Double Trouble in the design and fashion field. The soon-to-be launched crowdfunding of our book <
Author and stylist, yours truly, compiling styling work for the last 25 years and opening conversations on topics that the fashion industry rarely goes there. As said, we’re trouble and you just can’t escape truth from this duo. It needed to take all the time for you to be ready folks. Are you? 😎
#watch this space
fashionexpressionism 在 Adele Leung 梁雅懿 Facebook 的最佳貼文
人人都話仲出咩書?書都無人睇。我總對紙媒有很深愛的感覺,對網媒更是一見鐘情。整定食呢行飯。人人又話寫字出書根本搵唔到食。又係。週圍啲人都叫你免費幫佢地寫嘢,做content 嘅,都係人嚟㗎,都要生活㗎。你可唔可以叫炒股票嘅幫你免費入貨吖?有時候我聽到:我地個新成立網站好多名人名星都有投稿㗎。Sorry 我唔係名人,我只喜歡寫嘢同分享生活經歷,呢個係我嘅工作同專業,所以請你尊重。
Designer: Phil Cleaver
Impress Publishing