【新挑戰!小小初學 #跆拳道 ♡】
話說K1前決定暫停學咗2年嘅芭蕾舞,騰空小小小時間出黎試試新興趣♡ 云云眾多活動,林小睇片揀野玩時,竟然出乎我意外地揀咗跆拳道,於是孖埋朋友仔一齊學♡3個小公主,一齊著起道袍超可愛,但原來「拳力」也不少!
我以前以為跆拳道係男仔專利,正如芭蕾舞係女仔專利一樣😂 點知上咗2堂已經完全改觀,除咗講求紀律之外,仲有好多小遊戲訓練佢地大小肌、平衡、協調等,唔淨係打打打!重點係....林小表示很喜歡,有時起身都問我「今日係咪返跆拳道?」我笑笑表示,你究竟幾時會識分今日星期幾?
Progressive Taekwondo CTA Centre
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Yes to that Smile and Yes To our pink scooter #disclaimer #mysonchoosedehor
Have been scootering outside our house, since we received this after #CbLite 😝, who says we cannot have a little fun? #simplepleasures
Absolutely fell in love with our @yvolution.singapore Y glider Nua scooter 🛴 that comes with foldable design for easy storage, kids size handler bar, wider paddle board, and adjustable handle bar height (5 heights).
It can take up to 50KG, so it’s suitable for them to use for a very long time! I would say the price is also quite affordable for the good standard of sturdiness and cool design! Oh did we mentioned, there’s LED light on the wheels while scooting! Super cool ok! 😛 Mummy want also cannot #tooheavy aha
Even Our little princess also wants to have a ride on Christian’s pink scooter, pretty sure she fell in love with the pink Color too 😛#justlikedmummy swipe to SEE the video on how she uses her dads as her pivot with one hand 😝 #daddysgirl
You can easily get it at @amazon.sg by searching “Yvolution Collection” oh!
Stay sane, parents! We can make it! 😂💪🏻 Hopefully soon, can jio us to go scooting together!
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