1. He can’t leave early because he has many works to do. [X]
He can’t leave early because he has a lot of work to do. [O]
He can’t leave early because he has many projects to do. [O]
解釋: work 當工作時是不可數名詞,只有當藝術,文學,和音樂的作品時才可數 (works of art)。
2. Reading daily helps people learn a lot of knowledge. [X]
Reading daily helps people acquire a lot of knowledge. [O]
解釋: learn 是學習而 knowledge 是知識,學問。你只可以獲得知識而不是學習知識。
請多參考配詞辭典: http://www.ozdic.com/collocation-dictionary/knowledge
3. About a million people in the region are lack of drinking water because of a prolonged drought. [X]
About a million people in the region lack of drinking water because of a prolonged drought. [X]
About a million people in the region lack access to drinking water because of a prolonged drought. [O]
Where there is a lack of water, there is conflict. [O]
Reports of the drought and exactly what is happening are lacking. [O]
The new government is lacking in experience. [O]
解釋: 在這裡 lack是一個及物動詞,所以可直接接受詞。補充:當lack是名詞時,則必須用of (lack of water = 名詞片語) 。Lacking是形容詞,使用時可以加入介係詞 in 來連接名詞。
4. Many people choose not to attend the university after high school. [X]
Many people choose not to attend university after high school. [O]
解釋: 在表示處於某種狀態或從事某種活動的抽象概念時不用定冠詞the,指定哪一所大學時才會在這裡用定冠詞。
5 A list of names and numbers are on the table. [X]
A list of names and numbers is on the table. [O]
The country's leading export are cameras. [X]
The country’s leading export is cameras. [O]
解釋: be 動詞要和它的主詞一致,和補語無關,不要被混淆了!
6. Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, has died for almost three years. [X]
Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, has been dead (adj.) for almost three years. [O]
Steve Jobs the former CEO of Apple, passed away (euphemism--婉轉說法) three years ago. [O]
解釋: 中文裡沒有「動作動詞」與「狀態動詞」的區分,不論是解釋動作或狀態往往都用同一個字詞來表示,但是在英文書寫時就容易出問題了。上列的句子皆是表示動作發生之後的某種狀態,所以不能再用”動作動詞”來描述,應該用”狀態”來表達。
7. The students forget to bring their homework assignments to school today. [X]
The students forgot to bring their homework assignments to school today. [O]
8. He becomes an excellent student after a sincere talk with his teacher. [X]
He became an excellent student after a sincere talk with his teacher. [O]
解釋: “他變成了一個好學生…”這是表示明顯改變的動詞。因為是敘述過去的改變,所以要用過去式。
(改變-become是在講這句話之前就已經發生的事,所以用過去式,但如果要說他現在是一位好學生,直接用He is an excellent student來表示)
9. The ambassador answered the difficult question with warmth and in a humorous way. [X]
The ambassador answered the difficult question with warmth (n.) and humor (n.). [O]
解釋: 為了要表達一些地位平等的想法,英文使用平衡結構 (Parallelism),將兩個字詞或句子用以下幾種方式連接起來,所連接的兩邊要使用一樣的時態、詞類等,以求平衡。
10. People should stop to smoke as soon as possible. [X]
People should stop smoking as soon as possible. [O]
Common Writing Errors [學生常犯的寫作錯誤]
I. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rm0lxlbo1cdj9dn/CEI.pdf
II. https://www.dropbox.com/s/88vl5h6tbud4cm4/CE2.pdf
III. http://tinyurl.com/mq2n234
IV. http://tinyurl.com/jwhm6f3