1. vaccine [vækˋsin] n. 疫苗 / adj. 疫苗的
2. addict [ˋædɪkt] n. 吸毒成癮的人;入迷的人
3. addicted [əˋdɪktɪd] adj. 上癮的;沈迷的
4. addiction [əˋdɪʃən] n. 上癮;入迷
5. drug [drʌg] n. 毒品;藥物
6. heroin [ˋhɛro͵ɪn] n. 海洛英;海洛因 (一種毒品)
7. opium [ˋopjəm] n. 鴉片
8. poppy [ˋpɑpɪ] n. 罌粟;罌粟科植物
9. dependency [dɪˋpɛndənsɪ] n. 癮;毒癮;依靠
10. to take drugs 吸毒
Vaccine Could Be Used To Treat Heroin Addicts
Scientists have developed an experimental vaccine to treat individuals addicted to the drug heroin . Such a treatment would be a major step forward for both public health and safety.
An estimated 20 million people around the world are addicted to heroin and other opiate drugs -- all products of the opium poppy plant. Their drug dependency and use of unclean needles puts heroin users at risk of a number of diseases.
It is difficult to keep heroin addicts away from the drug even after they have received treatment to help them end their dependency. But the experimental vaccine may prevent addiction even if a user is offered the drug after leaving a treatment center.
He warns that a heroin vaccine is not a complete cure. He says it would have to be used as part of a treatment program that also helps drug addicts change their behavior.
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物質依賴(英語:Substance dependence)或稱藥物成癮(drug addiction),指需要服用藥物才能使日常生活表現正常的強迫行為。出現物質依賴狀況後,若突然停止服用 ... ... <看更多>
drug addiction中文 在 drug addiction 中文 - 查查綫上辭典 的相關結果
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drug addiction中文 在 Drug Addiction - 藥物成癮 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙 的相關結果
藥物成癮 · Drug Addiction · 名詞解釋: 很久以來我們把一個人長期使用某種藥物成癮稱為藥癮,亦稱為藥物成癮;一九五七年世界衛生組織(WHO)定義藥物成癮為一種慢性或周期性 ... ... <看更多>