繼樂桃航空停沖繩線及大阪線減班後,另一廉航捷星Jetstar將在2月23日起暫停香港至東京成田航線,直至3月28日,睇怕各位都暫時返唔到鄉下住喇。 bit.ly/38qQXjv
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jetstar 退 款 在 香港人心在日本 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【✈ Jetstar X DBS 信用卡專享優惠】
直飛東京/大阪/新加坡/河內單程未稅價HK$198 起!回程也可享同樣優惠!
今次用DBS Visa 或Mastercard 訂飛就有呢個專享優惠價!
訂票日期: 1/8 11:00am – 10/8/2016 23:59pm
✈ 東京 5/1 – 4/3/17 (單程機票未連稅HK$398起)
✈ 大阪 5/1 – 4/3/17 (單程機票未連稅HK$428起)
✈ 新加坡 5/1 - 4/3/17 (單程機票未連稅HK$298起)
✈ 河內 13/10-15/12/16 (單程機票未連稅HK$198起)
訂購網址: http://www.jetstar.com/hk/zh/deals/dbs (中文)
http://www.jetstar.com/hk/en/deals/dbs (英文)
1. 一定要經呢個網址進入購買呀!!! 其它非指定頁面不能享用優惠 。
2. 建議用PC上網購買,不適用於Jetstar手機程式,或通過Jetstar手機版網頁之預訂。
後話: Book 機票時護照號碼可以後補的, 沒有護照在手都可以先搶機票呀! 最緊要個姓名同護照一樣就得!
#Jetstar #捷星 #DBS #信用卡優惠
(Please scroll down for details in English.)
「Jetstar x DBS 信用卡專享優惠」之條款及細則:
1. Jetstar x DBS信用卡持卡人專享優惠 (「優惠」)只適用於持有由星展銀行(香港)有限公司(「銀行」,表示包括其繼承人和受讓人) 發出之DBS信用卡、其聯營卡、DBS COMPASS VISA及CV+(不包括貴賓卡及商務卡)(「適用信用卡」)之主要持卡人(「持卡人」) 。
2. 優惠不適用於DBS Black American Express Card。
3. 持卡人於推廣期內經Jetstar指定網頁預訂機票並以適用信用卡付款(「合資格交易」),可享:
a. 優惠1:香港出發往大阪(關西)單程機票未連稅HK$428起。
b. 優惠2:香港出發往東京(成田)單程機票未連稅HK$398起。
c. 優惠3:香港出發往新加坡單程機票未連稅HK$298起。
d. 優惠4:香港出發往越南河內單程機票未連稅HK$198起。
4. 優惠只適用於通過Jetstar指定網頁新預訂之機票。如持卡人透過Jetstar 顧客服務中心+852 3192 7451預訂機票,每位持卡人每程需支付HK$160的服務費。
5. 如持卡人直接經Jetstar網站(http://www.jetstar.com)的其它非指定頁面預訂致未能享用優惠,銀行及Jetstar 概不負責。
6. 優惠並不適用於Jetstar手機程式購票,也不適用於通過Jetstar手機版網頁之預訂。
7. 優惠價未包括保險、機場稅、香港機場保安費、燃油附加費及其他相關機場稅金。
8. 優惠機票行程可允許更改,但另需收費。
9. 優惠機票一經預訂,不予退還及不可兌換現金或其他產品/服務。
10. Jetstar機票禮券不能與本優惠同時使用。
“Jetstar x DBS Credit Card Cardholders Exclusive Sales” Terms and Conditions:
1. "Jetstar x DBS Credit Card Cardholders Exclusive Sales" (the "Offers") to the cardholders ("Cardholders") of DBS Credit Card, its Co-branded Cards and DBS COMPASS VISA (excluding Private Label Card and Business Card) (“Applicable Credit Card”) issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank", which expression shall include its successors and assigns).
2. Offers are not applicable to DBS Black American Express Card.
3. The “Promotion Period” of the Offer is from 11:00 a.m. 1 August 2016 to 11:59 p.m. on 10 August 2016 (Hong Kong Time). Travel periods refer to different specific dates of various destinations between 13 October 2016 and 14 March 2017. For the details, please refer to Jetstar designated webpage http://www.jetstar.com/hk/en/deals/dbs (“designated webpage”).
4. Cardholders booking flight tickets via Designated Webpage with Applicable Credit Cards during the Promotion Period (“Eligible Transactions”) can enjoy:
a. Offer 1: Single trip flight ticket from Hong Kong to Osaka (Kansai) from HK$428 excluding tax and surcharges.
b. Offer 2: Single trip flight ticket from Hong Kong to Tokyo (Narita) from HK$398 excluding tax and surcharges.
c. Offer 3: Single trip flight ticket from Hong Kong to Singapore from HK$298 excluding tax and surcharges.
d. Offer 4: Single trip flight ticket from Hong Kong to Vietnam Hanoi from HK$198 excluding tax and surcharges.
The above fares are Economy Starter Base Fares. The same offer is also available for return leg if that falls within designated travel period.
5. Originating city has to be from Hong Kong and the offers do not apply to all flights and all dates. Travelling dates vary by destinations.
6. Offers are only applicable for new bookings via Designated Webpage. Offers are not applicable to bookings made via Jetstar mobile website or Jetstar apps. A Cardholder who book via Jetstar Call Center at +852 3192 7451 is required to pay HK$160 service fee per leg.
7. The Bank and Jetstar (“Merchant”) will not accept any liability should a Cardholder conduct the booking directly through other pages at the Jetstar website (http://www.jetstar.com) and result in forfeiture of the Cardholder’s eligibility to the Offers.
8. Offers cannot be used in booking via Jetstar mobile application.
9. Offers are not applicable to insurance, airport taxes, Hong Kong Security Service Charge, fuel surcharges, and other applicable taxes and surcharges.
10. Economy Starter Fare includes 7kg hand carry luggage allowance and does not include checked luggage. Cardholders will have to pay extra for 15kg-40kg checked in luggage from HK$80 to HK$320 per head per leg (cost varies by destination).
11. Offers are subject to seat availability and ticket fare may vary upon availability of flight. Offers are limited.
12. Change of travel dates are possible but subject to additional charge.
13. Offer or ticket cannot be transferred, refunded, exchanged for cash or other goods/services after confirmation.
14. Jetstar Flight Voucher cannot be redeemed together with the Offers.
15. The usage of ticket is subject to Terms & Conditions of the Merchant. Please refer to http://www.jetstar.com for details. Tokyo and Osaka route is operated by Jetstar Japan Co., Ltd. Singapore route is operated by Jetstar Asia Airways Pte Ltd while Vietnam Hanoi route is operated by Jetstar Pacific.
jetstar 退 款 在 香港人心在日本 Facebook 的精選貼文
Jetstar香港來回東京航線於2015年6月1日首航!航線一周年又適逢Jetstar 12週年慶。優惠繼續來襲。
Jetstar Japan 是日本的國內最大廉價航空,每日超過108班飛機前往日本國內11城市。由香港日日直飛東京/大阪,單程未含税428起!再飛日本國內其他城市更沒難度!
除日本外,新加坡航線每日早午晚多達3班! 單程未含税$298起。河內每週4班, 單程未含税$228起!
訂飛日期: 2016 年6月6日10:00至6月8日23:59 或售完即止
訂飛網址: http://www.jetstar.com/hk/zh/special-offers
日本線:2016年10月13日至2017年3月7日中的指定日子(視目的地而異, 並非所有日子和所有航班)
1. 可從 jetstar.com 首頁廣告進入優惠專頁, 但最佳辦法是直接到指定優惠專頁http://www.jetstar.com/hk/zh/special-offers
2. 價格為經濟艙基本票起始價
3.適用於指定旅遊日期, 並非所有的日子。回程旅遊日期有限, 因航班/目的地而異。
5. 經濟艙基本票只限於7公斤手提行李, 不包括寄艙托運行李。超過手提行李限額的乘客需支付相應費用辦理行李托運。您亦可選購15公斤至40公斤行李托運額。額外行李托運費用取決於航線選擇。
6. 該價格僅適用於通過Jetstar.com新的預訂機票。通過852 3192 7451 預訂機票,每位乘客每程需支付港幣$160的服務費。
7. 行程可允許更改, 但另需收費。
8. 機票不予退還。
9.機票附帶指定條款。所有行程都遵循捷星承運條件。東京/大阪航線由Jetstar Japan Co., Ltd 營運, 新加坡航線由 Jetstar Asia Airways Pte Ltd營運 。河内航線由Jetstar Pacific營運