[5-Hari sahaja lagi! Panggilan akhir untuk usahawan yang serius nak belajar uruskan bisnes! ]
Jika anda berniaga dan nak teruskan bisnes anda sepanjang PKPB ini, pastikan anda rebut peluang untuk belajar dengan #EjenHadi Kesalahan Urus Bisnes terutamanya Pengurusan Duit!
Masalah utama ramai usahawan bila berniaga dan berlakunya kebocoran duit bisnes adalah sebab:
1. Salah ambil pekerja
2. Tidak asingkan duit bisnes dan duit peribadi
3. Tidak buka akaun bank bisnes
4. Tidak tahu duit masuk hari-hari
5. Tidak tahu duit keluar hari-hari
6. Tidak tahu berapa baki duit dalam bisnes
7. Tidak buat bajet bisnes
8. Tidak tahu kira kos Bisnes
9. Salah letak harga jualan
10. Tidak ambil gaji
Anda kenal usahawan yang ada isu ini? Serius dan komited nak belajar cara pengurusan bisnes yang betul dengan perkongsian paling santai dan mudah difahami?
Pastikan anda rebut peluang pada 6-8 November 2020 ini secara Virtual Online Nak Urus Bisnes 2020!
100% Percuma! No catch! Hanya perlu sahkan pendaftaran anda sebelum pendaftaran ditutup.
RichWorks Accelerating Your Business Success
#RichWorks Intel
[5-Days left! Final call for entrepreneurs who are serious in learning how to manage their business! ]
If you're doing business and want to continue your business throughout this PKPB, make sure you grab the opportunity to learn from #AgentHadi Mistakes of Business especially Money Management!
The main problem of many entrepreneurs when doing business and the leak of business money is the reason:
1. Wrongly employed
2. Don't separate business money and personal money
3. Did not open a business bank account
4. Didn't know money came in everyday
5. Don't know money comes out everyday
6. Don't know how much money left in business
7. Don't do business budget
8. Don't know about the cost of Business
9. Wrongly put the sale price
10. No salary
Do you know an entrepreneur who has this issue? Serious and committed to learning the correct way of business management with the most relaxing and easy to understand sharing?
Make sure you grab your chance on November 6-8, 2020 Virtual Online to Manage Business 2020!
100 % Free! No catch! Just need to confirm your registration before registration closes.
Comment to manage!
RichWorks Accelerating Your Business Success
#RichWorks Intel