I’m so absolutely thrilled and honored to have been chosen as a Design Mentor for the 100th year anniversary Fashion Show at Otis College of Art & Design! 😍😍
This is one of the best fashion colleges in the world as well as my Alma mater. I came to the school yesterday to start my design collection project with them entitled “Limitless Diversity”.
The students will be under my design direction and follow the “BAO TRANCHI” design aesthetic. My design direction is for them to pick from a list of celebrities I chose who I feel stands for true beauty through their diversity in size, color, and age. The students will then design the ultimate birthday outfit for their iconic star of choice. From their sketches, I will choose my favorite of each student, which will then be made by the student for Otis' end of the year Benefit black tie fashion show. I always believe in supporting our future designers, the Arts & Education and I am soooo excited about the incredible #BT collection that the students will create for the largest fashion show in Los Angeles!! Thank you so much @otisfashion @otiscollege for selecting me to be a part of such a historical Bicentennial Show! 🎉❤️💃🏼 #baotranchi #otiscollege #designmentor #otiscollegeofartanddesign #limitlessdiversity #supportthearts @otisalumni @ Otis College of Art and Design