[Gender Fluidity]
I’ve always believed that gender exists on a spectrum, and gender expression can be a lot more dynamic than most think. Such freedom of fluid expression is a right for all, regardless of the identity assigned based on biological traits at birth.
I’ve been studying about feminine and masculine energy. Not gonna lie...in the beginning I couldn’t help but wonder if some sexist person created this as a game of stereotypes. Yet I have learned so much about myself in the process of exploring the balance of such energies in my relationships.
During past crises I tended to rely on myself so much that I have lost that intimate connection with my heart. It was almost like, survival depended on shutting down emotions that would make me “weak” when things were tough. When I got hurt by people, I’d try to forgive so quickly that I forgot to tend to my own wounds. Over the past years, my parents would constantly check in on me, reminding me to “ask for financial support” when things got rough. Yet I’ve almost always toughed things out myself because I didn’t want anyone to worry about me.
It was only during recent times that I learned to express deeper feelings more honestly, and my “feminine” side came into play.
This was when I started to lean back, relax a little, and let things unfold on their own. I appreciated relationships that happened organically without crazy games of pushing or pulling. I began to move with the flow of life, and got more in touch with my internal being. It became easier to connect with people on a deeper level without being afraid of getting hurt. At the end of the day, you can’t make a genuine connection with someone else, unless you accept and connect with yourself.
My point is, we all have masculine and feminine sides. It is okay for a girl to be tough, or not. It is also okay for a guy to be weak, or not. How we express ourselves and whom we love should be completely up to our own choice. Who cares about the approval from another human being?
Hope you all have a happy week ahead and don’t forget to take good care of yourself! ☕️
Hair by Jeff
Makeup by @hana.makeup.hk @hana.ho
Dress @rdm_store