The more you know, the better it tastes. From 一日五餐 to fine food & drinks, it works the same. #winepairing #winepairingdinner #bangkungrow #laboheme #yarravalley #debortoli #australia
debortoli 在 袁學謙 Benedict Yuen Facebook 的最讚貼文
所以當 Watson's Wine 送咗幾樣禮物比我,其中一枝係我當年學緊品酒第一次自己去Melbourne時買嘅Sweet Wine,見到之後我就好開心咁接受。因為呢枝 De Bortoli Wines Noble One甜酒真係堅係好野,入面嘅柑橘、蜜糖以及香草氣息非常重,為一枝好出色既Sweet Wine。加上搭米芝蓮星廚 Philippe Orrico嘅奶黃月餅,真係一絕,唔單止唔會被月餅嘅甜度遮蓋,更加會令奶黃味突出許多。
debortoli 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的精選貼文
今日迎月!多謝Watson's Wine 送上 Champagne Gosset Excellence Brut 香檳比我同家人過一個 #Excellent 中秋,仲有澳洲De Bortoli Wines Noble One Botrytis Semillon甜酒 2015年襯米芝蓮星廚@Philippe Orrico 手工流心奶皇月餅作甜品!月餅同甜酒嘅配撘一定夾!個盒仲好靚!😍Cheers! #中秋節快樂!😬🥂🎉
Today is the day to welcome Mid-Autumn Festival! Thanks Watson’s Wine for the mid-autumn festival gift with Champagne Gosset Excellence Brut for me to enjoy an excellent festival with family & friends, as well as De Bortoli Noble One Botrytis Semillon 2015 sweet wine to pair with MICHELIN-starred chef Philippe Orrico’s lava egg custard mooncakes! Sweet wine & mooncake is always a great match! The packing is so beautiful 😍! Cheers! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 😬🥂🎉
#midautumnfestival #mooncake #champagne #sweetwine #eggcuatardmooncake #WatsonsWine #WWMidAutumnPairing #DeBortoli #Gosset #香檳#PhilippeOrrico #mooncakepairing #月餅 #甜酒