每天繁忙的行程,在都市水上穿梭,老實說,好久沒有像個女人好好逛街寵愛自己了,謝謝我的好姐妹June Yu 于長君帶我走出台北市介紹這麼棒的Shopping好地方!可以自在享受我們的秘密時光🛍😍💖
新莊的宏匯廣場,以天然植卉為主軸,為都會女性打造全新的植萃香氛保養殿堂 —Beauty Park 美麗庭園,集結來自歐美亞超過 20 個品牌,不用出國就可以完全體驗純淨肌膚的保養樂趣!📢 我們家的品牌 OPI 💅🏻也進駐囉!
🍀為現代都市人特別打造的Beauty Park美麗庭園,以沉澱身心的花草植物作為基調,佐以賞心悅目的自然花卉植栽,打造具有柔和調性的心靈園地,透過沉浸式的互動體驗,找回生活的細緻與格調,從天然純淨為出發,集結來自世界各地的美妝保養品牌,有冰島的國寶品牌 BIOEFFECT 蓓歐菲、日本 SHISEIDO 資生堂、ISSEY MIYAKE 三宅一生香水、美妝選物 10/10 SELECT、法國天然保 養 Clarins 克蘭詩、頂級植萃 PHYTO 髮朵、澳洲有機護膚 Jurlique 茱莉蔻、好 萊塢御用美甲OPI、英國百年花茶 Whittard、名媛貴婦推崇的 Aromatherapy Associates 及台灣純淨品牌綠藤生機...等,都在宏匯廣場 Beauty Park,10 月 1 日正式登場,透過優雅質純的花植空間,讓身心與肌膚都能得到全然放鬆的愉悅💕
🛍宏匯廣場:新北市新莊區新北大道四段 3 號
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過428萬的網紅emi wong,也在其Youtube影片中提到,☺SUBSCRIBE 訂閱: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToEmi #EmiTransform ► turn on notifications for new videos every week ► join the #femily membership for early ac...
jurlique澳洲 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
我和好姐妹Kimberly的秘密基地:宏匯廣場 Beauy Park
忙碌的現代社會賦予生活諸多的壓力,繁忙之餘,女性們都需要為身心靈找尋 喘息及恢復的空間。而位於新莊的宏匯廣場,以清新沉靜的天然植卉為主軸,為 都會女性打造植萃香氛保養殿堂 Beauty Park 美麗庭園,集結來自歐美亞超過 20 個品牌,不用出國就可以來一場探索心靈與肌膚美麗的跨國之旅。
Beauty Park 美麗庭園以沉澱身心的花草植物作為基調,佐以賞心悅目的自然 花卉植栽,打造具有柔和調性的心靈園地,透過沉浸式的互動體驗,找回生活的 細緻與格調,逐步喚醒沉睡已久的感官神經。從天然純淨為出發,來自世界各地 的美妝保養品牌,有冰島的國寶品牌 BIOEFFECT 蓓歐菲、日本 SHISEIDO 資 生堂、ISSEY MIYAKE 三宅一生香水、美妝選物 10/10 SELECT、法國天然保 養 Clarins 克蘭詩、頂級植萃 PHYTO 髮朵、澳洲有機護膚 Jurlique 茱莉蔻、好 萊塢御用美甲 OPI、英國百年花茶 Whittard、名媛貴婦推崇的 Aromatherapy Associates 及台灣純淨品牌綠藤生機...等,聚合純淨植萃之力,讓盎然活力開展 而出,散發動人光采。
10月1日 宏匯廣場 見!😉💗
新北市新莊區新北大道四段 3 號
Starfish agent
STARFiSH Concept
#宏匯廣場 #BeautyPark #于長君 #陳美彤 #公關教主 #快艇衝浪女神 #StarfishConcept
jurlique澳洲 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
近兩個星期來,港台朋友圈最熱門的話題,自然是延了一年,終於在7月23日開幕的東京奧運,而許多長期關注的選手們紛紛在東奧取得佳績,成果相當令人欣喜。話說在1996年亞特蘭大奧運的Windsurfing(滑浪風帆)競賽上,香港獲得了首面奧運金牌,那一年港鐵東涌綫的大角咀站臨近落成,為了表彰香港運動員在奧運會的成就,該車站便改以奧運站來命名,剛巧好姊妹邀貓兒至HABITŪ品嚐下午茶,地點便位於毗鄰奧運站 、英文為Olympian City的奧海城。
擁有多間門市的HABITŪ Table主營特色咖啡、豆奶和茶品,亦提供全日早餐、生酮沙拉、粒粒炸魚、龍蝦義麵等歐式料理。近期澳洲護膚品牌Jurlique與HABITU聯名推出玫瑰主題下午茶,囊括了麻糬Waffle配玫瑰雪糕、西班牙Churros佐玫瑰朱古力醬等甜品(鹹點則有鮮蟹肉脆薯、煙三文魚撻、火腿芝士牛角包),搭配巴西莓及豆奶製成的冷熱特飲,不僅內容不俗,顧客享用下午茶之餘,另可獲贈1張Jurlique水漾玫瑰保濕套裝換領券。此外,為了配合這回的盛夏玫瑰午茶,開設在各商場的HABITŪ 皆以玫瑰花園為裝潢主題,也吸引不少網紅專程來這裡打卡發帖。
jurlique澳洲 在 emi wong Youtube 的精選貼文
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this video is in collaboration with @southaustralia
to learn more, please visit: https://southaustralia.com/travel-blog/hong-kong-rewards-wonder
Adina Apartment Hotel Adelaide Treasury
- Originally the offices for the State Treasury, Adina has completely restored and rejuvenated its heritage features making it one of the country's most appealing boutique hotels
State Library Of South Australia
- The largest public library in South Australia with a collection focus on South Australian information and general reference material.
Adelaide Botanic Gardens
- An oasis in the cosmopolitan heart of the city, featuring beautifully-landscaped gardens, majestic avenues and stunning architecture.
TreeClimb Adelaide
- Australia's inner-city aerial adventure park built within the natural environment of the Adelaide City Park Lands.
Adelaide Central Market
- With over 70 traders under one roof, the market offers a huge range of fresh food including fruit and vegetables, meat and poultry, seafood, cheeses, bakery and health foods, along with some of Adelaide’s most popular cafes and eateries.
St Hugo & Hentley Farm Wines
- Premium wineries in Barossa Valley.
Jurlique Farm
- The Farm where skincare brand Jurlique grows their organic ingredients.
Hahndorf Inn
- The perfect location for a lunch or dinner. Their focus is on hearty traditional European cuisine, whilst using much of the local and artisan produce that is available in the Adelaide Hills.
- Sustainable and eco-friendly tiny houses. Give yourself a fighting chance with a short stay, recharge your batteries and retreat in style.
Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens
- Meander along the multitude of paths that sprawl across 97 hectares – with a surprise awaiting around every corner.
Cleland Wildlife Park
- The park offers you the opportunity to feed kangaroos and surround yourself with over 130 species of Australian wildlife. Also, one of only a few places in the world where visitors can hold a koala.
McLaren Vale Wine Region
- One of Australia's oldest and most acclaimed wine regions.
- Offers a unique wine tasting experience with over 60 wines made from more than 25 grape varieties.
Moana Beach
- One of few beaches where cars are allowed to drive onto the beach.
Softfoot Alpacas
- A privately owned family farm & sanctuary Softfoot was established for the breeding of World Class Alpacas & as a sanctuary for endangered wildlife.
Clifford’s Honey Farm
- Produces high quality honeys from various native plants - each with a distinctive flavour.
Vivonne Bay
- A bay located on the south coast of Kangaroo Island.
Remarkable Rocks
- An impressive form, which appears to be a cluster of precariously balanced boulders. This remarkable geological feature is located within Flinders Chase National Park.
Admirals Arch
- Nature's wild sculptures where New Zealand fur seals can be seen frolicking in the waters or resting on the rocks.
Kangaroo Island Spirits
- Spirited island industry located within a rather ramshackle exterior, is home to an award winning distillery where liqueurs, gins and vodkas are made.
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jurlique澳洲 在 Day Day Cook Youtube 的最佳解答
《打工仔慢遊澳洲 - 第四集》打工仔去到澳洲都離唔開打工?
唔係講笑,澳洲打工不知幾開心!好似今次去呢間「全澳洲最好吃牛角包的烘焙店」,有時只係開四個半鐘咋!!咁嘅荀工我哋就安排唔到啦~不過就帶大家去體驗下摘水果同埋掏下金,感受下澳洲人對自己工作嘅熱誠啦!摘水果嘅同時都要做好防曬呀,有左@Jurlique 呢支草本輕柔防曬乳就可以放心玩啦,Emi 同 Sarah 都話好好用!即刻click入呢條link免費體驗南澳嘅抗污染配方啦:http://bit.ly/2GRLlU9
主持:日日煮播 Sarah Eat Good Feel Good HK , 人氣 YouTuber Emi Wong
#我哋呢班打工仔 #口袋只有半斤八兩 #都想去旅行
#Melbourne #iLikeAustralia
Australia 澳洲盡是不同 (Tourism Australia)
Visit Melbourne
#Jurlique #JurliqueHK #草本輕柔防曬乳霜
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jurlique澳洲 在 Norma DayDayCook Youtube 的最讚貼文
《打工仔慢遊澳洲 - 第四集》打工仔去到澳洲都離唔開打工?
唔係講笑,澳洲打工不知幾開心!好似今次去呢間「全澳洲最好吃牛角包的烘焙店」,有時只係開四個半鐘咋!!咁嘅荀工我哋就安排唔到啦~不過就帶大家去體驗下摘水果同埋掏下金,感受下澳洲人對自己工作嘅熱誠啦!摘水果嘅同時都要做好防曬呀,有左@Jurlique 呢支草本輕柔防曬乳就可以放心玩啦,Emi 同 Sarah 都話好好用!即刻click入呢條link免費體驗南澳嘅抗污染配方啦:http://bit.ly/2GRLlU9
主持:日日煮播 Sarah Eat Good Feel Good HK , 人氣 YouTuber Emi Wong
#我哋呢班打工仔 #口袋只有半斤八兩 #都想去旅行
#Melbourne #iLikeAustralia
Australia 澳洲盡是不同 (Tourism Australia)
Visit Melbourne
#Jurlique #JurliqueHK #草本輕柔防曬乳霜
想學更多生活化英語? 歡迎登記EF免費每日英語電郵:
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