Happiness is a way of travel, it's never the destination! 😍👍🏻
Traveling in Europe is always fun and easy. Having covered almost the entire continent, I've tried many different ways of traveling within this fascinating continent.
1) Train: taking train within europe is easy breezy. Time is usually accurate and takes you to the heart of the city. But you have to keep to the strict timing, sometimes it can be long and expensive.
2) Bus is another great and cheaper way, with modern apps and internet, makes choosing the right bus, timing and stops easy for travellers. But you have to drag your own luggage around, and it can be long journey.
3) Self drive is another great option too, it's fun, adventurous and can explore off beaten tracks. But it can be tiring and dangerous due to road unfamiliar road conditions and weather.
Recently, I've found a newer and easy way of travelling within Europe. That is to hire a local chauffeur to take you from hotel to hotel, city to city! As awesome as it sounds, Daytrip made travel easy by providing excellent and easy door to door private transfer.
It is very convenient, affordable than trains and faster than buses. Most importantly you can interact with locals and customise your route to explore more places without driving or navigating the places yourself. 😍👍🏻
In this way, I managed to cover more places where trains, bus, planes wont have access too.
The drivers I've met were all very professional and kind. I enjoyed my long hours of chat throughout my transfers. I get to talk to the them about histories and understand their culture deeper. I keep in contact with most of them, that's how you make real friends when you travel. Isn't it awesome?
I honestly think this is a brilliant concept. I had a great and easy time traveling within the Balkans region this time. All thanks to Daytrip to assist me. Drivers contact details and pick up address + route and stops were clearly arranged and sent to my email prior the trip. Including a brief profile of the drivers. 🥰👍🏻
Check out Daytrip's website for more details.
Link: https://mydaytrip.com/
What is your favourite way of travelling within Europe? Share with us below. 😍👍🏻
Keith Yuen
luggage made in europe 在 Jo's 九萬的 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【 旅行遇到鋼琴 / When you find a piano in Macedonia 】
有時候會很羨慕演奏可以隨身攜帶的樂器的朋友,尤其是盒子硬殼又可以輕易塞進包包或是座艙置物櫃的樂器。去年有帶旅行吉他,但今年出國前猶豫了好一陣子,還打了電話問了好幾家廉航他們帶樂器的規定,畢竟許多航空公司對於帶著樂器旅行的規範真的很不友善 :( ... 最後為了提高機動性,還是決定不帶了(而且後來很慶幸自己這麼做。)
Sometimes I am really jealous of friends who play instruments that are easy to #travel around with, especially when it's has a hard case and is small enough to just throw it into your backpack or overhead bin. I brought a travel #guitar last year to #Europe, but I really thought through it and called several budget airlines to check their luggage regulation before I took off this year. I wasn't too surprised that almost all of them are not too instrument-friendly :( I decided not to bring my guitar with me at the end, and I am glad I made that call.
前幾天在有親密恐懼症的墨西哥女孩臉書上發現這個小錄影 <3 這是我到馬其頓的第三天,我們兩個人整天待在廚房兼交誼廳兼餐廳的起居空間各自做各自的事、偶爾聊天、吃零食。她工作,我一邊看著地圖發愣在想下一站要去哪!而且這時已經快一個月沒碰琴了,所以也花了一個下午彈琴,覺得舒暢啊~
Few days ago I found this video on the Facebook wall of this Mexican girl I met in Ohrid. This was my 3rd day in Macedonia. We sat in the kitchen all day long minding our own business while having some occasional snack and chat. She was working, and I was staring at the map wondering which country I should go next! It was already a month since I've touched the piano at the time, so I also spent the entire afternoon playing the piano, and it felt really great!
感謝有iPad還有imslp.org的存在,我一連彈了舒曼幻想即興曲第一樂章、拉赫曼尼諾夫改編Kreisler的愛之悲,還有德布西的兩首華麗曲跟月光(果然芭樂歌就是受青睞)但她最喜歡我隨便亂彈的即興了,所以錄了一小段 :D 琴聲音悶悶的觸鍵反應也很慢,但這時還計較什麼呢(喜)
Thanks to iPad and imslp.org, I found sheet music online and played the first movement of Schumann Fantasy in C, Kreisler-Rachmaninoff Liebesleid, in addition to the popular 2 Arabesques and Clair de Lune by Debussy. However, I think she liked my improvisation the most. The sound of the piano was quite muffled, and the key reaction were not spectacular, but I am certainly not complaining!
旅行・INSTAGRAM @joannamiko
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