【disruptive、aggressive 破壞和侵略】
Nate Bjorkgren 被問到如何提升溜馬的進攻和防守,他提到~
"Very disruptive. Very aggressive style," Bjorkgren said about what his offenses and defenses will look like when next season starts. "We'll be a fun team to watch. You're going to see a lot of movement on both sides of the ball. You're going to see weakside movement on the offensive end. You're going to see different players handling the ball and pushing it up the floor. We want to look for more possessions. We want to utilize the free throw line getting to the rim. Utilize that 3-point line."
Bjorkgren 喜歡攻守兩端都動起來打,即使是弱邊也會有更多的跑動來配合進攻,球權由不同的球員來處理(策應或單打)和運球推進,我們要創造更多的進攻機會,多衝擊禁區獲得罰球,三分球投射也要善加利用。
disruptive 這個字很值得玩味,是破壞,也是不按牌理出牌的意思,代表 Bjorkgren 不是一個墨守成規的教練,他有可能隨時調派奇兵上陣,但不會是毫無準備派你上去丟骰子,球員們平時就需要適應並做好準備,這是 Bjorkgren 想要的比賽風格,能因應戰局變化打出不同的牌,此言若不假,可以想見新溜馬的球風必定比西瓜時代更奔放。
隨著 Bjorkgren 上任,更多他過去的執教經歷報導出現,可以感覺到他是一個勤奮認真的教練,不拘泥小節、格局遠大,且積極進取,官方記者會最後說道,我是來和溜馬球團一起拿總冠軍的,如此雄心壯志,難怪能得到總管 KP 和老闆們的認同,有正能量總是好的,有點期待看到 Bjorkgren 帶領的瘋狂溜馬會是怎麼樣的一支球隊了。
free throw意思 在 活人拳法家 Facebook 的最讚貼文
在世界上哪個國家的人們能夠接受這些法律? 直接去監獄反而更容易。 你可以想像現況令大家多憤怒及絕望嗎?一位銀行家和其中一位在利沃夫最有影響力的律師竟來到 Hrushevskogo 街頭向警方投擲石塊。
In what country in the world would people be able to live with these laws? It's easier to go directly to prison. Can you imagine? Infuriating people to such despair that a banker and one of the most influential attorneys from Lviv came to Hrushevskogo Street to throw stones at the police.
我們反對警察國家。 只有懦夫會去傷害孩子。 他們帶給我們腐敗! 我們就給他們革命!
WE ARE AGAINST THE POLICE STATE. ONLY A COWARD CAN HURT A CHILD. They give us corruption! We give them revolution!
我希望我們所有人都記住兩個歐洲的價值觀:自由和人的尊嚴 - 沒有人可以從我們身上剝奪他們。 這些是我們必須爭取的基本權利。
I'd like all of us to remember that there are two European values: freedom and human dignity. And no one can deprive us of them. These are fundamental rights that we must fight for.
我反對亞努科維奇。 他不是一個好的總統人選。 他的Berkut (註:烏克蘭的特警) 在我眼前毆打一個女人。
I'm against Yanukovych. He's not good for us as a president. His Berkut beat a woman in front of my eyes.
『我是個醫生! 我只是個醫生! 我沒有傷害你的意思! 』我向他展示了紅十字的標誌,但他向我的腿開槍。
I'm a doctor! I'm just a doctor! I mean you no harm! I showed him the sign of the Red Cross, but he shot my leg.
The first victims with wounded eyes appeared that day. When we brought in the third man with no eyes... I came outside and had a panic attack.
今天是一場小小的勝利...... 但我意識到我們不能這樣完結。 如果我們接受這些政府提出條款,我們已失去的朋友們不會原諒我們。
I remember my father told me, "This is our end… Who wasn't killed, will be killed. Who wasn't in prison, will go to prison."
Today was a small victory…. I realized that we couldn't leave it like that. Our friends that we've lost would not forgive us if we accepted those terms from the government.
23 年來,我們只有存在於紙上的獨立。 但現在,由於很多人犧牲了他們的生命去爭取,獨立已經變得真實...... 我可以說新社會誕生了。
For 23 years, we only had our independence on paper. But now, so many people sacrificed their lives that it has become real…. And I can say that a new society was born.
在獨立期間長大的一代十分了不起。 他們成長為自由人。 沒有人可以讓一個自由的人下跪。
It's an amazing generation that grew up during the independence. They grew up as free people. No one can make a free person kneel.
free throw意思 在 萬芳 One-Fang Facebook 的最讚貼文
📜 2019 Taiwanese Waves Artist Q&A📜
Vol.4 - 萬芳 One-Fang 💋
Q&A最後一彈!像湖水般的萬芳姐來分享對紐約的印象。萬芳姐連回答的時候都好有詩意呀 🧡🧡
Q5:今年的主題是「Taiwanese Bae」,想請你跟我們分享一件最寶貝的人事物?
萬芳:好難喔可以跳過嗎~ (思考很久之後)我覺得是演出的內容跟方式,因為我這個人而延伸出來的視角吧。
Q1: Impression of New York
Wan-Fang: My impression of New York is that many people go to New York to find his or her true-self, searching for dreams and search for who they really are. When we throw ourselves in New York, it’s like we are nothing so that we can feel the true-self and the most original stage of ourselves. By seeing people from around the world, I think it’s a process that you can understand some things.
Q2: How many times have you been to New York? What are you looking forward to do in New York?
Wan-Fang: I haven't counted how many times. I will stay a few days longer, but I'm not sure what I will do, I want to see what is happening in this city. I want to see what would happen if I just throw myself in New York. No special plans to do anything.
Q3: If you compare yourself as 'waves', what kind of waves do you think you are?
Wan-Fang: I don't think of myself as waves; I think I'm more like lake water. The waves that are more relatable to me is more like lake water reflections, there can be outside factors that cause the ripple or water waves, a small waves or a big jump's splash of water, but the lake itself can be very deep or even undercurrent.
Q4: Is there anything special you want to deliver to the New York audiences?
WanFang: This is my first time performing in New York. Since I've been active for over 30 years, it's hard for me to choose the songs for this performance. Some audiences might listen to Wan-Fang from the 90s, some audiences might listen to my songs after 2015, so it's hard for me to choose. But I think if the theme of this year is about female empowerment, I think I can bring my view as a female to New York, and by my music to show New York the look of the female of Taiwan.
Q5: Since the topic this year is 'Taiwanese Bae', we want you to share with us what is your 'bae'?
Wan-Fang: It's a tough question, can I skip it? (After a long time) I think the content and the way I perform because it's a view extended from myself.
Q6: If you want to recommend something that is exclusive in Taiwan to foreign audience, what would you recommend?
Wan-Fang: I think Taiwan's folk belief is fascinating because the people's personality that is formed by folk belief is a very interesting modest. Taiwan is a tiny dot on the earth, but a lot of exciting things happen in this small dot, such as legalizing gay marriage earlier this year, or beliefs that formed up from history, there are some religious people that everyone can attribute to, like TzuChi, started from Taiwan and to the world. When 911 happened there were only some groups that can go on site, one is the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the other one is TzuChi. I think this is something very interesting, a female monk with the willingness of "For Buddhism, for all beings," inspiring the whole world after 50 years.
Taiwanese Waves 2019
・Date:8 / 3 / 2019 (Saturday)
・Time:5pm doors, 6 pm - 10 pm show
・Free Entry!
・Venue:Rumsey Playfield, Central Park, NYC
・Artists:阿爆(阿仍仍)ABao | 9m88 |Tizzy Bac | 萬芳 One-Fang
Photo by DingDong│叮咚