【#驴友分享】RM1057玩转泰国曼谷 Bangkok +考艾 Khaoyai 🇹🇭
5天4夜闺蜜之旅 ✈
❤RM1057 费用包括机票,交通,住宿以及入门票。
💹汇率 : 12.5 (这是2018年5月的汇率哦)
➡最近的汇率已经升到12.30了 ❗❗
✈ 机票:RM345.30(Air Asia 包括四個人共用的去50kg 行李 回75kg行李)
🏢住宿 : RM335.80(我們都是在Agoda預定的喔)
🚇+🚕交通费: RM309.82
📡Wifi : RM9.54 (True move,20GB,7天)
🎫入门票: RM56.25
BTS from Ratchathewi to Siam Station
💰 64baht(4person)
BTS from Phaya Thai to Mochit
💰 148baht (4person)
(RM6.63/ person)
🚕 Grab
Dmk airport to Cubic Pratunam hotel
💰 319baht(4person)
Chatukchak to siam
💰183baht (4 person)
📌Total = 502baht (RM62.75)
(RM15.69/ person)
🚕 TukTuk
Siam area to Pratunam area
💰 100baht
Big C to Cubic Pratunam hotel
💰 100bahtfrom
📌Total = 200baht (RM25)
(RM6.25/ person )
🚙 包车 : 9000 baht(RM1125)
💟 考艾三天两夜来回,包括回程的时候载我们到dmk机场。
💟 司机服务态度一级棒,有礼貌,重点是很会抓角度拍照,还可以充当私人摄影师呢 👍
💟 车很新很舒服, 就算乘载4个乘客加上我们四个大行李箱也不会窄 车型是 fortuner 。
🔔 强力推荐要找司机游泰国的可以联系他,這裡附上司機的聯繫方式。
💌 Facebook :Kungthailand Sawudee
「旅行必备 Wifi」
📲 电话卡299 baht(RM37.37)
➡我们用的是True move,20GB,7天。
1.The Bloom - 200baht
2.Primo Piazza - 200baht
Hobbit - 50 baht
📌Total= 450baht (RM56.25/ person)
📪21/1,13Khwaeng Thanon Phaya Thai,Khet Ratchathewi,10400,Thailand
💰 RM454.86(4person,2room)
💰 RM113.72(/ person)
✨ 这是我们在bangkok第一晚和第二晚住的酒店。
✨ 酒店有提供 7*24 小時 tuk tuk去三个主要的路线哦。
✨ 步行五分钟就到能到达Pratunam market
✨ 步行大约3分钟就到达7-11和Family mart
✨ 酒店lobby就有按摩服务了哦,手藝还不賴(但是需要自行付費喔,價錢可以接受,不貴)
✨只是晚上從Pratunam market的方向回酒店,女生就有點危險喔,因為酒店周圍蠻安靜的,位置也在比較裡面。
干净度⭐ ⭐ ⭐
服务态度⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
方便度⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
(5个⭐ 为满)
2.Pino Hotel
📪 地址:8 ,Pakchong-Subsanoon Rd., Pak Chong 30130, Thailand
💰 RM285.66(2room,4person)
💰 RM71.42(1person)
✨ 接待处有饼干和水可以免費享用。
✨ 柜台的接待员都很有礼貌。
✨ 這個價錢,能有這麼大的房间很可以,厕所也是很乾淨喔。
✨ 唯一的缺點就是廁所的水會時冷時熱,水溫有點難控制。
干净度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
服务态度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
方便度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐
3.U Khao Yai
📪 地址: 99/22 Moo 1, Mu Si, Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima 30130泰国
💰 RM602.54
(4person,2 superior rooms)
💰 RM150.64(1person)
✨这间酒店其中一个特色是24小時住滿制度,就是指隨時可以辦理入住,而且可以住滿24小時哦,例如你早上9点办理入住,你就可以住到隔天早上9点才办理退房手续,超值得的有没有 😍
✨ 在接待处check in 後,每間房就可以得到一个免費的手工皂 ,肥皂的香味可以自己選擇和附送一些酒店按摩Spa回扣卷。
✨ 酒店的设备齐全,如泳池,游戏房,健身房,按摩院,樣樣齊全。
✨ 酒店有免费的早餐,可选择buffet或者有Room breakfast以便不方便到餐廳享用的住客,超貼心的有沒有!
✨酒店早餐真心很好吃呀 😋
✨ 酒店的每个地方都是你的伸展舞蹈,隨便一拍都是美景。
✨ 每間房可以任拿房間的兩瓶饮料。(飲料選擇有啤酒,可樂,Sprite,果汁等等任君選擇)
✨ 房间里備有浴袍,可以用来拍装逼照😂
✨ 房間的阳台看出去都是美丽的风景,不管是在房內還是房外,都能感受到自己被大自然包围,真的很棒 👍👍
服务态度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
方便度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐
干净度:⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
【Day 1⃣ 曼谷 Bangkok】
1.🏠 Check in CUBIC hotel
2.☕ B-story ⭐
✨ 以旧教堂改建,歌德式的咖啡厅。
✨ 價錢方面不会太贵哦,在可以接受的範圍內,重点是环境超級棒的。
✨ 特定的咖啡会有3D立体拉花哦。
✨ 地點就在Ratchathewi BTS 旁边,方便。
👍 必去哦😍
3.🛍 Siam Square
4.💄 Stylenanda Pink Hotel
📪 地址: Siam square, Soi 5 Bangkok,Thailand
⏰ 营业时间: 10am-9pm
✨ 在韩国🇰🇷 超夯的3CE终于在泰国曼谷也有分店啦😍
✨ 并不是真的是酒店,而是以酒店为名,集合了3CE美妆,Stylenanda服饰和Pink Pool Cafe咖啡馆的地方。
✨ 整个建筑物都是以粉色为主,简直爆发了我的少女心💕
✨ 粉粉的裝修,每個角落都可以讓你拍得美美的。
👍 必去😍
5.👗 Choosedress
✨ 這一家是 以 Fashion & Spa 的集合點,是曼谷少女人氣服飾店之一。
✨ 主要是賣少女服飾,而二樓還備有試衣間,第三樓則是美甲美髮店,叫Sleep salon & nails,顧名思義就是要讓每個到此一遊的你們沈睡在美甲美髮之中。
✨ 衣服價錢会有点稍贵,但是在這裡有試衣間,可以先試了衣服是否適合再消費。
✨ 衣服風格都會偏韓風,每一件都是精挑細選。
6.👗 Cintage School
📪 地址:Siam square Soi 10, Bangkok
⏰ 营业时间: 11am – 9pm
✨ 分为3层哦
✨ 低层是服装店,售卖很多韩式服装。
✨ 2楼是Bonnie Studio,可以在这里做指甲哦,但是需要付費喔。
✨ 3楼就是咖啡厅啦。
✨ 里面有很多幻色系的蛋糕和饮料。
📪 地址:Siam Square Soi 7, Bangkok
⏰ 营业时间:12pm – 9pm
✨ 第三層的Pink Planter Cafe咖啡廳以粉红色和火烈鸟为主题。
✨ 楼下两层为MatchBox服饰店
✨在這裡拍照也是美美的,愛拍照的絕不能錯過 !
✨ 楼上就是Pink Planter cafe,價錢和味道都屬於中等。
👍 必去❤
✨ 超齐全的化妆品店
✨ 不管是泰国本地人使用的化妆品又或者国际出名的化妆品都有賣喔。
9.🌙 MBK Night Market
✨ 在eveanbody附近就有的night market.
10.🍽 Inter since1981
✨ 是一个超过31年的老店,食物选择很多,老字号平价泰菜,重点是价钱便宜又好吃哦。
✨ 就连当地人都常去的餐厅,当然也少不了满满的游客。
✨建议你们尽量避免用餐高峰期 ,不然就要排队啰。
✨ 推荐炸鸡和Stir Fried pork with garlic and pepper on rice。
11.🍸 Red sky bar
📪 地址:999/99 Rama 1 Road,Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
👗 Dress code applies: Smart Casual, no singlets, flips flops, sport shorts
⏰ 營業時間:16:00 - 01:00 hrs
🔥 Happy Hours : 16:00 - 18:00 hrs
✨ 先搭电梯到22楼Lobby Reception ,再搭升降机到Centara Grand 酒店的55楼。
✨ Happy hours 还会有buy 1 free 1的饮料哦。
✨ Minimum spend 一杯饮料。
✨ 在Red sky bar可以365度俯视整个曼谷城市的夜景。
✨ 只要有消费就会有免费三种口味的花生哦,是可以免费refill的。
12.🛍 Central World
✨ Central world是由三個百貨組合而成,彼此相連:Zen百貨、世貿中心(Central world plaza)、伊勢丹百貨(iSETAN)
✨ 一楼就有赫赫有名的Naraya啦!
🚉 交通:BTS捷運Chit Lom奇隆站往1號出口方向直走,可由天橋進入百貨。
📪 地址:Ratchadamri Road ,Patumwan, Bangkok
⏰ 營業時間:10a.m.-10p.m.
13. 🛍 Big C Supermarket
📪 地址:97/11 Rajdamri Road,Lumpini,Pathumwan,Bangkok
⏰ 營業時間:早上9點到晚上12點或凌晨2點
✨Central world过天桥,对面就是bic C啦。
✨ 市中心蛮大间的Big C ,不管是药妆零食样样齐全。
✨ 在这里就是疯狂的买,买,买!
✨ 这里super rich的汇率也是还不错的哦 。
✨Super rich有好几间分行,建議在泰國想換錢的,可以找super rich喔,因為Super rich的汇率在曼谷都是比较好的。
【Day 2⃣ 曼谷 Bangkok】
1.🛍 Chatuchak Weekend Market 洽圖洽週末市集
✨从BTS(Phaya Thai)站到BTS (Mo Chit N8)
✨一下站就是就能看到Chatuchak 市集啦。
⏰ 开放时间:每周六、日开放。平日部分店铺开放。
🚌 公交车: 3, 8, 28, 38, 39, 44, 59, 77, 134, 136, 138, 145
🚃 地铁 MRT : 在 [ Kampaeng Phet ] 站出来,出口就有周末市场的地图。
🚉 轻轨 BTS : 坐BTS的Sukhumvit线,在北部终点 [ Mo Chit ] 站下车。
2. Siam area 走走
3.🛍 Platinum Fashion Mall
📪 地址:542/21-22 Petchaburi road, Petchaburi road district, Rachateewe Bangkok 10400
✨如果沒有時間到洽圖洽市集逛的 也可以來這裡逛逛喔 這裡賣的衣服飾品很多 價位也很便宜 畢竟是走低價位的 所以也會時不時看到當地人來批貨,只是遊客拿的價格可能會不太一樣喔。
✨ 晚餐或午餐可以選擇在最頂層的foodcourt用餐哦,這裡的猪脚饭超级赞啦,推荐推荐👍😍
🚇 交通路線:出BTS捷運chit lom奇隆站往1號口方向的Central World世貿中心百貨走。
⏰ 營業時間:9a.m. -8p.m.,不過每家店的營業時間不同。不要四、五點才來逛水門市場,很多店家可能早就先關了。
4.🌙Pratunam night market
✨近期泰国超火红的red apple 和maltini能在这里找到,而且价钱都只是100baht,是比较了很多地方得出来的结果,这里是最便宜而且款式比较多的😍
5.💆Arunda Thai Massage
📪14,Soi Phetchaburi 15,Thanon Phayathai Ratchathewi Bangkok,10400,Thailand
✨在Spenza 酒店的隔壁哦。
✨我们选择foot massage,250baht按摩1小时,个人觉得是蛮值得,重点是这里的手艺很好。
【Day 3⃣ 考艾 Khaoyai】
1. Check out Cubic Hotel ,Depart to khaoyai 🚗
✨考艾Khaoyai 距离曼谷市中心2个小时半的车程,你们可选择包车或自驾,但是不建议塔巴士或火车去,因为考艾是個比較偏遠的小鎮没有什么grab car喔。
2.🐮 Dairy Home Factory
3.🍸 PB Valley Khao Yai Winery
📪 地址: 02/2 Moo 5, Mitraparp Road Payayen Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30320
⏰ 开放时间:8:30a.m.-下午4:30p.m.
💰 费用: 入场免费(但是品酒行程每人需200泰铢, 约RM 24)
✨ 这里的员工会根据你的品酒爱好,推荐给你不同的酒。
✨ 可以选择性,付费参观酒的制作过程
4.🌸 The Bloom
📪 地址: 357 Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima, Phayayen, 30320
⏰ 开放时间:7a.m.-8p.m.
💰 费用: 200baht(Set 1)
Set 1- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water =200baht
Set 2- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water + lunch/dinner =300baht
Set 3- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water+ appetizer =300baht
Set 4- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water + steak =400baht
Set 5 - ticket + golf + drink + cake + water + appetizer + lunch/ dinner =400baht
Set 6- ticket + golf + drink + cake + water + appetizer + steak =500baht
✨ 一座超过100英亩的超大花园,整座花园被无数美丽花朵装饰、点缀着。
✨ 超过30种花可以让你看个饱哦。
✨ 每个角落都是拍照的好地方啊😍 哪有一个女生可以抵住花的诱惑呢😍
✨考艾是12月到1月才有太阳花看, 但是我们7月去, 这里也可以看到少许太阳花。
(必去👍 )
5.🍽 505 Kawhom Main Kitchen
6.☕ The bridge’s lodge
✨ 建筑物是以木建成的,建筑物旁还围绕着很多綠色植物,絕對是拍照打卡的好地方啊,
7.🏰 Primo Piazza
📪 地址: 861 Moo 6, Thanarat Road, Tambol Nong Nam Daeng, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30130
⏰ 开放时间:9a.m.-10p.m.
💰 费用: 200baht
✨这里不像piazza palio是意大利风特色商城,它是一间主题餐厅!
✨这里最大的主角,不用我介绍就知道是可爱到爆炸的羊驼和草泥马 😍
✨不想在这里用餐也没关系 也是有好多拍照打卡的地方 一定要拍得够哦 才能把200baht入门票赚回呢!
8.🍽 Midwinter Green
📪 Address: 10 88/88 Soi Ban Sai Thong Mu 24 Soi 2, Nong Nam Daeng, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30130, Thailand
⏰ 营业时间: 10am-10pm
✨ 这家餐厅是在一个具有中古欧洲风的城堡里面,从餐厅的外观上看,你可以看到一个德国式城堡,有着中世纪的屋顶和高塔,外观非常壮观吸睛 。
9.🏠 Check in PINO Hotel
10.🏃 Pak Chong Night Market
✨ 一小圈就可以走完。
✨ 售卖衣服,食物和一些小饰品。
✨ 晚餐可以在这里解决哦。
【Day 4⃣ 考艾 Khaoyai】
1.🏠 Check out PINO Hotel
2.🔮 Hobbit House
📪 地址: 292 Moo 15 Tambon Lat Bua Sikhio Nakhon Ratchasima 30340
💰 入场费: 50baht
💰 Dressing booth : 100baht
✨ Hobbit house是一家网红酒店,但因为它的设计独特,很多旅客都慕名来拍照。分成3个主题,Hobbit , Santorini 和卡通。
✨去不到纽西兰的Hobbiton,就去考艾的hobbit house吧!去到那里,仿佛身处纽西兰的感觉。
(必去👍 )
3.🏰 My Ozone
📪 地址: 334 Moo 6, Tambon Wang sai, Amper Pak chong,Nakhon Ratchasima, 30130 Ban Wang Sai, Thailand
✨ 超像童话故事城堡的五星级酒店。
✨号称考艾小城堡 🏰周围被绿油油的草原给包围着,会有种穿越到童话故事化身为小公主/小王子的feel~
✨ 只要付100baht还可以体验骑马,驯马师会让马带着你绕马场一圈哦。
4. 🏰 Thames Valley
📪 地址:999 Moo 4, Moosi, Pakchong, Nakorn Ratchasima 30130
✨ 独特的英式风格酒店 酒店外有个花园迷宫,可以悠闲散步之余还可以玩起抓迷藏呢!
✨ 就算不是这里的住客,还是可以免费到里面拍照的哦,因为这里每个角落都是拍照的好地方,还会让你越来越上瘾
✨如果有在The castle restaurant或 The Castle tearoom消费的就不需要另附泊车费哦,没有消费的则需付泊车费哟。
✨ 喜欢喝下午茶的,可以到The castle tea room享受贵妇下午茶哦。
5.🏰 Check in U Khao Yai
【Day 5⃣ 考艾 Khaoyai】
1.🏠 Check out U Khao Yai
2.🍽 Krua khaoyai Restaurant
📪地址27 Moo 7, Thanarat Rd., Tambon Moosie
⏰ 营业时间 : 9am-8pm (open daily)
✨服务员会听英文 ,所以沟通是沒有問題的喔。
✨ 价钱属于中上,但是很合理哦。
✨ 味道很不错,餐厅设计就犹如一般餐厅,无特别之处。
✨推荐Pork spare rib 和 Deep Fried Mango Fish👍👍
3.🏰 Palio
📪 地址 : Tambon Mu Si, Amphoe Pak Chong, Chang Wat Nakhon Ratchasima 30130, Thailand
⏰ 营业时间 : 10am-7pm
✨ 很漂亮的意大利风特色商城,里面有各式各样的风格小店。
✨ 一定要拍照打卡的地方哦,这里简直是愛拍照的人的天堂😍
✨在里面真的会忘我的以为置身在意大利街头呢 😝
(必去👍 )
4.🛍 Premium Outlet Khao Yai
✨ 只有一些比较有名的服装和鞋子牌子,但选择不多。
✨ 售卖的东西还算便宜。
5.🛬 出发dmk机场,We‘re Back!
🔍在曼谷市区,一班朋友或三四人旅行的,建议可以选择搭乘Grab Car,因為幾個人平分價錢就像搭Bts一樣,对于第一次使用grab car的用户,有discount code使用哦,相较起Tuk tuk 可以坐得比较舒服又没那么危险哦。
🔍Tuk tuk车有很多都是可以减价的,通常他们开口喊的第一口价是会比较贵的,尽量减价,敢敢减价,价钱不满意可以再问其他的。
🔍有兴趣前往考艾 Khaoyai的,建议有朋友会驾车,可以选择自驾,会省很多哦,只是驾车的朋友可能会比较累,但是考艾很多地点都可以用waze去,不用担心会迷路哦。
🔍 泰国真的泰好买,泰好玩了!
💕有什么疑问的朋友们也可以留言或者私信 Sii Siok Huei
🔻作者闺蜜👭们的IG 🔻
📷 siokhuei97
📷 shutenq0212_
📷 evelynzhuu
📷 zhien.0929
#泰國 #曼谷 #考艾 #欢迎私聊投稿
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Elizabeth Yeung,也在其Youtube影片中提到,PMQ 元創坊 - Support Local Young Create-Preneurs - Address: 35 Aberdeen St, Central, Hong Kong Get there: By Bus No.26 By MTR - Central Station/ Sheun...
grand central market hours 在 Ken Hunts Food Facebook 的最讚貼文
Traditional Tea is usually consumed in an unadulterated way sans any outlandish ingredients; it was until recent years that the health-promoting beverage being modernized. One of the latest trends landed in Malaysia amongst excitement and thirst is to marry Tea with Cheese. The revolutionary beverage was introduced by Regiustea (one of the first few brands that started the trend), a brand based in Hong Kong and recently entered into the Malaysian market (in April 2017). Regiustea currently has 3 outlets in Malaysia- one in central region, one in southern and the newly opened branch at Queensbay Mall is its 3rd outlet in Malaysia (also the only one in northern region).
Flavors are imaginative at Regiustea- not only pairing Cheese with Tea, the Hong Kong brand also mixed Durian with Tea. This may sound playful but all flavors are meticulously thought-through; whether you are a fan of Cheese or Durian lovers or merely seeking for something to quench the thirst, the menu with 32 choices (flavors) will have something for you. It is also noteworthy that all ingredients are natural and imported from overseas; Regiustea uses special brewing method (simmer the tea using cold water) so the Caffeine of the Tea will not be extracted (Caffeine-free). A truly unique yet lip-smacking beverage that you don't want to miss.
[Regius Cheese] Jasmine Green Tea (Rm 11.90 nett)
Address: 3F-26, Queensbay Mall, 100, Persiaran Bayan Indah, 11900, Bayan Lepas, Penang. *right next to Neway Karaoke*
Business Hours: 10:30 am to 10 pm. Opens Daily.
More information at: http://www.kenhuntfood.com/…/grand-opening-of-regiustea-que…
grand central market hours 在 Oak Panthongtae Shinawatra Facebook 的精選貼文
Thaksin Shinawatra in Private Discussion
World Policy Institute Global Leader Briefing Series Thinking Points
World Policy Institute, 9th March 2016, New York
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I must thank you World Policy Institute for providing me an opportunity to share my thought on the challenges that revolve around the economic, regional and global implications of how Thailand will make its way through a period of transition and change.
We all know that no society in the twenty-first century can sustain any form of “progress” in the well-being of its people without at least two basic foundations:
The first one is political stability. The second one is the ability to create economic activities that allow growth and readiness to shift its creativities to sustain wealth.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me tell you the tale of the two cities, which is not written by Charles Dickens. It is the tale of parallel progress of Washington D.C. and Beijing. Each has its own history, pain and loathing. As the years go by, the two cities have been seen as rivals which offers competing models for growth and prosperity.
One is Free Market-Capitalism with the so-called “Open Democracy” as the foundation of its economic model. The other one is State-Led Capitalism with the central control system by one party.
Both of the models have proven to be successful in a very dramatic way from the past to the present. Admitting that the Chinese model was fitting to the change of attitude among the leadership of the country at that time, in parallel with the change of economic model in the West, in which the definition of “free trade” benefits China’s shifting position from a close market to a semi-open market.
But we must admit also that both models are now having to adjust itself to the new reality; the reality of dramatic change in speed and character of technology for industrial production; the change from “a country-based product” to “network of global design, global sourcing,and global production for just one product”. This extraordinary change upends the “normal” internal economic adjustment of the country and made it very difficult to find a simple economic adjustment.
We must recognize that advancement in the wealth management technique and technology also upend the normal linkage between capital and changes in production. However, we probably agree, that one common threat for survival in this present so-called “New Normal” is either you have the ability and willingness to change or you don’t. Thailand, like the other countries, cannot get away from this New Normal in the international context.
Ladies and Gentleman,
There is a tale of a poor English teacher in China who soared to the list of the world’s wealthiest people. He neither built a big factory nor invested in any production facility. But, people paid for his service simply to reach the network of supply and demand on a grand scale. I believe, he must feel thank you to the internet.
Ladies and Gentleman,
Amid the global economic slowdown, the pattern of trade has significantly changed. Due to the development of information technology infrastructure and increasing number of population who is able to access to the internet, e-commerce has become a new engine that sustains growth for both developed and developing economies. According to UNCTAD’s report last year, the value of global business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce in 2013 exceeded $15 trillion USD. While global business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce still accounted for an estimated $1.2 trillion USD, this segment has grown at a rapid pace; especially in the Asia and Oceania region where B2C segment is expected to surge from 20 to 37 percent between 2013 to 2018. Due to the incremental growth of cross-border e-commerce trade, international postal deliveries of small packets and parcels have risen by 48 percent between 2011 to 2014 globally.
For both Asia and the West, I believe these numbers provide us with clues for the new growth opportunities where “access to networks” is the key: meaning, the networks of consumers and factors of production across geographical boundaries. Unlike the economy of twentieth century when “access to centers” is the rules of the game, today, businessmen who do not have big factories and are not the owners of multinational corporations, can manage to reach and satisfy the needs of their customers worldwide through networks of production and distribution with an assist of the new communication technology. Today’s economy is increasingly decentralized. Consumption and production are more and more dispersed. We could imagine that an American producers can sell their products online directly to consumers in the western part of China without having to spend business hours in Beijing or Shanghai. Vice versa, a Chinese producer can bypass New York to offer their products to customers in New England and Mid-Atlantic states. The network economy has provided the people, both in small and large businesses, with the ability to produce and access to consumers at lower costs. We, as a global community, must put special emphasis on how each country can invest and share risk with the people to create growth collectively.
Ladies and Gentleman,
Another tale is about the rebirth of a road that nobody cares since the Portuguese discovered a possible sea route from Europe to Asia. The Portuguese did offer an alternative trade route with substantial margins for the goods carried. Although you might lose half of the cargoes on the way, you still did not lose your shirt. Since the demand for spices were overwhelming, the merchant marines heavily charge everybody.
Ladies and Gentleman,
The heavy-load transport through the sea has been with us till now, and the land routes from Asia to Europe have been neglected. If the world’s economy is thriving like the good old days, probably, not so many people would be interested in finding an alternative in life. But, since the situation goes awry, I believe, any country should consider all possibilities.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today, there are two major initiatives that, I think, have great potential to accelerate growth and leverage “quality of growth” that brought into being by the emergence of network economy. One is the China-led “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) plan to develop transport and logistics connectivity encompassed some 60 countries, which include about 50 percent of the world’s GDP. And, the other is the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) between 12 Pacific Rim countries, which account for more than 40 percent of the world’s GDP. I have not seen these two initiatives as antagonistic, but rather a kind of two parallel processes that, at a certain point, will create mutual economic benefits for Asia and the West.
We must overcome the stereotype that perceive China and the US as merely the two opposing political superpowers. In reality, the economic development during the past decade has shown us how far these two major economies are interdependent. China is the largest foreign holder of US government securities with $1.24 trillion USD worth. With the total trade volume of $521 billion USD in 2014, the US is China’s biggest trade partner. Total US foreign direct investment (FDI) in China stood at $65.77 billion USD at the end of 2014, while the Chinese FDI in the US is estimated to have reach $11.9 billion USD.
Given this interdependence in mind, I believe Southeast Asia- the region that sits in between the two great initiatives of the two major economies- must put special emphasis on how to enhance the mutual economic benefits with its counterparts. For Southeast Asia in the twenty-first century, the geopolitics should be about how to reinforce the networks of wealth creation for the people that stretch across national and regional borders.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me tell you the last tale about a Thai restaurant. No matter how many times the master chef tries to teach his protege, the young man keeps making mistakes in mixing the ingredients. Customers are kept waiting, hungry and mad. Once the customers are served, half of them get diarrhea afterward. The moral of this tale is one must make the written recipe right.
Ladies and gentlemen,
While some people may underline the unique characteristics of Thailand in terms of its history and developmental path, the country itself cannot avoid to come to terms with the global challenges of the twenty-first century. For half a century, the Thai economy has incrementally integrated into global economy. Values of Thailand’s exports per GDP and FDI in the country have shown us clearly how far the growth of Thai economy has been interwoven with the fate of global economy.
Against this context, we shall consider Thailand’s draft constitution with a very simple question: will the latest draft constitution “enable” the country to grow and become stronger in the present world? Or, will the latest draft constitution provide Thailand with a sufficient institutional infrastructure for investment, production, cooperation, and businesses?
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Due to the framework set out by the latest draft constitution, it is difficult to foresee a government that is responsive to the people and the challenges of the twenty-first century. According to the new draft, the 200-seat upper house, or Senate, will be appointed by the so-called “experts”. The Senate will also have greater powers to block legislation. Regarding the Constitutional Court, its scope of jurisdiction will be expanded. The Court will have the power to examine cases based on petitions filed directly by individuals, without the requirement that an actual dispute being brought by political organs or other courts.
If we consider the doctrine of separation of powers as the foundation for growth and stability, the critical issue that we shall examine is whether the judicial power will trespass the provinces of legislature/ and executive or not? For a government to be able to manage the economy against the global slowdown, I do hope that there will be no over-enforcement of the judicial power. Experiences of several countries show us that, if unchecked, judicial review can be inappropriately used as “delaying tactic”; thus, in turn, become an impediment to economic policy implementation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I believe that the foundation for the country to create growth and prosperity is to build trust in the global community. The constitution shall protect the rule of law and provide at least a minimum level of freedom of speech that facilitates economic cooperation between the people and the global community. Trade and investment cannot flourish if there is no certain degree of confidence provided by the rule of law. Against the transition and change, Thailand must reevaluate its strength and weakness. The country shall find a sensible way to regain its political stability and economic dynamism. I have only proposed the way of how should we think of the phenomena that is the world today.
grand central market hours 在 Elizabeth Yeung Youtube 的精選貼文
PMQ 元創坊 - Support Local Young Create-Preneurs -
Address: 35 Aberdeen St, Central, Hong Kong
Get there:
By Bus No.26
By MTR - Central Station/ Sheung Wan Station
Opening Hours: 7:00am - 11:00pm
Pre Opening starts from 14 April, 2014
Early May - Soft Opening
Late June - Grand Opening
Please visit their official website for more information:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eli.yty
Instagram: http://instagram.com/elizabethyeung