Join @joannalhs in working together to continue to fight mental health stigma in Singapore by participating in panel dialogues and masterclasses happening from NOW to end October 2021!
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow as a nation and join the Beyond the Label movement to fight against the stigma of mental health issues . Head over to to sign up today!
#beyondthelabel #stopthestigma
同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過21萬的網紅WenWei彣蔚,也在其Youtube影片中提到,SPM was supposed to be in 2020, but due to the pandemic, it was delayed till 2021 ! It was an interesting experience ? Follow me ! Instagram : @wenw...
「mental health singapore 2021」的推薦目錄:
- 關於mental health singapore 2021 在 N.O.C - Night Owl Cinematics Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於mental health singapore 2021 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於mental health singapore 2021 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於mental health singapore 2021 在 WenWei彣蔚 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於mental health singapore 2021 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於mental health singapore 2021 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的最讚貼文
mental health singapore 2021 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
“Ada orang bukan islam tanya, kenapa zaman Covid ni kes bunuh diri di kalangan orang islam tinggi? Bukan kah Islam haramkan bunuh diri?”
Bagi saya soalan ni sama dengan soalan: kenapa ramai orang melayu islam hisap dadah di Malaysia?, sebab majoroti orang Malaysia adalah melayu islam, maka ramailah. Jika kita pergi KL tengok ramai melayu lepak, cuba pergi Singapore, ramai jer cina lepak.
Jadi Data yang adil kena ambil melalui peratus. Macam kes Covid juga jika bilangan di ambil banding dengan negara Amarica, atau india dah tentu tak adil, sebab negara mereka besar, negara kita kecik, jadi nak adil kena ambil melalui peratus.
Jadi Bab Covid, ikut peratus, negara kita memang tinggi kes aktif.
Jadi bab bunuh diri, mohon jika siapa siapa ada data dalam peratus bagi tahun 2020, atau 2021, kita kongsi, dan melalui data yang betul, Langkah penceggahan dapat di ambil.
Contoh saya Google tadi, saya dapat dari Public Health Malaysia bagi tahun 2018, Kaum india paling ramai bunuh diri berbanding bangsa lain di Malaysia sekitar 3.6 peratus.
Saya juga baca sedikit kajian bertajuk Suicide and Ethnicity in Malaysia oleh Dr Om P Murty dengan data dari 251 cases mendapati, Muslims showed the lowest cases of suicide.
Tapi itu data sebelum Covid.
Dan terkini semenjak Pendemik Covid 19, memang menyedihkan bila dengar banyak berita orang melayu islam ramai bunuh diri kerana pelbagai masalah.
Saya tidak dapat menjawab kenapa orang bunuh diri? Kerana itu di luar kepakaran saya, lebih baik soalan ini di jawab oleh pakar kesihatan mental, kerana kemurungan, stress, anxiety dan lain lain masalah kejiwaan adalah termasuk dalam bidang perubatan yang ada pakar dapat mencegah, merawat dan mengubat.
Cuma dari segi pandangan saya sebagai seorang beragama Islam, saya rasa SOP kerajaan yang tidak benarkan orang islam solat berjemaah, solat Jumaat, hadir majlis agama, dan lain lain amalan masjid, sikit sebanyak memberi kesan kejiwaan kepada ramai orang Islam.
Selalu saya baca dalam group orang islam, luahan sedih dan stress sebab tak dapat pergi solat macam dulu, hingga ada yang engkar arahan tetap ke masjid dan kena saman, bertambah stress.
Lebih stress, bila duduk rumah terkurung lama-lama, Covid makin meningkat, walau dan berbulan bulan tak solat Jumaat, rupanya datang dari Kluster Kilang,
Bila cerita tentang kilang, teringat saya satu anologi tersangat logic dalam ceramah agama berkeaan kilang buka 24 jam.
Tulisan ini ditulis sebelum Covid 19, di tuju kepada orang islam yang tak pernah ke masjid.
Tahu tak kenapa semua rumah ada TV, ada, lampu dan ada Kipas?
Tahu tak Kenapa seluruh dunia di setiap rumah ada TV, ada kipas, dan ada lampu?
Jika TV rosak, atau kipas rosak, atau lampu rosak, kitab buang dan bila pergi kedai, kita dapati berderet orang jual TV baru, kipas baru, lampu baru?
Tahu tak kenapa barang letrik ni ada bersepah-sepah di kedai?
Betul! Sebab kilang buat barang letrik hidup 24 jam, kilang TV, Kilang kipas, dan lain-lain kilang sedang hidup 24 jam, pekerjanya keluar masuk mengikut shift, maka kita dapati dalam semua rumah telah masuk TV, lampu dan kipas…
Tapi hari ini, masjid tidak hidup 24 jam, sekejap bukak sekejap kunci… sebelum Covid, ada masjid buka sebelum magrib dan jam 9 malam dah tutup, jadi bayangkan? macamana amalan agama nak masuk dalam rumah jika kilang “rohani” bukak sebelum magrib dan tutup selepas isyak?
Saya rasa jika kilang TV bukak sebelum magrib dan tutup selepas isyak, maka takdelah TV kat mana mana rumah, baru nak pasang skrin dah tutup kilang, camne..?, kipas dan lampu pun tiada, sebab berapa bijik kipas siap di pasang jika kilang kipas buka magrib dan tutup isyak?
Begitulah masjid zaman sekarang, (sebelum covid) orang pergi sekejap sekejap sahaja antara magrib dan isyak.., kerana itulah tak pelik jika banyak maksiat sini sana, sebab masjid tempat membina rohani tak hidup 24 jam.., mana pergi AJK masjid?, adakah nak tunggu peruntukkan dari kerajaan baru nak fikir hidupkan masjid 24 jam?
Jika kita rujuk masjid Nabawi zaman Nabi dahulu, masjid hidup 24 jam, jemaah keluar masuk, azan dua kali, tanda tukar shift bergilir imarahkan masjid.
Kemudian Ada golongan suffah lagi yang tinggal di masjid, malahan tawanan perangpun di ikat pada tiang tiang masjid, dan akhirnya mereka tawanan perang masuk islam secara sukarela kerana terkesan dengan amalan sahabat yang memakmurkan masjid Allah…
Atas kesedaran ini, sebelum covid, jemaah Tabligh cuba hidupkan masjid 24 jam, iktikaf di masjid, makan di masjid, dengan program agama 72 jam (3 hari), ada program 40 hari hidupkan masjid, ada 4 bulan hidupkan masjid dengan amalan Dakwah, Taklim, Ibadat, khidmat.
Biasa Jemaah tabligh pagi lepas solat subuh, mereka buat ceramah, zikir pagi, lepas tu mesyuarat bagi kerja, lepas tu pecah dia Jemaah, dalam masjid, baca hadis, dan majlis Al quran, dan muzakarah sampai zohor, satu Jemaah lagi keluar berdakwah cari orang kampung ajak datang ke masjid, lepas zohor makan dan muzakarah lagi, lepas asar mereka berdakwah rumah ke rumah, Lorong ke Korong, lepas magrib ceramah, lepas isyak baca taklim dan program tahajjud serta solat taubat.
Kira masjid hidup 24 jam, maka kesan amalan ini, anak isteri di rumah terdedah dengan amalan rumah sahabat seperti baca Al quran, mensyuarat, taklim, muzakarah, zikir, tahajjud dan perlbagai amalan rohani.
Almaklumlah, bila kilang hidup 24 jam,maka semua rumah ada barang kilang, dan bila masjid hidup 24 jam, maka rumah rumah sekitar masjid akan terkesan dan hidup juga dengan amalan masjid. Lepas tu kita dengar ada orang tak pernah solat tiba tiba dah rajin ke masjid, orang isap dadah dah insaf, artis bertaubat, samseng bertatoo ikut tabligh, al quran yang berabuk, di bacakan semula, hadis di hafa dan meniti di bibir, semua kesan dari masjid yang hidup 24 jam. Alhamdulillah!
Namun! Sekejap, maaf! saya mohon amalan hidupkan masjid 24 jam ini jangan biarkan orang tabligh sahaja buat, sebab masjid ni milik semua orang islam, jadi mohon orang PAS, UMNO, BERSATU, PKR, NGO, Artis, dan lain lain sama sama korbankan masa dengan hidupkan masjid 24 melalui amalan yang sesuai dengan Al quran dan sunnah.
Bayangkan jika kampung kita ada amalan memakmurkan masjid Allah 24 jam.., siap buat shift,bergilir gilir masjid ada orang, lepas tu ustaz dan ulamak pun sama sama iktikaf, siap duduk tunggu ummat kat masjid, senang orang ramai jika ada masalah agama boleh pergi kemasjid untuk rujuk ustaz dan ulamak, boleh rujuk ustaz walaupun jam 3 pagi, takdelah jadi macam sekarang, ummat tak tahu nak rujuk kat mana, last last just baca blog, baca FB, baca web syiah, baca web wahabi, lepas tu sesat, tafsir al-quran sendiri, lepas tu gaduh.. adohai..
Rujuk balik, perasan tak doctor ada kat klinik 24 jam, polis ada kat balai polis 24 jam dan bomba ada kat balai bomba 24 jam..
Bila doctor duduk kat klinik 24 jam, maka kita dapati kat malaysia ni takdelah ramai yang berpenyakit serius, sebab klinik bukak 24 jam..
Bila bomba duduk kat balai bomba 24 jam, maka kita dapati kat malaysia ni takdelah banyak rumah yang terbakar.., sebab balai bomba bukak 24 jam..
Bila polis duduk kat balai polis 24 jam, maka kita dapati kat malaysia ni takdelah ramai sangat orang jahat, sebab balai polis bukak 24 jam..
Tapi hari ini, masjid tempat membaiki rohani manusia tidak beroperasi 24 jam…, TUTUP!
Dan fahamlah, apabila ummat islam ramai tak boleh pergi ke masjid Allah, maka mereka tak dapat penuhi keperluan hati mereka.., orang yang sakit rohani apabila tak dapat pergi rumah Allah, sakit rohani mereka tak sembuh sepenuhnya, mereka cepat stress, cepat marah, sebab masjid hati bagi kampung telah lama mati.
Yang kuat keimaman, mampu jadikan rumah macam masjid, hidup amalam dakwah, taklim, ibadat dan khidmat, alhamdulillah ketenangan hati dapat dicapai melalui amalan masjid walau tidak di masjid, maka mereka masih mampu bertahan walau tiba Hari Jumaat rasa begertar juga hati tak dapat solat di masjid, tapi bagaimana dengan Ummat yang sakit jiwa? Yang stress? Yang perlukan suasana damai di masjid untuk ketenagan hati?
Nak salahkan Ummat?
Memang benar orang sakit itu salah kerana tak pandai jaga kesihatan, tapi apa kata kita jika hospital gagal beroperasi 24 jam kerana doctor tak bersedia nak berkerja lebih masa?
Memang benar orang jahat itu salah kerana buat jenayah, tapi apa kata kita jika pihak polis gagal beroperasi 24 jam kerana polis tak bersedia nak berkerja lebih masa?
Memang benar rumah terbakar itu salah penghuni rumah yang tak jaga safety, tapi apa kata kita jika bomba gagal beroperasi 24 jam kerana bomba tak bersedia nak berkerja lebih masa?
Dan..Memang benar orang murtad / ahli maksiat / pendosa / penzina / orang bunuh diri itu salah kerana tak pandai jaga iman, tapi apa kita nak jawab dekat Allah jika masjid yang kita ada kuasa membuka, tapi kita tutup terus!
Nabi sampai Madinah, terus bina Masjid, maka kita ke mana manapun pergi mesti nak cari masjid, tapi sekarang.. Masjid tutup terus! Kilang buka, dan bila ramai orang islam bunuh diri, kita semua tak tahu punca…
Saya pun tak tahu, dan anologi masjid 24 jam dibandingkan kilang 24 jam ini hanyalah analogi sahaja, kebenaran sebenar hanya Allah yang tahu.
Akhir kata saya doakan mereka yang murung dan stress, agar bersabar, marilah kita sama sama cuba hidupkan rumah dengan amalan masjid, insyaAllah. Hanya dengan ingat Allah hati akan menjadi tenang.
Saya doakan juga, Vaksin lebih baik dapat dicipta sebagai asbab, dan dapat diberikan kepada semua rakyat dengan cepat (saya pun belum dapat janji temu, daftar awal tahun hari tu, sob sob)
Akhir kata, Semoga SOP masjid dikemas kini dengan lebih baik, agar jika masjid tak dapat hidup 24 jam, dapat hidup sikit-sikit, Alhamdulillah.
Saya doakan juga Covid 19 ni cepat berlalu agar kita dapat kembalikan zaman masjid hidup 24 jam.
Semua ujian dari Allah, sungguh kita kini di akhir zaman, dan sudah lama kita biarkan masjid sepi sebelum Covid, dan sekarang masjid telah benar benar sepi, maka semua orang sedang di uji.
Semoga semua terus kuat, sabar, dan tabah!
Woha sampai syurga!
mental health singapore 2021 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
Dos Mestizos Boracay
I stumbled upon this fancy restaurant, Dos Mestizos which you can locate at the Main road, Station 1. Across Seawind Resort.
I was fascinated with how they seem to always get people to dine in and have drinks. On May 12, 2021, I visited the place and dined in and it was not a pleasant experience as I expected.
I am DJ Macky Suson, and I have been here in Boracay for two weeks. After living in Singapore for 10 years and suffered from mental health disorders, I chose Boracay as my place to recover. I have decided to review the places I go to, to help this beloved island improve on things it offers- food, a place to stay, drinks, activities, price and most importantly, the service.
I was greeted by the owner, if I am not mistaken with warm welcome which I expected as I always see him at the place talking to people. Dos Mestizo’s signature ‘Mestizo’ is traditional Spanish dishes elevated by complementing Filipino flavors and other carefully selected ingredients imported from Europe. The menu was not that comprehensive and all I could see was Paella. And so I thought, that’s probably what they are pushing and that’s their best selling food. I ordered a glass fresh pineapple juice, PAELLA VALENCIANA, small. The price was roughly 30 Singapore Dollars and I was expecting for it to be really good.
There was a complimentary bread that’s served and I actually loved it, specially the sauce. After finishing it, I thought, the paella could be better. It was not the case.
In Barcelona, they have a fast food for paella and most locals there said it’s bad. The truth is, my paella experience at that fast food in Barcelona was a lot way better than in Dos Meztisos.
PAELLA VALENCIANA looked great. I wish it tasted great but it was not the case. It was really dry to begin with. The rice seemed to be hit by El Niño as it was as dry as the season. The overall taste was okay. I mean for 30 Singapore Dollars, it’s unacceptable. The serving was good for 1 adult and one kid. The nightmare happened when I ate a portion of meat which tasted rotten. It seemed like it was placed in the fridge for months and they did not notice. It destroyed the entire experience. But at that time, I wanted to throw up but I could not because the owner was literally in front of me and so with other 3 guests.
This place is probably great for drinking but for food, I would not recommend for people to come here. I am happy I did not have food poisoning.
Next: I went to Ambassador in Paradise and tried their Night in Ambassador Cocktail. Was it great? Follow for the review.
#Boracay #BoracayIsland #BoracayPhilippines
mental health singapore 2021 在 WenWei彣蔚 Youtube 的最佳貼文
SPM was supposed to be in 2020, but due to the pandemic, it was delayed till 2021 ! It was an interesting experience ?
Follow me !
Instagram : @wenweiyy
Twitter : @wenweiyy
Youtube : @wenwei彣蔚
Hello from Malaysia !
KON WEN WEI 官彣蔚 (known as wen wei in Malaysia) started her career at 16 as a youtuber and her work paved the way to numerous projects. She released her debut single “teenage dream” about her teenage love story ! A Chinese living in Malaysia, fluent in Mandarin, English & Bahasa Melayu. She wishes to share her personal stories, highschool, challenges she faced, about mental health, her passions & stories — through music and her platform. Thanks for watching :)
Camera / Sony zv-1 (PP3 + beauty settings)
Edited by / Jo
Business Enquiries ?
Music by Brooks - Boop Boop -
Music by Naomi - Osaka -
Song : Daystar - Lemon Cake /
#Highschool #NationalExam #wenweiyy
#SPM2020 #SPM2021

mental health singapore 2021 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的最讚貼文
I stumbled upon this fancy restaurant, Dos Mestizos which you can locate at the Main road, Station 1. Across Seawind Resort.
I was fascinated with how they seem to always get people to dine in and have drinks. On May 12, 2021, I visited the place and dined in and it was not a pleasant experience as I expected.
I am DJ Macky Suson, and I have been here in Boracay for two weeks. After living in Singapore for 10 years and suffered from mental health disorders, I chose Boracay as my place to recover. I have decided to review the places I go to, to help this beloved island improve on things it offers- food, a place to stay, drinks, activities, price and most importantly, the service.
I was greeted by the owner, if I am not mistaken with warm welcome which I expected as I always see him at the place talking to people. Dos Mestizo’s signature ‘Mestizo’ is traditional Spanish dishes elevated by complementing Filipino flavors and other carefully selected ingredients imported from Europe. The menu was not that comprehensive and all I could see was Paella. And so I thought, that’s probably what they are pushing and that’s their best selling food. I ordered a glass fresh pineapple juice, PAELLA VALENCIANA, small. The price was roughly 30 Singapore Dollars and I was expecting for it to be really good.
There was a complimentary bread that’s served and I actually loved it, specially the sauce. After finishing it, I thought, the paella could be better. It was not the case.
In Barcelona, they have a fast food for paella and most locals there said it’s bad. The truth is, my paella experience at that fast food in Barcelona was a lot way better than in Dos Meztisos.
PAELLA VALENCIANA looked great. I wish it tasted great but it was not the case. It was really dry to begin with. The rice seemed to be hit by El Niño as it was as dry as the season. The overall taste was okay. I mean for 30 Singapore Dollars, it’s unacceptable. The serving was good for 1 adult and one kid. The nightmare happened when I ate a portion of meat which tasted rotten. It seemed like it was placed in the fridge for months and they did not notice. It destroyed the entire experience. But at that time, I wanted to throw up but I could not because the owner was literally in front of me and so with other 3 guests.
This place is probably great for drinking but for food, I would not recommend for people to come here. I am happy I did not have food poisoning.
Next: I went to Ambassador in Paradise and tried their Night in Ambassador Cocktail. Was it great? Follow for the review. "Boracay Videography Service"
"Boracay Videographer"

mental health singapore 2021 在 DJ Macky Suson Youtube 的最讚貼文
I stumbled upon this fancy restaurant, Dos Mestizos which you can locate at the Main road, Station 1. Across Seawind Resort.
I was fascinated with how they seem to always get people to dine in and have drinks. On May 12, 2021, I visited the place and dined in and it was not a pleasant experience as I expected.
I am DJ Macky Suson, and I have been here in Boracay for two weeks. After living in Singapore for 10 years and suffered from mental health disorders, I chose Boracay as my place to recover. I have decided to review the places I go to, to help this beloved island improve on things it offers- food, a place to stay, drinks, activities, price and most importantly, the service.
I was greeted by the owner, if I am not mistaken with warm welcome which I expected as I always see him at the place talking to people. Dos Mestizo’s signature ‘Mestizo’ is traditional Spanish dishes elevated by complementing Filipino flavors and other carefully selected ingredients imported from Europe. The menu was not that comprehensive and all I could see was Paella. And so I thought, that’s probably what they are pushing and that’s their best selling food. I ordered a glass fresh pineapple juice, PAELLA VALENCIANA, small. The price was roughly 30 Singapore Dollars and I was expecting for it to be really good.
There was a complimentary bread that’s served and I actually loved it, specially the sauce. After finishing it, I thought, the paella could be better. It was not the case.
In Barcelona, they have a fast food for paella and most locals there said it’s bad. The truth is, my paella experience at that fast food in Barcelona was a lot way better than in Dos Meztisos.
PAELLA VALENCIANA looked great. I wish it tasted great but it was not the case. It was really dry to begin with. The rice seemed to be hit by El Niño as it was as dry as the season. The overall taste was okay. I mean for 30 Singapore Dollars, it’s unacceptable. The serving was good for 1 adult and one kid. The nightmare happened when I ate a portion of meat which tasted rotten. It seemed like it was placed in the fridge for months and they did not notice. It destroyed the entire experience. But at that time, I wanted to throw up but I could not because the owner was literally in front of me and so with other 3 guests.
This place is probably great for drinking but for food, I would not recommend for people to come here. I am happy I did not have food poisoning.
Next: I went to Ambassador in Paradise and tried their Night in Ambassador Cocktail. Was it great? Follow for the review. "Boracay Videography Service"
"Boracay Videographer"