1) Congrats
✔「〜おめでとう」→「Congrats on _____」
You passed the test? Congrats!
Congrats on getting married! Wishing you two a lifetime of happiness!
Congrats on your promotion! I'm really happy for you!
2) Kudos
Kudosは「栄光」や「名声」を意味するギリシャ語が語源となっており、何か大きな功績を収めた人に対し賞賛の意を示す意味として使われています。日常会話では「Kudos to you!」が定番のフレーズとなっており「よくやったね!」や「すごいね!」と訳すことができますが、どちらかというとメールやSNSで使用されることが多いです。
✔「〜さん、よくやりました!」→「Kudos to ______」
✔人の具体的な行為を称賛する場合は「Kudos for _____」
Kudos to you! You should be proud of yourself!
Kudos to everybody who helped out with this event. This would not be possible without your support.
Kudos to all the teachers and educators in the world!
同時也有47部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過39萬的網紅The Official Chris Leong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Master Chris Leong is the founder of CLM ( Chris Leong Method ) Tit Tar and exceptionally passionate in making people feel & recover better. Passion b...
happiness test 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
一早便在劍潭站搭紅五到陽明山總站,再轉乘108小巴上鞍部停車場,如網上山友寫下的紀 錄,鑽進一旁的小路就開始了小觀音山的起點,原本計畫若走得不順,打算只先探探路走到西峰就折返,之後有機會再來O型縱走。
沒想到此次幸運遇見兩位熟路的天使,讓我們一次就把小觀音山群全部收集了,從登山口、小觀音山西峰、西西峰、北峰、西北 峰、北北峰、主峰再從戰備道路返回原點,一路共花了近7小時才走完,那日我們抓準時間在太陽下山前就走回登山口搭車。
許多人說台北抹茶山比宜蘭的抹茶山難度更高,對於新手來說很硬,親身體驗後認為何止硬,著實是體力腿力耐力的多重考驗,眾多陡上陡下的地形, 戴上好攀爬的手套是必備,當然充足的水與能量補給更是必須,還有一定要抓好時間比太陽早下山,摸黑可是很危險的。
若是平時極少登山的人想挑戰O型縱走,建議一定要有認識路的山友帶領,一定要至少 3 人以上結伴,有時山上網路不穩也能先下載好離線地圖,縱使小觀音山大部份路徑皆有山友留下的線索路標,但還是很容易在山裡走失。
Before visiting, we kept an eye on the weather forecast a couple of days in advance and also looked online for the trail routes and asked hiking friends for advice.
On the day, we arrived at Jian Tan MRT station early in the morning and took the Red 5 bus to its terminal station at Yangmingshan. From there, we then transferred to the 108 minibus to Anbu which marked the start of the hiking trail up Mt. Xiaoguanyin.
On the way, we were lucky to meet two regular hikers who were familiar with the area and gave us directions on how to get to each of the mountain peaks - the west peak, the beizhuzishan peak, north peak, north-north peak, main peak and then back to the starting point. Overall, the trail took 7 hours to complete and we timed it so that we could catch the bus back to Taipei at the end.
Some say that Xiaoguanyin, also dubbed the “Matcha Mountain of Taipei ” (as it looks like a mountain of matcha green tea powder), is more difficult to ascend han the Matcha Mountain of Yilan. From our experience, we agree - Xiaoguanyin, part of the Tatun Volcano Group, is really a formidable test of strength and endurance as there are many steep inclines and the terrain can be quite rough. Wearing good climbing gloves is also a must, as is carrying water, food and other supplies. If you visit, be sure to time your hike well to descend before the sunset, as otherwise the journeycan be quite perilous.
For beginners who want to take on Xiaoguanyin’s loop walk trail, it‘s recommended that you should be in at least a group of three and led by a guide who knows the path. You should also download the map of the mountain in advance as reception is unreliable on the mountain.
Even though you can usually find signs left by other hikers that show you the correct path, it's still possible for you to get lost on the mountain. Those who want to challenge themselves by climbing the mountain should probably be well prepared and do some training beforehand. Don't be tempted to visit just for some instagrammable photos without making the necessary preparations.
Be well-prepared, discover the beauty of the nature and the warmth of the people you meet, challenge yourself safely. After the journey, what awaits you is full sense of happiness and accomplishment. 2020.11.20
This article is excerpted from the special edition of the book《Taipei, to-siā》, Chinese - English Bilingual Version.
Book link|https://reurl.cc/e9Ravm
happiness test 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最讚貼文
1) Hope
一般的に“Hope”は、必ずしも望み通りにはいかないかもしれないが、期待や願望が実現する可能性は十分にあり得る場合に使われます。例えば、週末に友達とバーベキューを予定していて「週末、晴れるといいね」と言う場合は「I hope it's sunny this weekend.」になります。晴れる可能性は十分にあるので、ここでは“Hope”を使います。
✔基本的に“Hope”の後には、現在形の動詞(文章)が続きますが、未来形(will)で表しても間違いではありません。→「I hope it will be sunny this weekend.(今週末、晴れるといいね。)
✔過去形の動詞(文章)が“Hope”の後に続くことはあまりありませんが、何か気になっている状況の成り行きを見守るニュアンとして使うことがあります。→「I hope she made it home safely last night.(昨晩、彼女は無事に帰れたといいのですが。)」
I hope you pass your test.
I hope everything works out.
I hope the beach is not crowded tomorrow.
I hope she finished the marathon yesterday.
2) Wish
“Wish”は期待や願望の現実化が難しい、または不可能な場合に使われます。例えば、週末に友達とバーベキューをするはずだったのに、当日は大雨で中止になった場合「I wish it was/were sunny.(晴れていたらな・・・)」といった具合に使います。既に雨が降っており、その雨が止む可能性は低いので、ここでは“Wish”を使います。文法上“wish”の後にフォローするBe動詞は“were”が正しいのですが、最近では名詞に「I/he/she/it」がくる場合は“was”を使うことが一般的になり、会話においてはどちらを使っても問題ありません。
✔その他、「I wish you a happy birthday.(お誕生日おめでとうございます)」のように、おめでたい出来事を祝ったり、「I wish you every happiness.(ご多幸をお祈りします)」のように、相手の幸運を祈ったりする場合にも“Wish”が使われます。基本的に「I wish you _____」のパターンになります。
→ I wish he would stop smoking.(彼タバコを止めてくれるといいのにね)
→ I wish you could come with us.(私たちと一緒に来れたらいいのにね)
→ I wish I spoke Chinese.(中国語を喋れたらいいのにな。)
→ I wish it weren't/wasn't raining right now.(雨が降ってなければよかったのにな。)
→ I wish I had studied harder.(もっと頑張って勉強すればよかった。)
「wish」+「could have」+「過去分詞」
→ I wish I could have been there.(そこにいれたらよかったのにな。)
I wish it would stop raining.
I wish I could understand what he's saying.
I wish I had a lot of money.
I wish I had an older brother.
happiness test 在 The Official Chris Leong Youtube 的最讚貼文
Master Chris Leong is the founder of CLM ( Chris Leong Method ) Tit Tar and exceptionally passionate in making people feel & recover better. Passion breeds happiness & happiness breeds positive energy & positive energy brings speedy recovery.
(马来西亚 梁潤江跌打師傅)
Chris Leong Method Tit Tar - Malaysia
CLM Tit Tar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Damansara +6014-3333039
Mid Valley +6012-8990685
Setia Alam +6012-5733039
Sri Petaling +6012-9850685
Ampang +6012-6389727
➡️ My Official CLM App :
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happiness test 在 translation Youtube 的精選貼文
BGMはエグザクトのさえぐさ氏と 山本氏が作曲。新ドライバでadpcmの相違を利用しサラウンド風に鳴らしている。ただ、曲にやや不協和音(前作ナイアスから)がまだ残る。
作曲:さえぐさひろゆき氏, 山本浩氏
Manufacturer: 1991.9.12 EXACT
System: X68000 series
Hardware: YM2151,MSM6258
music driver programmer: kazunori toyota
Composer: Hiroyuki Saegusa,Hiroshi Yamamoto
00:00 01.Introduction (イントロ)
00:49 02.Theme Of Aquales (Opening) (オープニング)
03:56 03.Shut It Up! (Stage 1) (ステージ 1)
06:24 04.E.L. Pow (Boss 1) (ボス 1)
07:34 05.Stage Clear (ステージクリア)
07:41 06.Visual Scene (ビジュアルシーン)
09:00 07.Blue Point (Stage 2) (ステージ 2)
12:18 08.Complication (Boss 2) (ボス 2)
13:51 09.As a Stream (Stage 3) (ステージ 3)
15:43 10.S.C.B.M (Boss 3) (ボス 3)
16:35 11.Glass Shade (Stage 4-1) (ステージ 4-1)
18:50 12.RIATT! (Stage 4-2) (ステージ 4-2)
22:03 13.Attract Peace (Boss 4) (ボス 4)
24:26 14.Phantom of Deep (Stage 5) (ステージ 5)
26:50 15.Scale Battle (Boss 5) (ボス 5)
27:58 16.Over Arms (Stage 6) (ステージ 6)
30:05 17.GEAR'S! (Boss 6) (ボス 6)
31:01 18.Run To The Aquales (Stage 7) (ステージ 7)
33:45 19.Action Into The METAL! (Boss 7) (ボス 7)
34:49 20.Last Visual Scene (ビジュアルシーン/ラスト)
37:28 21.Outer Sight (Stage 8) (ステージ 8)
41:17 22.Garlant Happiness (Ending) (エンディング)
46:34 23.Game Over (ゲームオーバー)
46:42 24.PCM Test

happiness test 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最讚貼文
ชมตัวจริงในงาน ขับทดสอบ All-New Toyota Corolla Cross 2020-2021 โตโยต้า โคโรลล่า ครอส Thailand Test Drive Event
All-New Corolla CROSS …A NEW JOURNEY has 5 unique selling points
1. Design
- A New Outstanding Journey – A New Journey … Reflecting state-of-the-art design
The exterior design uniquely stands out with its stylish and sporty feel yet unveils the sense of luxury in combination with toughness. The car comes with a power moonroof, roof rack, LED headlights and taillights, as well as 18-inch alloy wheels.
- A New Satisfying Journey – A New Journey … Offering ample space for all your needs
The design in the interior represents a seamless work of art with the new Terra Rossa red shade as the interior color, along with the addition of 7-inch Multi Information Display (MID).
2. Performance
- A New Energetic Journey – A New Journey … Showcasing the ultimate powertrain
The 1.8-inch hybrid engine with the most innovative 4th generation hybrid system has been completely developed so that the battery offers greater performance, endurance, and fuel efficiency, while preserving the exciting driving pleasure and superior power of acceleration. For the hybrid engine, the average fuel consumption is only 23.3 kilometer per liter, with the carbon dioxide emission of 98 grams per kilometer. On the other hand, for the gasoline engine, the average fuel consumption is 15.4 kilometer per liter, with the carbon dioxide emission of 150 grams per kilometer.
- A New Confident Journey – A New Journey … Having everything under control in all journeys
With Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA) and the newly developed torsion beam, the suspension has been largely enhanced for better grip and smooth ride, while improving the balance while driving straight and cornering. All these features substantially help provide drivers with greater agility, confidence, and visibility.
3. Comfort
- A New Convenient Journey – A New Journey … Bringing sheer convenience to all your trips
The All-New Corolla CROSS offers a large luggage space with a maximum capacity of up to 487 liters. Besides, the cabin is distinguished by large doors that make it easy to get in and out, as well as the ample headroom that makes the occupants feel fresh and comfortable. The car also comes with Power Back Door with Activated Kick Sensor that allows greater convenience. Moreover, there are Power Adjustable Driver Seat, Dual-Zone Automatic Climate Control, Rear Seats can be reclined up to 6 degrees, Rear Seat Armrest with Cup Holders, along with Air Vents and USB Outlets for rear passengers.
4. Safety
- A New Protected Journey – A New Journey … Presenting superlative safety standard
The safety features and environmental performance of the All-New Corolla CROSS have been advanced based on the remarkable DNA of Corolla series to ensure driving confidence in all journeys with the world renowned Toyota Safety Sense, for example Pre-Collision System, Lane Departure Alert with Steering Assist, Dynamic Radar Cruise Control with Lane Tracing Assist, Automatic High Beam, as well as Panoramic View Monitor, Blind Spot Monitor, Rear CROSS Traffic Alert, and 7 SRS Airbags
5. Connection
- A New Connected Journey – A New Journey … Connecting all lifestyles for sheer confidence, safety, and worry-free experience
With the 9-inch touchscreen compatible with Apple CarPlay together with T-Connect, the vehicle offers flawless connection between itself and the driver, making the journey a moment of happiness and peace of mind, while ensuring that car maintenance will never be a difficult task.