#EZTalk #你不知道的美國大小事 #兵來將擋水來土掩怎麼說 #referee跟judge的不同
🥊 Boxing Idioms Part 2
本週繼續拳擊諺語 👊 Round Two!先來猜猜以下3個用語的意思:
1. beat sb. to the punch「搶先出拳」→ ❓
2. roll with the punches「順著對方出拳躲避」→ ❓
3. down for the count「輸了」→ ❓
In boxing, it’s all about the punches, so there are plenty of punch-related idioms. Every boxer wants to beat his opponent to the punch—i.e. punch the other guy before the other guy punches him, 📌 so “beat sb. to the punch” can also mean “to do or achieve something before sb. else.” Ex: I wanted to ask Kate to dance, but Dan beat me to the punch.
When your opponent is throwing punches at you left and right, you need to roll with the punches—move in a way that lessens the damage—if you want to stay in the fight. in everyday life, 📌 “roll with the punches” means to adjust or adapt to difficulties to lessen their impact. Ex: Life has many ups and downs, so you’d better learn to roll with the punches.
If you’re not able to roll with the punches, you may get KO’d (KO stands for “knock out”). When that happens, the referee counts to 10, and if you don’t get up before he finishes, you’re “down for the count,” and the fight is over. Outside of boxing, 📌 “down for the count” can mean failing, defeated or sound asleep. Ex: The company has so much debt that it’s likely down for the count.
【 ✍ 關鍵單字 】
1. punch:「出拳、揮擊」
2. lessen:「減輕、降低」
3. adjust/adapt to:「適應、習慣~」
4. KO:「擊倒」,原為拳擊術語,為knock out的縮寫。
5. referee:「(運動比賽的)裁判」,拳擊除了有台上裁判referee,也有judge,即台下的「評判員」。
【 ✍ 中譯】
拳擊簡單來說就是出拳的運動,所以有不少跟出拳有關的生活用語。拳擊手總是想比對手搶先出拳,📌 因此beat sb. to the punch也有『搶先某人一步、捷足先登』的意思。如:I wanted to ask Kate to dance, but Dan beat me to the punch.(我本來想約凱特,卻被丹搶先一步。)
當對手朝你左右揮拳猛烈攻擊時,你就需要順著對方揮拳躲避,以降低傷害、爭取站在場上的時間。所以,若是說你要在日常生活中roll with the punches,就是要你順應困難情況做出應變,以降低傷害,也就是『隨機應變;兵來將擋、水來土掩』。如:Life has many ups and downs, so you’d better learn to roll with the punches.(人生有起有落,你最好要學會隨機應變。)
當你招架不住對方攻勢而被擊倒在地,裁判會從十開始倒數,如果你在倒數結束前都無法站起來,那你就是down for the count「輸了」,這回合也隨之結束。📌 出了拳擊場,片語down for the count也有『失敗、被擊倒;熟睡』之意。如:The company has so much debt that it’s likely down for the count.(公司負債累累,快完蛋了。)
🔔 按下「搶先看」,週五由 Judd 編審分享【你不知道的美國大小事】,想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選
defeated意思 在 Annie A-List Facebook 的最佳解答
我的客戶亦感覺壓力很大,其中一次交流時,我跟他分享如何成為一個A級領袖,提及一本書我非常喜歡的書,海明威寫的《老人與海》。這本書講述一位老人如何為了釣一條大魚而跟大魚搏鬥的故事,他的主旨是我們要知道自己的強項之餘,亦要懂得堅持,書中其中一句名言就是"But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated."意思就是說我們如果奮力一戰,最終仍可能被消滅,但一定不會被打敗。消滅只是一個結果,打敗卻是一種態度,商界和人生一樣,每天都會面對很多挑戰,但最重要的是我們肯堅持,最終必定有所成果。
#A點之句:A級領袖 永不言敗
Great leader is someone who put out their best fight.
defeated意思 在 The Matheny Family / 麥麥三兄妹 - 台美混血 Facebook 的最佳貼文
**Please scroll down for English translations**
由於這次我們回台灣是大年初二, 所以飛回台灣的飛機就沒有很多乘客, 大家位子都坐得很鬆, 小麥媽與小麥很幸運的坐到了飛機中間四個位子而且旁邊都沒有人坐, 可以好好享受第一次一個人坐一排的好滋味!
我們一開始很客氣的只坐了一個走道和走道旁邊第一個位置(四個位置編號ABCD, A與D是走道, BC是中間位置), 也就是A&B的位置, 結果飛行途中小麥坐不住了, 於是我們就在飛機機艙裡來回逛大街活動筋骨. 等到我們回到座位上時, 看到有位老阿公居然一屁股給我們坐到D走道的位置. 這對小麥媽來說簡直是晴天霹靂啊!! 心理忍不住一陣低咕想說"可惡!!自己當初check in時候不跟空姐改位子, 現在你來坐我們這一排是怎樣啦!!!" 不過不高興也沒辦法, 也不好意思趕人家走, 小麥媽也就沒有行動了. 結果沒想到我們小麥子看到阿公坐我們這一排, 好高興喔! 開始好熱情的一直跟阿公講外星文, 還要給阿公看他的貼紙, 一下叫阿公幫他看管貼紙, 一下又要阿公幫他貼貼紙, 搞到阿公想看電視睡覺都不得安寧, 最後還問小麥說"你有沒有要睡覺?!" 小麥用80高分貝的音量跟阿公說"不要!!!", 阿公有點無奈的跟小麥媽說"後! 挖妹早露啊!" (台語: 好! 我要跑路了!) 但是說完這句話也不見阿公行動... 然後小麥又開始熱情攻勢, 最後阿公終於忍不住跟我說..."後啊! 挖今假妹早露啊!" (台語:好啦! 我真的要跑路啦!) 於是他打包收收就掉頭走人啦!! 小麥媽真是內心竊喜啊!!! 哈哈!!
Funny Story in Taiwan Part 1:
We were flying on the 2nd day of the Lunar New Year back to Taiwan, so we had a pretty empty flight. We were lucky enough to have the four empty seats in a roll all to ourselves. You can imagine how excited we were at that time; especially it just made things a lot easier when you have a child traveling with you.
During the flight, Vincent got a little fuzzy and wanted to walk around, and so we did. When we got back from our “field trip”, we saw this old man sitting at the end of the aisle seat from our seats. I was a little bit annoyed by it but tried not to let it bother me as much. I just sat there and did my own thing. However, Vincent got really excited seeing this old man sitting with us. He was talking to him, tried to share his stickers with him. Moreover, when the old man tried to watch TV, Vincent would try to get his attention all the time. Eventually, this kinda defeated old man’s purpose of being there, and so he asked Vincent if he wants to sleep, and Vincent replied loudly said, “NO!” and continued talking to the old man. Eventually, this old man said to me, “Oh my goodness…I think I need to run now…” and so he packed up his own stuff and left… All I can say about this is: Vincent mama was very pleased with the outcome… hahahaha