【Maybelline超持久絲霧唇膏液SuperStay Matte Ink HK$99/5ml】
[PR贈品] 三月的時候收到這款Maybelline超持久絲霧唇膏液(HK$99/5ml), 說是非常持久的液體唇膏,亦有十個顏色可以選擇! 某些顏色也很美,用過後也真的超持久(沒騙你),飲水沒留唇印,食東西都不掉色。 但是,非常乾啦! 質感偏厚身,搽的時候比較易卡在嘴皮,有些顏色上嘴不太均勻,過30秒就乾了,也就令唇紋死皮更加嚴重。 搽了三四個小時,一直都覺得嘴部好難受,好想快快卸妝。 一般卸妝水都卸不掉,要用有油份/卸妝油來回抹好多遍才卸掉,較深色的還不能完全的卸掉!我不建議啊! 我一般都接受持久類唇膏會比較乾,但乾到這麼不舒服我就不能接受,而且乾紋盡現也美不到那裡去啦! 基於這個原因我不建議大家入手啦!
[PR Sample] I got these Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink (HK$99/5ml) in March, it’s said to be super long-lasting and it comes in 10 colours for you to choose! Some look amazing! They are really long-lasting (not lying), they don’t leave a mark on the cups when you drink and they don’t even come off when you eat. HOWEVER, they are SO DRYING! The texture is on the thicker side, during application, they easily get stuck on the dry bits of lips; some colours even go a bit patchy as well. After 30 seconds, they dry out, so are your lips, which in turn making fine lines more visible. I was wearing them for 3-4 hours on average and I wasn’t enjoying them, I just wanted to get them off my lips ASAP! Your micellar water won’t be able to remove them, so you need those which contains oil / cleansing oil to go over them so many times before they come off. For the deeper tones, they are not fully removable and they leave a stain behind! I am not recommending these! I generally accept the fact that long-lasting lipsticks are on the dryer side, but not this dry. They don’t even feel comfortable on lips, not to mention all the fine lines appearing is not a pretty scene! Based on this, I am not recommending these!
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