王太 @cherrylo_x ,你終於出嫁啦!Remember when we first met, 一班single ladies 瘋狂搞活動, sharing girl power, 洗腦式互相告訴對方everything will be okay, we created the spiritual support group POIS 🤣🤣巔峰時期...we celebrated whenever we could, 學golf, Samui NYE countdown, 無數次澳門Cubic之旅,countless themed birthday celebrations, Rugby 7, Phuket, Niseko, Hakuba, Yarra Valley...we shared soooo many experiences together within a period of 8 years! All I can say is, you have been a very very supportive friend..without u, life would have been so different. Although you can be pretty LL sometimes becuz work stresses u out like crazy, but I know u r in good hands becuz @colinwong211 will give u all the spiritual support u need! 結咗婚都唔可以成日發脾氣㗎!你地要珍惜同愛護大家,love u both much 😘 #fromPOIStoPOHW #love #wedding #celebration #weddingday #friendship #同甘共苦 #白頭到老 #姊妹 #明玉 #newstageoflife @ Grand Hyatt Hong Kong