去咗Clos de l’Obac Winery試酒會,試咗5款西班牙Priorat嘅紅、白酒同甜酒,仲同莊主Carles Pastrana傾計,佢話佢嘅葡萄酒所用嘅葡萄百份比係一模一樣,所以我地會試到唔同年份氣候唔同所帶來嘅變化,而2004年後由於天氣熱咗,佢地亦早咗收割。從佢3個年份嘅紅酒(2003、2005及2006)真係飲到03年比較冇咁熱,優雅而柔滑,blind tasting仲會估係法國酒;而2008年白酒我亦很喜歡,帶礦物味、有花、酸度夠仲有果味同好新,有趣!
Attended Clos de l’Obac Winery wine tasting & tried 5 Spanish wines from Priorat including red, white & sweet wines. It's great to chat w d owner & winemaker Mr. Carles Pastrana! He said that he uses d same percentage of grape varieties for all his wines so that u can taste the difference of climate in different years. He said that they start harvesting earlier after 2004 due to global warming. From d vertical tasting of his red wines (2003, 2005 & 2006), I can really tell that d 2003 is from a cooler climate, it's v elegant and smooth, and u may think that it's a French wine if u r having blind tasting. I also like the 2008 white wine, it's v mineral w floral, fruitiness & acidity. It's still v fresh! Interesting!