I can’t believe I was still pregnant just a few DAYS ago. It really does feel like weeks, months, years ago sometimes!
很難想像我前幾天還是一個孕婦!有時候, 感覺已經過了好幾個禮拜、幾個月、幾年!
Right now, I LOOK like I haven’t left my room for days, haven’t showered in forever, haven’t slept for more than 2 hours a time, haven’t washed my face or brushed my teeth in god knows how long, and haven’t even bothered to put on any clothes. Oh wait. I really haven’t! OK - so not my sexiest look, I admit.
現在,我看起來很像一個好幾天沒有離開我的房間、很久沒有洗澡、沒有睡超過2個小時、不知道幾百年沒有洗臉或是刷牙、 很懶的穿衣服的一個人。 喔,不對,我現在真的是這樣過日子。好啦我承認,這應該不是我最性感的樣子。
But there WAS a time when I was looking and feeling pretty damn, well, pretty! For Fun Pregnancy, we got together a bunch of mammas who also wanted to show their loved ones, their friends, the world that pregnancy can be pretty damn sexy! We put together a Fun Pregnancy Fashion Show and it was AWESOME. Thanks to all the family and friends who came out to support us and help us meet this fashion challenge face on!
但是我發誓, 真的有一陣子的我是很漂亮的哈哈! #跟著Janet一起瘋好孕 跟十位可愛的孕媽咪們一起舉辦了一個超棒的孕媽咪時尚show,為了表現給我們的情人、愛人、朋友、甚至全世界,讓大家了解懷孕也可以是一個很性感的事!謝謝所有支持我們的人讓我們完成這麼大的挑戰!
Our bodies come in all different shapes and sizes, so don’t compare yourself to others. We will each have our own pregnancy experience and our bodies will reflect that. I know there are times when we feel less sexy than others, but don’t let it get you down for too long.
我們的身材是有各種的樣子,所以不要跟其他的人比較。 我們都會有屬於自己的懷孕過程、身體的變化,我們的身材也都會有自己改變不同的地方。要記得,這一切令人又愛又恨的改變都是為了我們的健康的寶寶。我知道我們有時候的確會覺得我們似乎沒有以前的好或是漂亮,但是盡量不要讓自己沉浸在那個低潮太久。
So for the women out there who are feeling a bit blue about their bodies or their pregnancy in general, try this: stand up straight, put on something a bit sexy, and shake your butt as you walk somewhere nice to give yourself a little treat. You deserve it!
Here’s our fashion show to give you a little inspiration!
看看這個影片能不能刺激妳一下 :)
感謝 媽媽寶寶-懷孕、生產、育兒 凱渥 CatWalk 林又立 Yuli Lin 協辦
感謝 慕之恬廊Mustela-懷孕、產後、嬰幼兒肌膚保養 六甲村產孕婦精品 貝瑞克 Spectra Taiwan Chicco Taiwan官方粉絲團 Milkbarn Taiwan Kipling Taiwan 贊助
George Young