals them once). On paper this seems pretty cool,
but in practice getting more than a few people under a Barrier for any length
of time only happens on some fights already, and even on those you typically
want to do much more than just one Penance worth of healing.
N'ero is best used as a mana saver, when you want to throw out a bit but not
a lot of healing during Barrier when someone else is handling most of the
healing for whatever mechanic you wanted to Barrier. Unfortunately, N'ero
also has the problem that it is a ring that doesn't have any Haste on it,
which can make gearing very awkward. As such, it should only be worn if you
really do not have a “good” legendary, and even then only on some fights.
Kam Xi'raff (helm) 戡檄睿夫(頭)
Kam Xi'raff has a lot of haste on it compared to most other helmets.
Unfortunately that's the most notable thing about this legendary, as it
turns out most of your time after casting Light's Wrath with 15+ Atonements
will be spent on casting Smite, which already costs almost no mana.
There's a world somewhere in which you really want to dot up 5-6 different
targets quickly by manually casting PtW or using Rapture to spam out PWS just
after casting Light's Wrath, and in that world Kam Xi'raff might be
considered a legendary. In the real world though, it's going to be an ilvl
970 helmet with haste on it.
時候幹什麼呢?」 而他不用尷尬地干咳一聲,把孫子移到另一個膝蓋上,吞吞吐吐地說
地說: 「孫子,爺爺我當年在立法院議場和那個狗娘養的三百暴民並肩作戰!」
~《太陽花全書》 第一章第二節
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