檳城 │ 漂浮初體驗
整理好舒適的位置後,水池裡面有按鈕可以把那最後的燈也關掉。嘩,漆黑一片,真的是伸手不見五指啊!水溫剛剛好,音樂也停了,非常安靜,真的很舒服!畢竟是第一次的體驗,總是有點怕怕的 (其實旁邊有救命鐘),所以剛開始沒有好好享受,直到後來我才終於放鬆了,只聽到自己的呼吸聲,慢慢地開始進入了冥想的狀態 (或者是睡覺的狀態 😂),感覺我好像在宇宙裡漂浮著,很開心!很快音樂聲又嚮起了,該起來洗澡了。
完成療程後,不用急著離開,在外面坐下來吃吃水果、喝喝茶,再離開吧!香港和台灣都有類似的「漂浮」,不過好像沒有這麼大的水池,只有像太空艙般小小的,而且價格方面,當然是檳城這裡比較划算 (RM140)
「漂浮」後肚子餓了,就到樓下的「香雲素食坊」點個香脆薯餅 (RM8.5) 和素菇荼飯 (RM12.9) 吧!很輕鬆的檳城半天行程 😚
你們有試過「漂浮」嗎?歡迎給我分享你的體驗喔 😉
Penang │ First experience of Floating
"Floating" can be said to be a kind of therapy, it can stimulates mindfulness, relieves stress and improves health. I was a little nervous, because I can't swim! Actually the water level is just half of your lower leg. When I lie down, it floats! (The water contains five hundred kilograms of Magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salt))
It’s all dark! The water temperature is just right, very quiet, really comfortable! It was the first experience, still a little scared (in fact, there was a bell to call the staff), so I didn’t enjoy it at first, until I the end finally relaxed, I can only heard my breathing and slowly began to enter the state of meditation (or the state of sleeping 😂), I feel like I am floating in the universe, very happy!
Both Hong Kong and Taiwan have similar "floating", but it seems that there is no such a large pool, only small like a capsule, and the price is of course more cost-effective in Penang (RM140).
After "floating", I am hungry. So I went to "Xiang Yun Vegetarian House" downstairs and order a Harsh Brown (potato cake) RM8.5 and Bah Kut Teh (mushroom rice with soup) RM12.9. Very relaxing half-day trip in Penang 😚
Have you tried "floating"? Welcome to share your experience with me 😉
Float for Health
🌐 http://www.floatforhealth.com/
📍 Vantage, Desiran Tanjung Block A-03-3A, Penang
⏳ 10:00 - 22:00 (need reservation)
Xiang Yun Vegetarian Hut 香云素食坊
📍 No 17-G-31 Medan Kampung Relau, MK12 Bayan Point,Bayan Lepas Penang
⏳ 11:00 - 21:00
🚫 Tuesday
#floatforhealth #floating #漂浮體驗