🧕🏽👳🏽♀️👩🏿⚕️|民主新助力 台灣謝謝你|👩🏭👩🏽🌾👷♂️
Taiwan. Thank you, all of you
Đài Loan Cám ơn các bạn
Taiwan berterima kasih kepada kalian
ထိုင်ဝမ် သင်တို့ကို ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ် ။
តៃវ៉ាន់ អរគុណអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នា
在全球化時代,台灣積極與世界接軌、深化國際關係,民進黨全力支持蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen總統和府院黨團同仁,推動多元族群共榮,凝聚台灣的共同意志。
中文版影片看這邊➡️ https://pse.is/M8KVN
👉 保台三步驟 你我一起做:
✅ 2020總統選蔡英文
✅ 政黨票選民主進步黨
✅ #立委選民進黨提名推薦的候選人
🧕🏽👳🏽♀️👩🏿⚕️|New boost power of democracy, Taiwan appreciate you|👩🏭👩🏽🌾👷♂️
The diversified-mother language version of the film💖
In every year, the 18th of December is the ‘International Migrants Day’, which is also an important day that Taiwanese society express our sincere appreciation to migrants; Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) would present this film to all people who are endeavouring on this lovely land and enriching the connotation of the island!
Taiwan. Thank you, all of you
Đài Loan Cám ơn các bạn
Taiwan berterima kasih kepada kalian
ထိုင်ဝမ် သင်တို့ကို ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ် ။
តៃវ៉ាន់ អរគុណអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នា
Every Taiwanese should be proud of their mother language.
DPP devotes to building an environment of kindness and respect for cultures; we deeply appreciate all people who have contributed warm efforts to Taiwan, and no matter what your language is, it is as beautiful as others.
We are very grateful to the new residents for choosing to be our family, as well as diversified customs, visions, and life experiences have expanded the connotation of “Taiwanese”.
In the era of globalisation, Taiwan actively connects with the world and deepens the international relations, as well as DPP spares no effort to support President Tsai Ing-wen and colleagues from the Presidential Office, Executive Yuan, Legislative Yuan, and the Party to promote the common prosperity among multiple ethnic groups and build the consensus on the common will of Taiwan.
Dear lovely family, Taiwan appreciate you.
In the year 2020, let all of us safeguard our deeply believed values as well as beloved people and land hand in hand.
Look here for the Mandarin version of the film➡️ https://pse.is/M8KVN
👉 Three steps to safeguard Taiwan, let’s do them together:
✅ Vote Tsai Ing-wen in 2020 Presidential Election
✅ Vote DPP in Political Party Election
✅ Vote candidates nominated by DPP in MP Election
common prosperity中文 在 城寨 Facebook 的最佳解答
較早前我上載了昨晚在尖沙咀黑幫挑釁外國記者的影片,之後網友Max Goldman在城寨fb以英文留言,現翻譯為中文,供大家參考:
在香港,這羣偽愛國者是收到共產黨的指示,變成僱傭兵,與執法機關並肩作戰,有「真心膠」則認為,現在是雪恥「打鬼佬」的時候,他們沉迷在仇外情緒當中, 要真正了解他們,並不是聽其言,而是觀其行。
Pro-Beijing zealots and netizens have somehow seemed as a horde of exhilarated "patriots" who would tirelessly harangue, and mostly rebuke, dissenters (or being regarded as non-patriots) with baseless, ill-founded and even ill-bred arguments. They always easily get adrenaline going and strive to turn a flurry of ire into (either physical, virtual or both) bullying and sometimes even mindless act of violence when they see any sort of denunciation of China in any degree. But I cast doubt on whether these foreigners had actually said or done anything to insult China or CCP.
In HK, some pseudo-patriots receive the party's decree, execute the orders alongside the law enforcement agencies and get paid, whereas others do truly and preposterously believe that it's time for them to pay foreign countries back for the century of humiliation despite some of their inner minds are obsessed with xenophilia in an extremely high degree - it's better to know the real temperament of a Chinese dude from what he does than what he says.
When a party with its roots in bloody history and autocratic regime has today to present itself as the bastion of justice, prosperity and stability, common tactics such as economic incentives, increasingly assertive foreign policies, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and conspiracy theories of foreign meddling are proved, at least temporarily, effectual for passing all bucks from their corrupted governance and for reining in an egotistic populace whose minds are utterly ingrained with inferiority complex and ruthlessness, as a replacement of traditional values and morality, over the course of many violent and self-inflicted sociopolitical movements ever since CCP came into power in 1949. In this vicious circle, not only are the regime and most officials perfectly corrupted but also a country's traditional cultural values, righteousness and morality are buried.