When you execute a heist but your getaway vehicle is missing🤦🏻♂️ 🤦🏻♂️ Now you gotta escape with a large tub of protein. 🚔🚨🚔
Ok jokes, its important to feed yourself proteins - among other important nutrients ofcourse. I try to feed myself roughly 100-130Gs daily - when i use the word FEED i sound like a chicken😆🐥🤦🏻♂️. Anyway, its challenging to get ALL THAT IN MY BODY so I supplement these numbers with scoops of whey protein.
#growthhack #proteinshakes #keepit💯 #proteinsupplement #asianactor #stayfitdontquit #villainous #mischief #fitnessguys #brotivation #fitactors #actormodel #socarmy #optimumnutrition #goldstandard #goldstandardwhey #wheyprotein #escapegames #heist #kualalumpur #petalingjaya @ Petaling Jaya, Malaysia