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If the world had a button to reset
Then press back and start over in the past.
We might want to know what Mr. Thaksin wants to go back to do.
If thaksin is still in Thailand
And that day thaksin didn't sell chin corp to temasek.
Now Mr. Thaksin will be 1 of the 5 richest in Thailand.
Today is the 11th anniversary of the coup 19 September 2549
It seems like since that day, Thailand hasn't been the same anymore
That day, Mr. Thaksin Shinawa cuddle sq. Working as prime minister was in the us. When he met a coup, he has been taking refuge abroad since.
In fact, Mr. Thaksin came back to Thailand again in 2551 but it was a short time.
Today, the investment man page will tell the history of thaksin's business. Not talking about politics and ask for permission from readers. Don't comment on politics.
When I went back to see the history of shinawa family tree cuddle sq. Grandfather was Chinese. He evacuated to Chiang Mai. Selling silk from China. He set up a weaving factory and shinawa shop. Cuddle sq. Silk is famous. Mr. Thaksin also has a trade Helping Dad sell coffee and taking care of the theater
Year 2522
When I was 30 years old, I finished Phd.
Mr. Thaksin studied very well at 1 of the police cadet school and paid to continue studying until the Phd. When he returned to the police headquarters, he did personal business with both selling silk, selling film.
Year 2526
When I was 34 years old, Mr. Thaksin Set up shinawa company cuddle sq. Computer..
In the old days, trading with government, there were many requirements that made ibm companies, American nationality companies unable to sign a direct contract. So you appoint shinawa cuddle sq. Thaksin to be a company to sell computer to sell computers to government sector to make business Grow up
In addition to being an ibm agent, it also represent at & T TO SELL DATA KIT, data communication system with voice to the phone organization to get several radio frequency concessions from the national radio frequency coordination and management committee or frog. Road road By venture with foreign people, providing the first generation of Pager Pack and later made in the name of phone link.
Then Mr. Thaksin Got GSM 900 Mhz phone concession and Thai khom satellite
So Mr. Thaksin resigned after 8 years of service and a thousand police call was the last rank (but the rank was taken off by the police. In 2558)
Year 2533
At 41 years old, Mr. Thaksin Ipo, the company entered the stock exchange for the first time..
The main company of khun thaksin has 3 companies as follows.
Shinawa cuddle sq. Computer Service & Inwes Co Ltd. (shincorp or intouch currently established in 2526 IPO YEAR 2533, this company is holding company. 40.45 % shareholders. 40.45 % and Thai Sharp 41.41 %
Advance Infour Service Co Ltd. (AIS) established in 2529 IPO 2534
Shinsatellight Co Ltd. (Thai khom currently) Established 2534 IPO 2537
Mr. Thaksin did not shareholders ais and Thai khom, but shareholders in corp and took chin corp to hold ais and Thai khom again. It means that if thaksin sells all business to others, sell shares in chin corp.
After that, Mr. Thaksin started getting into politics by soliciting from the simuang simuang..
Year 2544
At 52 years old, Mr. Thaksin became the 23th Prime Minister and the first and only prime minister to come from the election until the term.
Before entering the position, Mr. Thaksin and wife have clarified the property of 15,124 million baht. There are many work under the government since the project of 30 baht. Cure all diseases. One Sub-District, one product converts assets into capital of Thai Kitchen, Converting cuddle state enterprise into a company in the lotto stock exchange on earth.
The Next 2th time won another election in 2548
If you have a lover, there must be haters.
On the other side of the administration, there are people who attack populist policies, not clarify the property details by claiming to run and
Several contracts have been changed to conducive cuddle sq. which causes the court decided to seize the money later time.
Year 2549 turning point
The peak won't be able to escape in 2549 Mr. Thaksin Sold Shin Corp shares to temasek, Singapore government investment company.
The deal was worth 73,274 million baht which was the highest historical deal in Thailand.
The first issue is thaksin selling shares after using the new telecommunications for only 2 days.
New Telecommunications. What's important?
This blessing allows foreign people to shareholders in telecommunications companies to increase from 25 % to 50 %
And it seems consistent that in 2 days later, Mr. Thaksin sold 49.595 % shares in shin corp company to temasek.
And another point is not paying taxes on selling shares.
Ampearl Rich is Mr. Thaksin's company in British Virgin. If you sell it to temasek straight away, you will pay taxes because ampearl rich is considered an entity. If the entity sells stocks has profit, you must pay taxes.
So Mr. Thaksin avoided amperrich to sell to your child thaksin at low price (low price so that ampearl rich will not have profit, make it not get tax) and give luu. I come to sell even if i have to try it again (because ordinary people trade shares in the stock exchange. No need to pay taxes)
In conclusion, this deal, Mr. Thaksin uses legal loophole that even the revenue department is confused. I don't know if i will collect tax.
Because if you look at the law straight away, you don't have to pay taxes. But the last revenue comment is that this intent is considered a law. Camouflage to be taxed
But anyway..
This story has changed Mr. Thaksin's life forever.
This is the point that makes big things grow up that Mr. Thaksin has to collapse the council and stories come to cause a political vacuum, so it caused a coup 11 years ago today..
Year 2553
The Supreme Court decided to seize Mr. Thaksin's money for 46,373 million baht to the land. For the reason is to use power as prime minister to benefit his business. Many contracts to conducive ais and Thai sharp to cost cheaper costs.
46,373 million baht that is the portion of profit and dividend after being prime minister.
In conclusion, Mr. Thaksin got money from temasek for 73,274 million baht without paying taxes, but he got seized for 46,373 million baht. Easy to think, it's only 26,901 million baht.
This does not include the IRS that will charge tax backwards from selling temasek shares. Mr. Thaksin thinks that the profit has been seized. What else will they collect tax because there is no profit, but the other one thinks it is different karma. I have the right to take over again.
The IRS charge tax with interest back 17,629.58 million baht.
If the IRS can keep it for real, thaksin's money will be 9,271.42 million baht (less than khun Rob's family. If you are now has property worth 19,409 million baht)
Year 2560
What if thaksin doesn't sell shares to temasek at that time, how much money will Mr. Thaksin have now?
Intouch Company (Original Shincorp). Now it's worth the company 189,980 million baht.
If thaksin holds the same shape at 49.595 % now it will be worth 94,220 million baht.
Many people may think it's a lot, but in fact, the dividend since 2549 that shin corp company paid all shareholders to 138,288 million baht. When multiply the proportion of 49.595 % will be 68,584 million baht.
When a total of 2 items together, you will get the answer that if Mr. Thaksin is still shareholders chin corp.
Mr. Thaksin will have 162,804 million baht..
This amount is 2 times more than the value that I sell to temasek and it can't compare to the rest of the money after being seized.
And If Mr. Thaksin is still shareholder, Mr. Thaksin should be ranked the 5th rich in Thailand as the owner of cp Thai Bev Central and red bull.
But Mr. Thaksin is now 68 years old and is taking refuge in Dubai. There are 7 lawsuits. Divorced with lady phjaman wife.
This makes me realize that no matter how rich people are, what they really want will be happiness, not money.
If the world has a button to reset and press back and start again in the same spot in the past.
Wonder if Mr. Thaksin wants to press that button? Mr. Thaksin wants to press reset back to 2544 and stop playing politics?
11 years ago, it would have been your lost 11 years. Thaksin.
But it's actually not thaksin, but it should be 11 years missing all of us..
Thailand Thailand
All the stories, what happened. We are all related from past to present.
Results from everyone's actions have resulted to this day.
And unfortunately for us that there is no reset button to go back.
But what will happen next is our future. We will give birth to the future.
So what kind of path will we all choose to be proud of the right path and don't want to press the reset button anymore..
" because it's our country.
Not a country of one, two people.
It's a country of all people.
Because the problem is at the time of birth. I will use the word crazy.
When people have severe practices, they forget themselves.
Ending. They don't know why they fight.
And what to solve?
Only to overcome
So who will win no way
It's dangerous. I only lose.
Well, different people lose.
Those who face loses.
And the most loser is the nation.
The people will be the whole country.
Not the people only in Bangkok
If assuming
Only in Bangkok is damaged.
The country is totally damaged.
And What's the use?
To be proud of winning
Time on the wreck "
His majesty king bhumibol adulyadej
20 may 2535Translated
dividend paid 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳貼文
睇招股書學語文! 識睇, 真係睇英文, 因為睇中文真係比較易出事
明報原文: http://bit.ly/2tFqqe4 毛記母公司申主板上市 林日曦等創辦人 每人累計袋2000萬息
呢度寫到 "部分用於派息的資金是源自融資,文件透露過去兩年公司分別集資1000萬元及3500萬元,用於支付股息。"
你會點理解? 我get到既意思係, 寫果個話 公司向街外 拎錢, 上市前派息比 腦細等三人. 咁, 派左息係真的, 唔使拗. 但, 係咪街外錢呢? 查 毛記照計冇咩銀行貸款 之類, 冇舉債喎.
咁未上市cap 水, 私募呀乜春 得唔得? 冇話唔得, 但一樣, 人地好少咁蝕底, 你叫我入股, 叫我拎三千萬然後落左你地(而唔係公司)袋, 你估有冇咁so?
好啦, 我睇番招股書, 中文版, 相信呢個誤會, 黎自第169 頁 (pdf就 176頁),
入面咁寫的 "截至XXXX, 本集團融資活動所用現金凈額分別約為10.0百萬港元及35.0百萬港元, 為本集團的一家附屬公司向其當時股東派付的股息"
個重點, 就係最後果個 "為" 字!
呢度, 個"為", 應該讀"圍", 唔係"胃". 意思係 "that is", 唔係 "for the purpose"
成句理解係, "融資活動既cashflow係 1000萬同 3500萬, 就係 派左特別息"
而唔係 "融資活動既 cashflow係1000萬同 3500萬, 係為左用黎派特別息"
講到尾, 呢個 financing activities, 就係 派特別息, thats it. 唔係話 "公司去做一啲financing 用黎派特別息"
我未敢100% 肯定, 但我既理解應該冇錯.
因為英文版寫既係, net cash used in financing activities of approximately HKD10 million and HKD30 million respectively, which were the dividend paid blah blah blah
記住, 係 "which were the dividend paid", 唔係 "for the purpose of paying dividend"
咁好簡單, 純粹就係上市前, 公司已經搵到錢, 就派左出去比 原本既股東, 腦細等三人. 好合理既安排, 喂, 而家唔派, 咪即係上市後同街外人分? 點解要益你?
大把公司既做法直頭係 未上市前借錢派比舊股東添, 然後隻野負債上市, 拎你啲錢去還債- 咁當然你可以唔抽.
咁當然啦, 記者咋喎, 仲要趕頭趕命, 夜晚八九點先知呢單料, 邊得閒慢慢睇, 出現呢啲小錯誤, 絶對情有可原
不過就真係記住, 識睇梗係睇英文
dividend paid 在 擁抱巴菲特(邱涵能) Facebook 的精選貼文
我從鉅亨網找出可口可樂近5年的財報,我們先從簡略的財報來概略地分析。我們看資產負債表(Balance Sheet)的股東權益(Total Equity)或普通股股東權益(Common Shareholder's Equity);看損益表(Income Statement)的營收(Operating Revenue)、淨利(Total Net income)、EPS(Diluted EPS)、股利(Dividend Paid per Share)部分;再用今年的淨利➗去年的股東權益(2010年的股東權益為$31,003m),得到當年度的股東權益報酬率(ROE);用股利➗EPS,得到當年度的配息率。
可口可樂近5年的EPS分別為$1.85, $1.97, $1.9, $1.6, $1.67,平均為$1.80。一般來講,PER=15為合理股價,PER<12或PER<10為便宜價,PER>20或PER>40就屬於昂貴價。假設以平均價的EPS=$1.80來算,$27為合理價,$18和$21.6以下為便宜價,$36和$72以上為昂貴價。但看它近5年股價走勢圖,最低在$32.3,最高在$46.8,都跌不到所謂「合理價」和「便宜價」內,似乎都在「昂貴價」以上。
PS. 更多關於可口可樂投資價值的論述,我的粉絲專頁和部落格皆有文章,尤其是《從數字看可口可樂》一文,可以參考。
dividend paid 在 What Is a Dividend and How Do They Work? - NerdWallet 的相關結果
Dividends are payments a company makes to share profits with its stockholders. They're paid on a regular basis, and they are one of the ways investors earn a ... ... <看更多>
dividend paid 在 Dividend - Definition, Examples, and Types of Dividends Paid 的相關結果
A dividend is a share of profits and retained earnings that a company pays out to its shareholders. When a company generates a profit and accumulates ... ... <看更多>
dividend paid 在 Dividend Definition - Investopedia 的相關結果
A dividend is a token reward paid to the shareholders for their investment in a company's equity, and it usually ... ... <看更多>