1. Solat Tahajud di waktu ¾ malam sekurang-kurangnya 2 rakaat & solat sunat Witir sekurang-kurangnya 1 rakaat sebelum masuk waktu Subuh.
🔴 Tahajjud merupakan jalan orang-orang yang soleh, amalan para Nabi dan Wali-wali Allah yang terdahulu. Jangan ditinggalkan.
2. Selepas Subuh, zikir 300pagi {100x [tasbih,tahmid dan takbir], 100x selawat & 100x istighfar}.
🔴 Zikir sangat penting kerana semasa kedatangan DAJJAL hanya zikir sebagai sumber makanan dan minuman. Hanya orang yang benar-benar jaga zikir shj mempunyai sumber makanan dan minuman pada waktu itu. Selainnya akan mengikut DAJJAL untuk mendapat makanan dan minuman.
3. Kemudian bacalah surah Yasin.
🔴 Allah janji segala hajatnya pada hari itu akan dipenuhi.
4. Kemudian selepas 26 min naik matahari, solat sunat Isyraq 4 rakaat.
🔴 Allah janji akan menolong kamu menyempurnakan segala urusanmu pada hari itu.
5. Kemudian solat sunat Dhuha, boleh dilakukan bermula 20 minit selapas Isyraq (di antara jam 8-12 tghari).
🔴 Nabi SAW bersabda: “Sesiapa mengerjakan solat Dhuha 2 rakaat, dia tidak tergolong di dalam golongan orang-orang yg lalai dan lupa.” Solat Dhuha juga memudahkan urusan dan memberkati rezeki.
6. Selepas solat Zohor, bacalah surah Ar-Rahman.
🔴 Nabi SAW bersabda: “Segala sesuatu itu mempunyai mempelai, dan mempelai bagi Al-Quran adalah surah Ar-Rahman.” Surah Ar-Rahman menanam sifat syukur di dalam hati atas nikmat-nikmat Allah dan dengan amalan membaca Surah Ar-Rahman juga sangat baik untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan otak.
7. Selepas solat fardhu Asar, zikir 300 petang, {100x [tasbih,tahmid dan takbir], 100x selawat & 100x istighfar}
8. Kemudian baca Surah An-Naba’.
🔴 Nabi SAW bersabda: “ Jika kamu tahu fadhilat dan besarnya pahala membaca surah An-Naba’, maka kamu akan berhenti daripada tugas-tugas kamu, lalu mempelajari surah tersebut dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan membacanya. Sesungguhnya Allah akan mengampunkan dosa-dosa mereka yang mengamalkan membacanya selain dosa syirik.”
9. Selepas solat Maghrib, solat sunat Auwabin.
🔴 Allah janji akan memberi keampunan terhadap dosa-dosa melainkan dosa syirik kepadaNya.
10. Kemudian bacalah surah Al-Waqiah.
🔴 Allah janji sesiapa yang istiqamah mengamalkannya pada setiap malam, kebuluran & kemiskinan tidak akan menemuinya.
11. Selepas Isya’ bacalah surah Al-Mulk.
🔴 Allah janji akan memelihara daripada azab kubur. Nabi SAW tidak akan tidur selagi tidak membaca surah Al-Mulk dan surah As-Sajdah.
12. Setiap malam bacalah Ayatul Kursi dan “Amanar-Rasul” hingga habis.
🔴 Sangat-sangat penting untuk melindung diri daripada pengaruh syaitan dan kejahatan
13. Sebelum tidur, solat sunat Taubat dan tidur beradab seperti mana Nabi SAW tunjuk ajar.
14. Setiap malam apabila hendak tidur, Muhasabah diri, pohonlah keampunanmu kpd Allah diatas dosa-dosa dan bagi setiap amalan yang baik, nyatakan kesyukuranmu kepada Allah.
15. Sebelum tidur fikirkan dan renunglah (muqarabah) juga mengenai mati dan peristiwa-peristiwa selepas maut.
🔴 Muqaraba adalah perlu untuk membentuk sifat Taqwa.
16. Setiap hari bacalah al-Quran (Tilawatul Quran) walaupun hanya satu ‘ain’.
🔴 Latihan tilawah sangat memberi kesan kepada hati. Hati yang tidak ada al-Quran seumpama hati yang mati. Pembacaan Al-Quran janganlah ditinggalkan. Hak Al-Quran adalah perlu dikatamkan dua kali setiap tahun.
17. Setiap pagi Jumaat bacalah surah Al-Kahfi, kalau tak mampu habiskan seluruh surah, bacalah seberapa banyak yang boleh.
🔴 Allah janji ‘cahaya’ di hari kiamat dan diampunkannya diantara dua Jumaat. Nabi SAW bersabda: ‘Sesiapa membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada hari Jumaat, maka bersinarlah cahaya drpd bawah kakinya hingga ke langit.’
18. Hendaklah hati & lidah sentiasa sibuk dengan berzikir didalam apa jua kegiatan sama ada berjalan, duduk atau bekerja.
🔴 Berzikirlah ‘Lailahailallah’ sebagai amalan tetap dan berkekalan.
19. Puasa sunat Isnin & Khamis, juga puasa sunat pada hari-hari yang digalakkan dalam Islam. Untuk puasa-puasa sunat, bagi perempuan mintalah keizinan daripada suami-suami kamu.
20. Cubalah sedaya-upaya berada dalam keadaan berwudhu’.
🔴 Sabda Nabi SAW: ‘Wudhu’ adalah senjata orang-orang mukmin.’ Faedah wudhu’ sangat besar.
21. Tatkala Haid, jangan tinggalkan zikrullah. Meninggalkan zikir akan mengeraskan hati dan melayukan cahaya rohaniah bagi hati.
22. Tetaplah dengan usaha kamu melawan hawa nafsu.
🔴 Jagalah mata, telinga, lidah dan hati. Mengumpat dan mengata-ngata orang lain adalah bencana yang sangat besar. Ia menghapuskan dan melenyapkan pahala dan kesan ibadat.
Amalkan sedikit demi sedikit yg mana mampu. Semoga kita dpt amal dan sampaikan. Amin
1. Tahajud prayers at ¾ nights at least 2 rakaat & Witir circumcision prayers at least 1 rakaat before dawn.
🔴 Tahajjud is the way of the righteous, the practice of the Prophets and the former guardians of Allah. Don't be abandoned.
2. After Subuh, zikr 300 am pagi 100 x [tasbih, tahmid and takbir], 100 x prayers & 100 x istighfar}.
🔴 Zikir is very important because during the arrival of DAJJAL only zikr as a source of food and drink. Only people who really take care of their zikir had food and drink sources at that time. Other than that will follow DAJJAL to get food and drinks.
3. Then read surah Yasin.
🔴 Allah promises all his wishes on that day will be fulfilled.
4. Then after 26 mins of sunset, the prayer of Isyraq 4 rakaat circumcision.
🔴 Allah promises to help you complete all your affairs on that day.
5. Then Dhuha prayers, can be done starting 20 minutes after Isyraq (between 8-12 pm).
🔴 Prophet SAW said: ′′ Whoever performs the 2 rakaat Dhuha prayer, he does not belong to the people who forget and forget." Dhuha prayers also ease their affairs and bless their provisions.
6. After Zohor prayer, read surah Ar-Rahman.
🔴 Prophet SAW said: ′′ All things have the bride, and the bridegroom of the Quran is surah Ar-Rahman." Surah Ar-Rahman planted gratitude in the heart for the blessings of Allah and with the practice of reading Surah Ar-Rahman Rahman is also very good for improving brain intelligence.
7. After prayer fardhu Asar, zikir 300 pm, {100 x [tasbih, tahmid and takbir], 100 x prayers & 100 x istighfar}
8. Then read Surah An-Naba '.
🔴 Prophet SAW said: ′′ If you know fadhilat and the great reward of reading surah An-Naba ', then you will stop from your tasks, then learn the surah and get closer to Allah by reading it. Indeed, Allah will forgive the sins of those who practice reading them other than the sins of jealousy."
9. After Maghrib prayer, Auwabin prayer.
🔴 Allah promises to give forgiveness to sins except the sin of envy to Him.
10. Then read surah Al-Waqiah.
🔴 Allah promises that whoever istiqamah practices it every night, hunger & poverty will not find it.
11. After Isya ' read surah Al-Mulk.
🔴 Allah promises to protect from the grave punishment. Prophet SAW will not sleep as long as he does not read surah Al-Mulk and surah As-Sajd
12. Every night read Ayatul Chairman and ′′ Amanar-Apostle ′′ until the end.
🔴 Very important to protect yourself from the influence of devil and evil
13. Before going to bed, pray for circumcision of repentance and sleep civilized as Prophet SAW taught.
14. Every night when you are going to sleep, Reflect yourself, ask your forgiveness to Allah for sins and for every good practice, express your gratitude to Allah.
15. Before going to bed think and think about death and events after death.
🔴 Muqaraba is necessary to form the character of Taqwa.
16. Everyday read the Quran (Tilawatul Quran) even if it's only one ' ain '.
🔴 Sunset training really affects the heart. A heart that has no Quran is like a dead heart. Do not abandon the Quran reading. Al-Quran rights should be said twice every year.
17. Every Friday morning read surah Al-Kahfi, if you can't finish the whole surah, read how much you can.
🔴 Allah promises 'light' on the Day of Judgment and forgives them between two Friday. The Prophet SAW said: ' Whoever reads surah Al-Kahfi on Friday, then the light will shine from under his feet to the sky. ' '
18. Let the heart & tongue always be busy with prayers in any activity whether walking, sitting or working.
🔴 Pray 'Lailahailallah' as a permanent and lasting practice.
19. Monday & Thursday sunat fasting, also sunat fasting during the days encouraged in Islam. For circumcision fasting, for women ask permission from your husbands.
20. Try your best to be in a state of salah '.
🔴 The word of Prophet SAW: 'Wudhu' is the weapon of the believers. The 'benefit of ablution' is huge.
21. During period, do not leave zikrullah. Leaving zikr will harden the heart and shed the spiritual light for the heart.
22. Stay with your efforts against lust.
🔴 Keep your eyes, ears, tongue and heart. Cussing and talking about others is a huge disaster. It eliminates and eliminates the rewards and effects of worship.
Practice it little by little what you can afford. Hopefully we get charity and convey it. AmenTranslated
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Amalan Harian Yang Perlu Dijaga Secara Istiqamah:
1. Solat Tahajud di waktu ¾ malam sekurang-kurangnya 2 rakaat & solat sunat Witir sekurang-kurangnya 1 rakaat sebelum masuk waktu Subuh. Tahajjud merupakan jalan orang-orang yang soleh, amalan para Nabi dan Wali-wali Allah yang terdahulu. Jangan ditinggalkan.
2. Selepas Subuh, zikir 300pagi {100x [tasbih,tahmid dan takbir], 100x selawat & 100x istighfar}. Zikir sangat penting kerana semasa kedatangan Dajjal hanya zikir sebagai...
Continue ReadingDaily Practice That Needs To Be Maintained By Istiqamah:
1. Tahajud Prayer at ¾ pm at least 2 rakaat & Witir circumcision prayers at least 1 rakaat before entering dawn. Tahajjud is the way of the righteous, the practice of the Prophets and the guardians of Allah's former. Don't be left out.
2. After Dawn, zikr 300 am pagi 100 x [tasbih, tahmid and takbir], 100 x visits & 100 x istighfar}. Zikir is very important because on the arrival of Dajjal just zikir as a source food and drinks. Only people who really take care of zikr only have food and drink resources at that time. Besides will follow Dajjal to get food and drinks.
3. Then read the surah Yasin-Allah, promise all his wishes on that day will be fulfilled.
4. Then after 26 minutes of sunrise, prayer of Isyraq 4 rakaat-Allah promises to help you perfect all your affairs on that day.
5. Then Dhuha sunat prayer, can be done starting 20 minutes after Isyraq (between 8-12 pm). Prophet SAW said: ′′ Whoever performs Dhuha 2 rakaat prayers, he does not belong to those who neglect and forget." Dhuha prayers also eases affairs and bless sustenance.
6. After Zohor's prayer, read the surah Ar-Rahman-Prophet SAW said: ′′ Everything has a bride, and the bridegroom for the Quran is the surah of Ar-Rahman." Surah Ar-Rahman planted a nature of gratitude in the heart for the - the pleasure of Allah and the practice of reading Surah Ar-Rahman is also good for improving brain intelligence.
7. After Asar fardhu prayer, zikr 300 pm, {100 x [tasbih, tahmid and takbir], 100 x & 100 x istighfar}.
8. Then read Surah An-Naba '- The Prophet SAW said: ′′ If you know the fadhilat and the reward of reading surah An-Naba', then you will quit your duties, then study the surah and get closer to Allah with read it. Indeed Allah will forgive the sins of those who practice reading it other than sinning."
9. After Maghrib prayer, prayer of Auwabin-Allah's circumcision will give forgiveness for sins but a sin to Him.
10. Then read the surah Al-Waqiah-Allah promises those who istiqamah practice it every night, hunger & poverty will not find it.
11. After Isya ' read the surah Al-Mulk-Allah promises to protect the punishment of the grave. Prophet SAW will not sleep as long as he does not read surah Al-Mulk and surah As-Sajdah.
12. Every night read the Ayatul Chair and ′′ Amanar-Rasul ′′ until the end. It's very important to protect yourself from the influence of devil and evil
13. Before sleeping, pray for repentance and civilized sleep as Prophet SAW teaches.
14. Every night when you sleep, Be patient, pray for your forgiveness to Allah for sins and for every good practice, express your gratitude to Allah.
15. Before going to bed think and think (muqarabah) is also about death and events after death. Muqaraba is necessary to form Taqwa's nature.
16. Every day read the Quran (Tilawatul Quran) even though it's only one ' ain '. Tilawah training is very affecting the heart. A heart that has no Quran is as dead. Reading of the Quran don't be left behind. Al-Quran rights should be put twice every year.
17. Every Friday morning read Surah Al-Kahfi, if you can't finish the whole surah, read how much Allah can promise ' light ' on the Day of Judgment and forgive it between two Fridays. Prophet SAW said: ' Whoever reads the surah of Al-Kahfi on Friday, then shine the light from under his feet to the sky. ' '
18. Let your heart & tongue always be busy with thinking in any activities whether walking, sitting or working. Think of 'Lailahailallah' as a permanent practice and lasting.
19. Monday & Thursday circumcision fasting, as well as circumcision fasting on the days that are encouraged in Islam. For circumcision fasting, ask permission from your husbands.
20. Try it as you can in a state of law '. Sabda Prophet SAW: 'Wudhu' is the weapon of the believers. 'The benefit of wudhu' is huge.
21. When Period, do not leave zikrullah. Leaving zikir will harden and deliver the spiritual light for the heart.
22. Stay with your efforts against lust. Keep your eyes, ears, tongue and heart. Cussing and saying others is a very big disaster. It eliminates and eliminates the rewards and effects of worship.
Practice it little by little that you can afford. If you can't do everything, don't leave everything.
Have a good time. Hopefully it will be useful. In Sha Allah. Amen.
Source: Story of Zakat MalaysiaTranslated
forgive others in islam 在 MizzNina Facebook 的最佳貼文
#Repost @aishaltaf
What we say and what is said to us shapes our lives to a great extent. Whole societies and civilizations are shaped by the words individuals choose to say to one another. Words can be very powerful. One word can put a smile on someone's face and one word can make someone frown. One word can uplift someone and one word can bring someone down. Just one word can change everything. Therefore, we must choose our words carefully!
✨The Prophet (saw) said, "The faith of a servant is not upright until his heart is upright, and his heart cannot be upright until his tongue is upright." [Ahmad]
🌟Guarding the tongue is a means of entrance into Paradise:
The Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever guarantees me (the chastity of) what is between his legs (his private parts), and what is between his jaws (his tongue), I guarantee him Paradise." [al-Bukhari]
🌟Saying a good word is Sadaqah:
The Prophet (saw) said, “A good word is charity.” [al-Bukhari]
The Prophet (saw) said, "Protect yourselves against the Fire even if with half a date. But if you do not find it, then (protect yourselves against the Fire) with (the help of) a pleasant word." [Muslim]
🌟Saying a good word is a means of high ranks:
The Prophet (saw) said, “Indeed, a slave (of Allah) utters a word pleasing to Allah without considering it of any significance for which Allah exalts his ranks (in Jannah). And indeed, a slave utters a word displeasing to Allah without considering its gravity, because of which he falls down into Hell-Fire.” [al-Bukhari]
The Prophet (saw) said, "Indeed in Paradise there are chambers, whose outside can be seen from their inside, and their inside can be seen from their outside." A Bedouin stood and said, 'Who are they for, O Messenger of Allah?" He said: "For those who speak pleasantly أَطَابَ الْكَلاَمَ , feed others, fast regularly, and perform salat [for Allah] during the night while the people sleep.” [al-Tirmidhi]
May Allah forgive us and grant us the ability to speak words pleasing to Him.
#wordsmatter #kindwords #hadith #islam #quran #deen #dhulhijjah #sacredmonth
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forgive others in islam 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
forgive others in islam 在 Allah Forgive him who Forgive Others... - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Allah Forgive him who Forgive Others... Way Of Life, Forgiveness, Quran ... Hajj is an extremely important aspect of Islam, and is considered to be one of ... ... <看更多>
forgive others in islam 在 Repentance and Forgiveness - “A man of Paradise is coming ... 的推薦與評價
Forgiving each other, even forgiving one's enemies is one of the most important Islamic teaching. Allah says in the Quran: "those who avoid major sins and acts ... ... <看更多>
forgive others in islam 在 Is forgive and forget Islamic? - Mufti Menk - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Is forgive and forget Islamic? - Mufti Menk. Muslim Central ... Forgive and Forget (People of Quran) - Omar Suleiman - Ep. 25/30. ... <看更多>