相信新時代下大家都會有vpn在手,不過除了 #vpn,瀏覽器的私隱和安全也值得考量。今次和大家分享一款瀏覽器 - #BraveBrowser,最大特色是私隱度較高,主要是基於廣告的發送形式和跟虛擬貨幣結合。傳統瀏覽器主要利用第三方追蹤程式提供廣告。Brave 會預設封鎖傳統瀏覽器的第三方追蹤程式,改用local machine learning提供廣告,看完廣告後就可以得到BAT作為回報,而你也可以將BAT作為打賞給你喜歡的網站,當然也可以儲起,轉換成 #bitcoin 或是美金。
Many of us are using VPNs. However, it is also necessary to think of the security of the browser. Introducing The brave browser, it is a fast, Private, and Secure web browser for PC and mobile. It blocks traditional ads and trackers. Instead, you may earn BAT from watching ads. It uses a local machine-learning algorithm to push ads, minimizing the possibility of privacy leakage. BAT is a token that can be converted to bitcoin or USD. Use my link below or on the profile to explore a brand new web browsing experience.
我用左陣Brave,其實成個介面都好似chrome,始終設計基礎係差唔多,真係有啲bat收到,唔會太多就係,大家可以用我條link體驗下! (Profile都會有link)
#cryptocurrency #brave #bat
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