Never judge a person by the status of their job, or by the amount of money they make. Judge a person by the strength of their character & the size of their heart ❤️ #mondaymantra 💪🏻✨
Wish I could tell you how hardworking I am with my workouts, but actually I was secretly bingeing on Korean drama all weekend 🤪 Watching #lovemarriageanddivorce k-drama with my new #Freebuds4, very angry now with all married men 😂
Also, now taking #EightKarats’s Eighteen Vitaskin Nutricosmetic supplements from my own friend @ashlynthia! 😘 Thanks babe! Heard so much about this #swipe to help inhibit melanin and make my complexion more radiant, so can’t wait! 💫 Get it from @ashlynthia if you wanna try! ☺️
. Freebuds 4 is now currently on pre-order from now to 23rd July, enjoy $20 off retail - head to my IGS for more details. Also! My daily workout watch ⌚️is the #Band6 in pink, #swipeleft. I still get DMs asking about this & I find it great for the price! 👌🏻 #triedandtested
Happy Monday! 🌈✨ Got any good K-drama to intro??? 😜😜😜