Today it happens in India , tomorrow it might be in your country !Mass Vaccination is the best solution to bring back normality ... 印度新冠疫情繼續惡化,過去24小時錄得超過40萬宗確診,再次打破世界單日新增確診紀錄。而過去一天,印度亦有近3,500人死亡,當地醫療系統不堪重負,很多民眾找不到呼吸機和病牀
Government first duty is to protect the people. The world should United together for mass vaccinations to bring back normality! Getting vaccinated your-self also protect people around you. In times like these, we are only as strong as we are united and as weak as we are divided! Others who are working to help and prevent the virus, also need the reassurance and the hope that we shall overcome this. With more than 3 million lives lost and counting! What we are seeing now in the world is nothing short of an apocalypse, the virus become more contagious, extremely aggressive, and affecting the younger ones. People with C-19 are also at higher risk of blood clots, strokes as well as causing severe respiratory problems with new variants become more and more deadly day by day, others who cannot be vaccinated due to medical grounds is another story with GOD bless! Mass vaccinations and mandatory mask wearing can see a promising results in the world. Mandatory face covering logic is not about protecting yourself, it's about protecting others from you, in case you are infected but you don't know it and buy time for the vaccine!
Good things happens when we trust the experts ,doctors and the scientists! Bad things happen when NITPICKERS have all the problem with every solution and provoke with homemade links, conspiracy theories or pretend to know better than the doctors and the scientists.
#DeltaVariant #covid #COVID19 #vaccine #coronavirus #喬寶寶 #pandemic #qbobo #mask #facecoverings #variant #virus
facecoverings 在 Tonylamfood Facebook 的精選貼文
#Facemasks are the #newnormal. In many areas wearing one is now suggested if not required. So we might as well make them attractive - turning them into statement pieces just like our outerwear, underwear, and everything in between? Face Masks are the NEW #fashion
Consider the trusty trench coat, for example, which was originally developed as an alternative to the heavy serge greatcoats worn by British and French soldiers in the First World War originally created to shield soldiers from the elements but, over time, turned into one of the most distinctive and fashionable utilities apparel items a person could own.
而家 #口罩 已經係每日必備既野,除左保護自己外,時裝界都開始諗日後既問題,究竟可唔可以令到口罩變到同衫一樣可以表達自己既媒介呢?
所以我都做左啲實驗,隨著款式愈來愈多,我將佢地放左上pinterest,你地可以去我profile條link睇下,都歡迎你follow我另一個ig @thefoodandfashion ,分享更多相關資訊。
What's the magic when fashion meets face masks? Have a look at my catalog on Pinterest!
Explore the link on my profile @thefoodandfashion NOW!
Photo by Alireza Esmaeel on Unsplash
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facecoverings 在 Use and Care of Masks - CDC 的相關結果
Learn about how to care for cloth face masks, including how to store a dirty or wet face mask, and how to wash and dry masks by hand or machine. ... <看更多>
facecoverings 在 Coronavirus (COVID-19): face coverings guidance | nidirect 的相關結果
The use of face coverings is strongly recommended in all indoor settings accessible to the public across Northern Ireland. Wearing a face covering helps ... ... <看更多>
facecoverings 在 [Withdrawn] Face coverings: when to wear one, exemptions ... 的相關結果
In England, face coverings are no longer required by law. The government suggests that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and ... ... <看更多>