How can language education promote #GlobalGenderEquality? We discuss what progress has been made and look at what inequities exist. ... <看更多>
How can language education promote #GlobalGenderEquality? We discuss what progress has been made and look at what inequities exist. ... <看更多>
#1. (PDF) The Language of Equality - ResearchGate
The Language of Equality ; respect across the areas of race, culture, religion, gender, ; age and sexual orientation, and hence to promote a ...
#2. Language Equality | Polysyllabic
For the same reasons, it's impossible to find objective reasons to declare a particular dialect of a language superior to another dialect. This equality of ...
#3. What is the equality of language? - Quora
All natural human languages are equally capable of expressing the wide range of human communication, including relating the past, expressing emotional ...
#4. How We Can Use Language to Promote Equality - Ketner Group
Select words and phrases that are more inclusive. Because language is so ingrained in us, making an effort to be more inclusive will take some ...
#5. The Language Of Equality - The Legitimate News
Achieving gender equality and parity is necessary because the attainment of such an objective within society will not only empower millions, ...
#6. What is Digital Language Equality?
Europe shines in its diversity, which is expressed in part in its multilingualism. According to the European Constitution, all 24 official ...
#7. Language equality in the digital age - European Parliament
The STOA project 'Language equality in the digital age: towards a Human ... To achieve these goals, a set of policy options by using a ...
#8. Achieving Language Equality on the Internet with ... - YouTube
Achieving Language Equality on the Internet with Reverie Language Technologies - How? It's been 75 years since we gained independence, ...
#9. How the language we use entrenches inequalities
Language reflects and preserves the values and prejudices of society, and is a powerful means of perpetuating inequalities. Websites, social ...
#10. Achieving full digital language equality in a multilingual ...
Achieving full digital language equality in a multilingual European Union. On 8 November 2022, STOA held a workshop on the research and ...
#11. Equality & Diversity: Part 6 - Language & Culture (1)
Research shows us that bilingual children achieve better when their first language is acknowledged, supported and developed alongside ...
#12. Achieving Digital Language Equality 2030 - LIBER Europe
The ELE project aims to create the European Language Equality Programme, in the form of a strategic research, innovation, and implementation agenda, as well as ...
#13. LINGUIST List 7.844: Equality in linguistics
"It is a commonly held view among linguists that, linguistically, all language varieties are of equal value, and 'standard' languages are no ...
#14. 1.4 Fundamental Properties of Language - Pressbooks
All languages & grammars are equally valid, in linguistic terms. All languages have some universal properties in common. Every language changes over time. Most ...
#15. Introducing the Digital Language Equality Metric
Keywords: Digital Language Equality, Technological Factors, Language Resources, Tools, Technologies, ... programme to achieve full Digital Language Equality.
#16. Chapter 1 Advocating for linguistic equality - De Gruyter
(in this case Spanish) led to the displacement of Indigenous languages of. Mexico such as Zapotec. She argues that current efforts to achieve a more equal.
#17. A New EU Project Aiming to Achieve Full Digital Language ...
The Digital Language Equality project will develop an agenda and roadmap for future research in the field through the use of digital ...
#18. Achieving full digital language equality in a ... - TermCoord
On 8 November 2022, STOA held a workshop on the research and development environment of language technologies in the context of EU ...
#19. European Language Equality - ECSPM
... setting out actions, processes, tools and actors to achieve full digital language equality of all languages used within Europe (official ...
#20. European Language Equality 2 – ILSP
The primary goal of ELE 2 is to continue the preparation and refinement of the strategic agenda and roadmap for achieving digital language equality, ...
#21. European Language Equality
In its resolution Language equality in the digital age (2018), ... deployment agenda to achieve digital language equality in Europe by 2030.
#22. Doubling the database: How research on Digital Language ...
Prospering languages in a digital world. The ELE project's main goal is to achieve Digital Language Equality in Europe by 2030.
#23. Equality and diversity - School of Modern Languages
The School aims to achieve fair and equal representation for all, enabling all members of staff and students to contribute and reach their full potential. All ...
#24. European Language Equality | Athena Research Center
European Language Equality (ELE) is a pilot project aiming to draw up a ... processes, tools and actors, to achieve full digital language equality of all ...
#25. Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions. Agenda and roadmap ...
Agenda and roadmap for achieving full digital language equality in Europe by ... processes, tools and actors to achieve full digital language equality of ...
#26. The ELE project :: WikidataCon 2021 - pretalx
"European Language Equality" (ELE) is an European Commission project consisting ... all European languages can achieve full digital language equality by 2030.
#27. Diversity in Diction Equality in Action - Squarespace
believe that equal opportunities will be strengthened and easier to achieve if we carefully examine the language we use and the way that we use it,.
#28. ELEN teams up with European LT experts for new project on ...
... setting out actions, processes, tools and actors to achieve full digital language equality of all languages used within Europe.
#29. the key to achieve full digital language equality in the new ...
Initiatives such as European Language Equality (ELE), European Language Resources Coordination (ELRC) and eTranslation (former MT@EC) will be discussed and ...
#30. The ADAPT Centre at DCU to lead The European Language ...
... partners from all over Europe will drive the strategic research,innovation and deployment agenda to achieve digital language equality in Europe by 2030.
#31. Equality and Diversity in Language and Image
One of the ways in which the University can achieve its aim of being open to all is through increasing awareness of equality and diversity issues in the content ...
language programs, were being denied equality of treatment, ... bution, while parents of higher achieving students become increasingly discontent.
#33. respect for equality among the official languages
1 Document A71/50. Page 2. WHA71.15. 2. Stressing the need to achieve full parity ...
#34. UNITED NATIONS Gender-inclusive language
Given the key role of language in shaping cultural and social attitudes, using gender-inclusive language is a powerful way to promote gender equality and ...
#35. Digital Language Equality 2030: Implications for Libraries ...
They will provide an overview of what the ELE project is trying to achieve and what a future entailing language equality throughout Europe ...
#36. Learning English and Promoting Equality - SPAN
A vibrant international partnership expanding English language capacity supports ... lots of dreams and aspirations, and wish to attain success,” she says.
#37. European Language Technology - HENSOLDT Analytics
Developing an Agenda and a Roadmap for Achieving Full Digital Language Equality in Europe by 2030. Twenty-four official languages and more ...
#38. Literacy in Local Language, a Springboard for Gender ...
Literacy in Local Language, a Springboard for Gender Equality, ... to achieve the desired changes in the recognition of women's rights.
#39. Language, Mind, and Power: Why We Need Linguistic Equality
Language is a natural resource: Power and vulnerability are associated with access to language, just as to food and water. In this new book, a linguist and ...
#40. Income Equality And Language Skill: 10 Bonus Ideas - Ling App
Income Equality And Language Learning. When it comes to ensuring that all children have equal chances and opportunities, we cannot deny that ...
#41. Integration of Gender Equality and Language Diversity in ...
language diversity in Zimbabwe University teacher education curricula through the qualitative ... equality and equity may be achieved through robust.
#42. How to Promote Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in the Classroom
Promoting equality and diversity in education is essential for both ... clear policy with regards to discriminatory behaviour and language.
#43. Talking Equality – language in UNISON
Rule D5 on self-organised groups gives women, Black members, disabled members and LGBT+ members the right to meet to share concerns and assist the union achieve ...
#44. Language rights: a framework for ensuring social equity in ...
language planning and policy promote educational equity for diverse student populations?” (p. 180). She ... and equal rights for linguistic minorities.
#45. Duality and equality: language variation and education
Duality and Equality: Language Variation and Education ... You can, then, learn a language for certain purposes but never in order to achieve the whole.
These transformations suggest that language equality in Canada is very much a ... of Quebec's unique character, a recognition which cannot be achieved at ...
#47. Changing language to promote gender equality - CSU News
Most sexist language arises from the assumption that everyone and ... "While we need to make many changes to achieve gender equality, ...
#48. Language Shapes Public Attitudes Toward Gender Equality
1994).3 Gendered language speakers are also more likely to attain their own gender identity sooner than speakers of less gendered tongues.
#49. Radical Linguistics in an Age of Extinction - Dissent Magazine
“All languages have equal expressive power as communication systems,” writes Steven Pinker. “Every grammar is equally complex and logical and capable of ...
#50. Why India must achieve linguistic equality | Opinion - The Leaflet
It generally remains a failed promise and none of the languages other than English and Hindi are important in central government communications ...
#51. Introducing the Digital Language Equality Metric: Contextual ...
European Language Equality, a metric for digital language equality that ... The best results were achieved by a configuration in which 12 ...
#52. Linguistic Equality | John Benjamins
Five papers from the symposium on language and equality, held in New York in 2014 ... efforts in the past to achieve such equality (notably the Esperanto ...
#53. European Language Equality: Preliminary Results - SysEleven
Objective: development of a strategic research, innovation and deployment agenda to achieve digital language equality in Europe by 2030.
#54. Language Techniques Conveying The Idea Of Equality In ...
In order to achieve absolute gender equality, all must participate and cooperate to prove effectiveness and success. Society must acknowledge the fact that men ...
#55. Language Rights Linguistic Minorities Handbook (Word)
Equality and non-discrimination: The prohibition of discrimination prevents ... In Senegal, students taught in mother language achieved a pass rate of 65 % ...
#56. European Language Equality - Report on the French Language
measures for achieving Digital Language Equality in Europe by 2030. More than 40 research partners with expertise about language ...
#57. Promote gender equality and empower women
Research shows that girls and women who are educated in languages familiar to them stay in school longer and achieve better results than those who do not get ...
#58. Union in need of language equality | Tefl - The Guardian
Currently the EU has 11 languages with equal rights as official and ... For this to be achieved presupposes giving language policy a much ...
#59. Equality and Inequality of Opportunity in Education: Chinese ...
learning English as an additional language since the early 1990s and a frame- ... whether it will achieve its objectives, particularly for NALDIC in ...
#60. "The Right to Equality and Non-Discrimination With Regard to ...
To discriminate on the ground of language is to discriminate against what can be ... way to achieve equality and non-discrimination regarding language and ...
#61. English and French: Towards a substantive equality of official ...
In order to achieve substantive equality between our two official languages, we must take concrete action. We must do this work together, ...
#62. Language Education as a Tool for Empowering Women
As education is the key to achieve women's empowerment, language education ... Education, gender equality, language education, empower women, women's and.
#63. CLEAR urges governments to follow policies of mother tongue ...
Campaign for Language Equality and Rights (CLEAR) greets all ... By making languages as the carriers of knowledge, societies achieve a ...
#64. Siri can't speak Irish: Tackling the digital gaps ... -
In 2018, the European Parliament passed the Language Equality in the ... aims to help Europe achieve full digital language equality by 2030.
#65. STOA Workshop - Language equality in the digital age - ELRA
Language equality in the digital age ... Language equality in the digital age ... Although minority languages are the ones to gain.
#66. Equality, diversity and inclusion in our English teaching
We encourage an inclusive organisational culture, and we want to give our colleagues, learners and everyone we engage with the opportunity to achieve their ...
#67. Gender Equality in Teaching Materials of Arabic at Elementary ...
Attempts to achieve ample ability in the Arabic language skills are obtained through teaching and learning as a way to gain knowledge.
#68. Towards Digital Language Equality: META-FORUM 2022 ...
The conference presents the results of the European Language Grid and ... in order to achieve the goal of full Digital Language Equality in ...
#69. Gender in language education | British Council | BBC
Welcome to 'Gender in language education' In this practical four-week course, ... some of the barriers people face in terms of gender equality and equity, ...
#70. Language Friendly School: welcoming all languages
Language Friendly Schools are schools that have developed a language plan involving all members of the ... Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
#71. Recognising sign languages as official languages
Sign languages are used by millions of deaf persons throughout the world every ... language interpretation in public services, the Committee on Equality and ...
#72. Language policies - Unipd
Language policies for local and global communication ... In order to achieve our objectives, this document ... te, equal and inclusive language //.
#73. The Impact of Language on Gender Equality - GLOBUS Warwick
Have you ever thought about the impact that language might have on ... However, in order to achieve true gender equality, much more still ...
#74. Language matters and gender equality
How can we achieve this? Specifically, in all levels of education, there must be a keen interest in issues relating to language and gender, to understand.
#75. Working with gender equality in education - British Council
How can language education promote #GlobalGenderEquality? We discuss what progress has been made and look at what inequities exist.
#76. Language Influences Public Attitudes toward Gender Equality
Language Influences Public Attitudes toward Gender Equality. People speaking genderless languages, (i.e. languages without references to objects as male or ...
#77. File:Update on the European Language Equality Project.webm
... Commission and supported by Wikimedia Deutschland aiming to enable all European languages to achieve full digital equality by 2030.
#78. How To Persuade People of Gender Equality in Language
Gender-inclusive language is a milestone in achieving gender equality. It proclaims feminization (using masculine and feminine terms) and neutralization ...
#79. Language Influences Public Attitudes toward Gender Equality
Does the way we speak affect what we think about gender equality? ... Gendered language speakers are also more likely to attain their own gender identity ...
#80. Language learning to support active social inclusion: Issues ...
1: “Strengthening social inclusion, equal opportunities and equity in education, including the integration of migrants and Roma”. The INCLUDE ...
#81. How to Maintain a Minority Language through Education
This paper analyses the importance of protecting minor languages, ... Upholding the policy of equality in language is of great importance to nationality ...
#82. The Rise of Gender Neutrality and its Impact on Language
Adapting language that caters to gender neutrality is fast becoming a common ... adopted in academia as well as backed by the state equality commission.
#83. The Language of Diversity - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Having a common language for talking about and across difference is essential for breaking down divisions and working towards achieving ...
#84. Take Action: Promoting equality and non-discrimination in ...
WHICH group is affected? STEP 2. Choose allies in your community. After you have identified the issue you want to address, think of who can help you achieve ...
#85. Is 'Language as the Key to Integration' a Myth? - IMISCOE
In many publications in the field of migration, language is seen as the ... as achieving social equality and participation in society.
#86. Unit 3 - 2.3.1. Equality, diversity and inclusion including Welsh ...
Equality, diversity and inclusion including Welsh language and culture ... for learners to gain knowledge and understanding of equality, ...
#87. Linguistic Dimension of Gender Equality - CORE
women and men to equal representation of their gender in language and speech and, ... to achieve greater influence on its current development.
#88. SCC Provides Guidance on Language ... - CanLII Connects
SCC Provides Guidance on Language Equality: DesRochers v Canada ... the need for distinct content was especially poignant in achieving substantive equality.
#89. What is transformative change for gender equality and how do ...
Think of the language your organisation uses, the norms and culture it upholds. ... To achieve transformative change for gender equality, ...
#90. Equality screening outcome report: Dual language street signs ...
We have a policy on Dual Language Street Signs in Belfast. ... Outline consultation process planned or achieved 7. Available evidence
#91. Inclusive Language Guidelines
An ally is willing to act with, and for, others in pursuit of ending oppression and creating equality. Real allies are willing to step out of their comfort ...
#92. Diversity, equality and language | Chronic heart failure in adults
Commissioners and providers should aim to achieve the quality standard in their local context, in light of their duties to have due regard ...
#93. Gendered Languages May Play a Role in Limiting Women's ...
Gendered languages classify objects as either masculine or ... women face significant barriers to their equal participation in society.
#94. Lessons from the LEAD-K Campaign for Language Equality ...
field of deaf education, the Language Equality & Acquisition for Deaf Kids ... for the child to attain by the end of early intervention.
#95. How To Use Gender-Neutral Language, And Why It's ... - Forbes
Much of our everyday language excludes people who don't identify as male ... have the additional benefit of increasing overall gender equality.
#96. SCC Provides Guidance on Language Equality ... -
SCC Provides Guidance on Language Equality: DesRochers v Canada ... content was especially poignant in achieving substantive equality.
#97. Watchdog finds language equality missing in parts of N.B. ...
"I'm continuing to be optimistic that we will achieve concrete results to substantially advance our official languages rights in New Brunswick," ...
how can we achieve language equality 在 Achieving Language Equality on the Internet with ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Achieving Language Equality on the Internet with Reverie Language Technologies - How? It's been 75 years since we gained independence, ... ... <看更多>