目前就是完完全全想死☠️ York 這位失職的藥劑師,又沒有帶足夠的暈船藥🙄 結果吃半顆藥的狀況下就是前往 outer reef 的三小時船程,吐到胃汁都跑出來😰
第一支潛的時候更在水裡吐的溪裡嘩啦🤢 先前在馬爾地夫看 York 吐沒有感覺怎樣,自己吐真的是遭透的感覺😡 根本就是膽汁卡在嘴裡,但是又無法漱口,真的是有夠噁心!
這三天船潛是一天四支🛳️ 才潛了兩支,我第三支就已經跳過,浪費錢就浪費錢吧😗 隨便啦!就可以知道我目前身體多麼不舒服🤣
這裡的水溫是24℃,需穿 5mm 潛水衣,但是好像大小不對,還是很冷!船員說因為船上太多小孩,最小號的已經被他們穿走...🙄 反正..目前狀況就是這樣,喔,船上有 WiFi 😆
行程是↪ https://prodivecairns.com/3dayouterreef.html# 有興趣的人可以參考😊
Ps. 手機網路不夠,所以很可能只更新即使動態🗯️ 而且只限 IG📸 還沒跟蹤的人趕快來跟蹤吧➡️ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 😉
Holiday in hell 👿🙄 York's a shit pharmacist, did not pack enough sea sickness pills for 3 days😡
Vomited so badly during our 3 hr trip to outer reef 🤢 I had nothing left in me other than acid😑
Then during the first dive I vomited countless times underwater😠 Most disgusting feeling ever!!
Suppose to be 4 dives per day, but already skipping my 3rd dive after 2 attempts...🙄
The water temperature is around 24℃🐟 Not too bad compare to SA but not when my wetsuit is too big & the not wearing a hood as my new piercing is in the way😶
#nomoredivingboatholiday #ineedgroundtogobackto #thereswifithough