★ 結構可以再更平行 Not only...but also ---修辭篇★
英文的句子就像天枰一般,追求"平行",這樣的準則在英語修辭學中,是很被要求的,更為極為重視"寫作語法嚴謹度"的西方主流平面媒體所重視 (e.g. The New York Times, Newsweek, Harvard Business Review, Foreign Affairs)。
Note: 在眾多修辭結構當中,特別以
"which/that 的用法"
"it/so/that 用來指代時的區分"
"only/almost 等複詞的擺放位置"
"標點符號用法" 中最可以看出該報社所依循文法修辭規範的嚴謹度。
(1) The Huffington Post 04/15/2014
Two high schoolers made headlines for not only receiving acceptance letters from Harvard, but from several Ivy League schools.
---句子裡的 not only...but 是典型需要接上平行結構的句子架構,但很明顯的 not only 後面 跟 but 後面的東西並不對等 ("receiving" 跟 "from"); 因此,若改成如此會更精準:
Two high schoolers made headlines for receiving acceptance letters not only from Harvard, but also from several Ivy League schools.
這樣形成了 not only + 介係詞片語 but (also) + 介係詞片語的精準平行結構句子。
(2) Fast Company (被英語島雜誌所引用)
The city also recently collaborated with MIT to develop a smart bike equipped with sensors to deliver to provide real-time info to NOT ONLY the rider BUT ALSO to administrators for open date aggregation on issues of....
同樣的 not only...but also 結構,後面又接了文法結構不對等的東西 ("the rider" 跟 "to administrators")
provide real-time info NOT ONLY to the rider BUT ALSO to administrators...
這樣形成了 not only + 介係詞片語 but (also) + 介係詞片語的精準平行結構句子。
between A and B, both A and B, either A or B, In contrast to A, B...., A differs from B, distinguish between A and B, A rather than B, not only A...but also B...很多很多,寫作的時候為確保有平行,把這些架構特別抓出來,單獨看 A 與 B, 兩者需要在文法結構上相同 (不可以一個分詞 一個介係詞片語), 如果相同時,才是比較嚴謹的平行結構。