I get asked a lot about how do I keep up with my activities throughout the day. How I juggle between being a working mom and at the same time maintaining my health and wellness. I gotta say, it’s definitely - ecoBrown’s PLUS Series Brown Rice Drink!
I tend to get so engrossed in my work that I sometimes forget to eat lunch, due to the back-to-back meetings and conferences. So I’d drink a cup of ecoBrown’s PLUS Series Brown Rice Drink to overcome my hunger before getting a proper meal.
This first-of-its-kind in Malaysia cereal drink is packed with the goodness of unpolished brown, red and black rice. Amazing, right? On top of that, it is also enhanced with cereals and oats and is packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6 that will make your tummy full and happy! A quick way to fulfil nutritional essentials for you and your whole family.
This is definitely a convenient, healthier and tasty alternative for a person that always lives on the edge like me. Thank you @ecobrownsrice for making my life easier!
Head over to https://shop.ecobrown.com to enjoy an exclusive 20% discount when using the promo code ECOPLUS20.
mom plus promo code 在 陳諭 That Mandy Chen Facebook 的最佳貼文
每一個孩子的需求都不一樣,而母親在每一胎的產後狀況也不一樣,記得生馬大少爺後,我的母乳是非常充足的,而且他食量小,我輕輕鬆鬆的餵了他8個月母奶就減肥拍戲去了;第二胎馬二少爺就不一樣了,他食量好大,打出生起每一個半小時就要喝掉3.5oz (100ml)的奶,而我所能供應的奶量在產後第三個月就開始跟不上他的需求了,加上一個人要帶兩個孩子、要工作、要做家務⋯不要說睡眠不足,就連要好好吃一餐也不可能,隨手抓到什麼就往嘴裡放了,根本顧不上營養,整個人精神狀況很差,暴躁易怒,也幾乎要放棄餵母奶了。
媽媽勸我試試雞精,喝她懷我時喝的老牌子BRAND’S雞精,還要我早上空腹喝,反正買了我也只好喝,每4個小時擠一次奶的我其實不太會漲奶了,奶量一次也只剩2oz (60ml),但第一天早上7點喝了雞精之後,早上9點就漲奶了,擠出來竟然有將近3oz (100ml)那麼多!而原本早上10點左右就整個人疲憊不堪的我,在每天連續喝雞精的第二個星期開始可以撐到下午2點左右才需要休息片刻,連帶的情緒也穩定多了,老公和馬大少爺都感受到我的改變,於是鼓勵我繼續喝,而我想和大家分享好康,即日起到5月31日只要到 Bit.ly/breastfeedingwithbrands 用Promo code - MCKBEC182019
If you ever heard that every child is different, that’s so true. I still remember how easy I was to provide more than enough breastmilk to him at that time. But things go the other way when facing my 2nd son, he’s such a big drinker, requires 3oz (100ml) every 1.5 hours since he’s born, when he’s 3 months old, he asks 5oz (120-150ml) every 2 hours, I can’t even reach half of his needs, plus the tiredness of taking care two children on my own, stress from work and in charge of all the housework, I have depression and nearly give up on breastfeeding my baby. Mom suggests me to take BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken with empty stomach in the morning, no harm, so I try, i can still recall that day, I drank the BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken at 7am, by the time of 9am, I felt the milk was bursting out of me and I quickly pumped, it’s 3oz (100ml)! At that time I was 3 months after giving birth, and I usually produced only 2oz (60ml) of breastmilk every 4 hours, so wow! Just in 2 hours time I produced another 3oz of breastmilk! That’s amazing! So I keep drinking Brand’s essence of chicken every morning with empty stomach, the 2nd week I noticed my breastmilk is not the only thing that become stable, am not so easy to be tired and my emotion is stable as well! All moms should try this, really! And since it’s May, the month of mother, Brand’s promotion is on! Till 31st of May, use the code MCKBEC182019 and purchase the original BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken at
to improve our health in a value way, don’t miss the chance!
Brand's Smart Living
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