春天的天氣就是濕,濕邪正是中醫理論中六淫(風、寒、暑、濕、燥、火)之一,如體內聚積太多濕氣未能排出,就會造成「濕重」。 「因於濕,首如裹」,「濕重」令人感到頭重重、頭暈胸悶;濕氣擅長侵犯皮膚,輕則多面油,重則濕疹反覆發作;濕氣擅長侵犯腸胃,令人出現食慾差,胃脘脹滿、腹脹肚瀉等症狀;濕氣擅長侵犯身體下部,引起腳氣、白帶增多、下身水腫等問題。如何得知自己是否濕重?看看你身體是否有以下濕重十大訊號:
☐ 體型肥胖 — 實際上是水腫,尤其下半身水腫,肌肉鬆軟
☐ 舌苔濕潤黏膩 — 有如豆腐壓碎後薄薄一層又難以刮掉
☐ 容易疲倦 — 身體猶如被濕毛巾裹着一樣,睡足6-8小時仍疲倦不堪
☐ 多汗又多油 — 汗比較黏,容易出面油
☐ 怕冷又怕熱 — 對溫度非常敏感
☐ 痰多 — 嘴裡有黏黏的感覺
☐ 食慾差 — 吃一點點就有飽滯感覺,容易腹脹
☐ 睡眠質素差 — 睡覺時亦容易流口水
☐ 大便稀爛 — 大便不成形,較鬆散
☐ 女士白帶多 — 色白質稠,甚至帶異味
✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水
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Ten signs of dampness in the body
The weather during spring is highly humid, and dampness is one of the six pathogenic factors in Chinese Medicine (wind, cold, summer heat, dampness, dryness, and fire). If we fail to get rid of the dampness, then it would accumulate in our body.
The accumulated dampness in the body can cause a heavy feeling in the head, dizziness, and tightness in the chest. The dampness can also affect the skin, causing the skin to be oily or even have regular eczema outbreaks. It can also attack the intestines and stomach, causing individuals to develop appetite loss, abdominal bloating, and diarrhea. At the same time, it can severely affect the lower half of the body, causing one to have the athlete's foot, excessive vaginal discharge, and water retention problem in the lower half of the body.
In order to find out if there is excessive dampness in your body, look for these ten signs:
☐ Rounded body shape - prone to edema, especially in the lower body. Loose muscles
☐ Damp and sticky tongue coating - similar to crushed tofu. A thin layer that is difficult to brush off
☐ Fatigue - the body feels so tired like it's wrapped by a wet towel. Feel tired even after 6-8 hours of adequate sleep.
☐ Excessive sweat and oil - sweat is sticky and easy to have facial oil
☐ Afraid of cold and heat - very sensitive to temperature
☐ Excessive phlegm - sticky feeling in mouth
☐ Poor appetite - feel full after eating little. Abdominal bloating
☐ Poor sleep quality - prone to drooling in your sleep
☐ Loose stool - stool does not form shape, soft, loose or watery
☐ Ladies will have vaginal discharge - white or thick with heavy odor
If your body exhibits 3 signs and above, then it has been affected by the pathogenic factor of dampness. Don’t forget to strengthen the spleen to eliminate dampness, in order to prevent the condition from worsening. Eat your meals at a regular schedule, and avoid raw, cold, fried, heavily seasoned, greasy, thick, sweet, and overly nourishing food.
Consume ingredients such as barley, Chinese yam, black-eyed pea, and poria, exercise regularly to sweat it out, and drink a cup of rice water a day. All these can strengthen the spleen and get rid of dampness from the body.
✔ Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
Effects: Suitable for the whole family to enhance physical wellbeing, especially those with a weak digestive system or with a phlegm and dampness body type.
Note: Not suitable for pregnant women. Pregnant Rice Water is recommended during pregnancy.
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Useful tips to gain weight
While some people work hard to lose weight, some, on the other hand, are troubled by their skinny physique. To people who “can’t gain anything even after eating excessively”, this might not be a blessing but a curse. A skinny body may lead to low blood pressure, anemia, low immunity, and osteoporosis. Putting on a few pounds in fact is good for the body.
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, there are two main reasons as to why some people experience this. First is weakness of the spleen and stomach. Damaged spleen and stomach will disrupt the digestive system. The body will not be able to absorb nutrients, might experience diarrhea after eating oily food, and develop the urge to pass stool regularly.
The second reason has to do with the yin-deficient condition of a body. Accompanying symptoms are dry skin, feeling heaty, dry mouth, dry stool or even constipation. These often happen to individuals who sleep late, enjoy hot and spicy food, and people who are going through menopause or andropause.
It is good for individuals with a weak spleen and stomach to drink a cup of rice water a day, because it can help improve the organs and its digestive function, so that the body can absorb nutrients from the food more effectively. Do exercise regularly and be more mindful of the daily diet as well.
As for individuals with yin deficiency, they should eat food that nourishes the yin and moistens the body, for instance, honey, sesame seed, lily, glehnia root, polygonatum root, snow fungus, American ginseng and fox nut; Avoid eating hot, spicy and oily food. Message the ‘San Yin Jiao’ acupoint regularly, to relieve the heaty and dryness caused by the deficiency of yin.
San Yin Jiao Acupoint
Effects: Nourishes Yin and strengthens spleen, nourishes kidneys and relieves stress. Suitable for Yin deficiency body type.
Location: 3 inches above the protruding part of the calf's inner ankle bone (about 4 fingers width).
Method: press your thumb downwards.
Notes: Not suitable for menstruating and pregnant women.
✔Rice Water Recommendation:
Effects: Suitable for those with frequent late nights, improves hair quality, nourishes kidneys and relieves sore lower back
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Yuen Long|Shop A262a, Level 2, Yoho Mall II, 8 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long
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#男 #女 #我狀態OK #我枯燥 #痰濕 #陰虛 #暗瘡 #便秘
diarrhea after eating oily food 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
木瓜 — 性平,能健脾胃,幫助消化,消暑解渴。適合脾胃虛弱,容易胃脹不適人士服用,能紓緩食慾下降、消化不良、胃部不適、產婦乳汁不多等症狀。注意孕婦不宜食用。
菠蘿 — 性平,味甘酸澀,具有消暑解渴、消食止瀉的作用,尤其進食太多肉類和肥甘厚味的食物,吃菠蘿可以消滯、助消化及利尿。惟糖尿病患者不宜進食。
奇異果 — 性寒,味甘酸,能清熱生津、健脾、利尿,紓緩無胃口、消化不良、欲吐、痔瘡等症狀。注意女士脾胃虛寒容易腹瀉、有寒性痛經不易多服。
水梨 — 性涼,能生津潤燥、清熱化痰及解酒,尤其適合經常使用喉嚨說話和唱歌的人士,另外身體有偏熱症狀如口乾、喉嚨痛、聲音沙啞等也適合食用。注意脾胃虛寒人士不宜多吃。
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Fruit cured meat can aid digestion
Fruits are rich in water and fiber, moderate consumption can aid digestion, papaya and pineapple are most effective. Papaya enzyme and pineapple protease can both break down proteins so it is suitable for those who need help with meat digestion. Aside from direct consumption, these fruits can also be used to cure meat. Stir the pineapple or papaya into paste form, add a little fruit paste when curing meat to mix well to enhance flavor and make the meat softer and fruity. Kiwi and pear, which are cold and cool in nature, are also commonly used to cure meats. Koreans like to cure meat by pear instead of sugar. Those with heat body condition can choose these two fruits. How long does it take? Depending on the thickness of the meat and the fruit selected, the higher the acidity of the fruit, the shorter the meat softening time.
Papaya - mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and aid digestion. Papaya can clear summer heat and relieve thirst even for those with asthenic spleen and stomach and prone to abdominal bloating. It can alleviate poor appetite, indigestion, stomach discomfort, and even improve milk supply for nursing mothers. Note that pregnant women should not have papaya.
Pineapple - mild in nature with a sweet, sour and astringent taste. It can clear summer heat, relieve thirst, aid digestion and relieve diarrhea, especially good for after consuming too much meat or oily and fatty food. Eating pineapple can relieve indigestion and promote diuresis. It is not suitable for diabetic patients.
Kiwi- cold in nature with a sour and sweet taste, and can clear heat and promote fluid production, strengthen the spleen and promote diuresis. It alleviates lack of appetite, indigestion, nausea, and hemorrhoids. Note that it is not suitable for ladies with asthenic spleen and stomach, prone to diarrhea and has cold type menstrual pain.
Pear- cold in nature, can promote fluid production and relieve dryness, clear heat, reduce phlegm and relieve hangover. Pears are especially suitable for those who speak or sing a lot as well as those with heat-related symptoms such as dry mouth, sore throat, and coarseness in voice. Note that those with asthenic weak stomach and spleen should eat less.
#男 #女 #我胖了 #胃脹 #喉嚨痛
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