去年的案子中我選了這幅參加美國ADC Award,雖然沒有得獎,但報名的時候滿心希望這幅台灣的作品和這個計畫能讓更多人看到。畫中其實有很多細節,有興趣的話下方是參賽時寫的作品描述(我還沒翻中文版):
The illustration visualized an eco-political project that advocates for environmental protection, conservation and encourages people to search for their identity by walking into nature. The image not only depicts the project concepts, but also comprehensively shows 6 primary missions: The Green New Deal, Nature Protection, Carbon Valley, Rite of Passage, Soft Power, and Geopolitical Cornerstone. This enables the client to propose the project to the government, and promote ideas of environmental and political changes to the public.
Taiwan is an island divided by the Central Mountain Range. Located to the west of the range are the large cities inhabited by the majority of the population. In contrast, located to the east of the range are the natural sites and homes of the indigenous population for thousands of years. The 3 hikers depicted on the left are a metaphor for people searching for their identity. By walking through the Japanese Shrine, they cross over Taiwan’s complex history of colonization by many different countries. On the right side is an imaginary city called “Carbon Valley,” which is the idea of a sustainable energy research centre. The Formosan Sika deer is the endemic species in Taiwan but became extinct in 1969. In the illustration, it symbolizes and raises the awareness of nature conservation.
The commission was delivered in August 2020, however the project is still ongoing.
#illustration #illustrationartists #ecofriendly #ecology #greennewdeal #taiwan #nature #taiwanese #mountains #mountainrange #deer #indigenous #culture
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- 關於mountain range中文 在 ChineseWord.EN - 崑崙山昆仑山Kunlun Mountain range [Kun1... 的評價
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感謝臉友 @Skippy At Large 在「翻譯很有事」貢獻此文,以下全文轉錄。內容太精彩,一定要讓更多人看到。(對岸書評網站豆瓣及網路上可找到一些相關評論。)
1 溫洽溢大量誤譯Janathan D. Spence(史景遷)多本英文著作,已非新聞。
2 最驚爆的是,被誤譯的作者Janathan D. Spence本人原來也是。誤。譯。大。王!他英譯明末張岱《陶庵夢憶》,由於文言文理解不足,誤譯百出(文末指出誤譯的可能原因),詳見2009年汪榮祖教授〈夢憶裡的夢囈〉譯評一文 (PDF,留言有連結),揪出幾十個荒唐誤譯。
3 可見,許多權威往往經不住檢驗,這包括權威譯者在內。
4 任何譯作一定要有人對照原文審譯。審譯者的原文理解能力必須在譯者之上,否則找了也是白搭。
5 溫洽溢的中譯《前朝夢憶》,參考還原了張岱原著的本義,大大抵銷了史景遷的誤譯,然而如汪教授PDF文末指出,溫譯者並未透過譯註指出作者Spence的錯誤,而逕行在譯文中改正,令中文讀者不曾察覺意思有誤。這作法的對錯非常值得討論。
Jonathan D. Spence: Return to Dragon Mountain: Memories of a Late Ming Man
譯 者: 溫洽溢
出版:時報文化出版,2009; 廣西師範大學出版社,2010
1. Zhang Dai lived a parade when the moon came out and the lanterns shone.
2. Zhang Dai wrote of one teacher called Zhu who never began his theater training for girls by introducing them to acting. Instead he taught them first to play a broad range of musical instruments—strings, wind and percussion—and then taught them to sing and finally to dance. The result was that some of Zhu's actresses attained a “level of perfection that could be felt through the pores.”
3. On ordinary days Zhang Dai studied. He never was done, and he never would be done, as he well knew, for he was locked into a system from which there was no outlet save absolute success.
1、3 兩個錯誤分別是第一章、第二章的開頭一句,問題很明白,無須多說。第2 個錯誤出在錯解「陶庵夢憶」的原文:
「朱雲崍教女戲,非教戲也。未教戲,先教琴,先教琵琶,先教提琴、弦子、蕭管,鼓吹、歌舞,借戲為之,其實不專為戲也。...... 絲竹錯雜,檀板清謳,入妙腠理,唱完以曲白終之,反覺多事矣。」
大意不過:朱雲崍教戲先從伴奏教起,訓練精妙,結果戲曲的主要曲文部份反而成為配角了。“level of perfection that could be felt through the pores.” 當作「入妙腠理」;而且認為「反為多事矣」的不是學戲的徒弟,而是旁觀的眾人。
這使張岱並非以史書留名,反倒因簡短、警句式散文這種迥別的文體享有盛譽。散文是晚明主要文體之一。散文講究文體雅致,竭盡所能雕章琢句,以彰顯作者的多才多藝,筆觸要敏捷、不拖泥帶水,以捕捉飄忽情緒或瞬間剎那,同時利用語氣上的對比或急轉直下,勾引且震驚讀者。張岱的成長過程中,這樣的文體一直很受歡迎,他自己後來也成為散文大家。從許多例子來看,馳名的散文大家同時也是遊記作家(travel writer)。他們以浪跡天涯、遊山玩水聞名,寄居名士之家,不斷四處流浪,敏於音調、悖論,能看他人所不能看,感他人所不能感,行文走筆雖扼要洗鍊,但也處處旁徵博引。(p. 8)
The melodious and enchanting form of regional drama from Suzhou known as kunqu was already separating itself from local specializations like Shaoxing theater, just as later “Beijing opera” was to grow out of and—to many connoisseurs—to vulgarize kunqu drama in search of a broader audience.
蘇州的崑曲,旋律優美,形式精妙,已走出如紹興戲這類地方戲曲的格局,一如日後京劇的發展,走向通俗化以求拓展觀眾層面。(p. 30)
As if all that were not sufficient, mother-in-law Liu also had to care for a “harsh and fussy uncle” and her own widowed mother-in-law ....
外母劉太君此外還得照料“嚴厲瑣屑”的舅舅,侍奉守寡的婆婆........ (p. 77)
此處是一吊詭:純就翻譯而言,uncle譯為舅舅是對的,卻因為翻對而錯了,因為在文言中,「舅」還有別的意思。就尊卑親疏關係而言,「舅」這裡只能是 “夫之父” 的意思---- 對明代婦女而言,舅舅這層關係,怎麼也擺不到婆婆前面。所以p. 76 中,譯文將 "as aunt" 譯為「為姑」,僅僅因為抄錄張岱原文而閃過了尷尬,到了這裡其閱讀文言文的程度就暴露無疑。顯然在「雍正王朝之大義覺迷」錯繆叢出的文言斷句並不是意外,只是譯者和編審的正常表現。嗚呼哀哉!
為什麼說這本書牽涉廣大? 因為背後的陣容龐大。溫洽溢翻譯「前朝夢憶」時,已經獲得國內出版業龍頭時報文化奉上「白金翻譯家」的冠冕,且剛贏得新聞局2008金鼎獎「最佳翻譯人」的榮銜。本書隨後出了簡體版,由當時非常活躍、堪稱胡溫時代的「啟蒙出版社」的廣西師範大學出版,收入「史景遷作品集」,負責這套書的編審是鄭培凱、鄢秀教授。鄭教授從台大外文系畢業後,進入耶魯大學,成為史景遷的第一個博士班學生,目前任職於香港城市大學,專業研究領域就是明代文學。鄢秀教授是鄭教授的夫人,畢業於中國外語專業高校雙璧之一的上海外語大學,之後在德州大學奧斯丁分校獲得翻譯學博士,現在主持香港城市大學翻譯及語言系的碩士學科。
然而,若明白史景遷何許人也,這箇中的諧趣可就完全不好笑了。一般讀者知道他是耶魯大學教授,但恐怕未必了解他的頭銜史德鄰傑出講座(Sterling Professor) 的意義:這是耶魯授予教授的最高榮譽,全校千餘教職人員裡,只有20-40名教授能獲得這崇隆的位置。以耶魯大學在美國學界的地位,史景遷的威望如何,就無需多言了。竟在晚年寫出如此一書,真值得我們好好思考 prestige 一字的拉丁字源的本義了。
問題的根源出在哪裡?原著的謝辭提供了些許線索。首先,史景遷採用的翻譯,許多來自他在耶魯的研究生助理。從羅馬拼音的名字來判斷,除了台大畢業的劉晞儀(現任美國大都會博物館助理主任)外,他們大多來自中國。史景遷的夫人金安平教授也深入參與這本書的寫作。 金教授1950生於台南市,12歲移居美國,後來在哥倫比亞大學獲得博士,目前在耶魯教授中國哲學。金教授系出名門,祖父是20世紀初的著名學者金毓黻。
史景遷寫作時也倚重兩本書: In Limpid Dream: Nostalgia and Zhang Dai's Reminiscences of the Ming, 作者 Philip A Kafalas 從哈佛大學部畢業後,在史丹佛獲得博士學位,目前在喬治城大學任教。本書是根據學位論文改寫,據史景遷的說法,內容包含大量的陶庵夢憶的翻譯。另一本是法譯的陶庵夢憶,譯者Brigitte Teboul-Wang, 背景不明,或是 一位嫁給華裔的法國女士。
史景遷的岔子是不是出在這些助理和書籍上,沒看到確切的證據,目前只能夠存疑了。 但作者、譯者、編審、出版社都該負責,則是了無疑義的。「合六州四十三縣鐵,不能為此錯也。」此書堪為鑑戒!
mountain range中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[時事英文] Chicken Attack
2017新年剛過,就出現最新的洗腦歌曲「Chicken Attack」。雖然歌曲本身沒什麼艱澀難懂的詞彙或真理 (e.g. Chicken attack! Chicken attack!) ,但是歌手石井健雄 (Takeo Ischi) 勇於追求自己的夢想和奮戰不懈的精神非常值得我們學習!
The new viral video involves a bizarre plot and yodeling done by a Japanese man named Takeo Ischi. Yodeling is a form of singing that is associated with the people living in the Central Alps, a vast mountain range covering parts of Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany. Yodeling was originally used by shepherds to call out to their animals, but it eventually became an art form. Ischi, with no indication of any German heritage in his family, first heard yodeling on the radio in high school and fell in love with it ever since.
Following his father, Ischi went to university for mechanical engineering. However, he never gave up on his dream of becoming a yodeler. Using old records, Ischi taught himself to yodel in his spare time, and began performing on Japanese television. During a six-month period where he studied abroad in Germany, Ischi went to Switzerland, where he sang and yoldeled at a beer hall in Zurich. He then performed on television and soon after that became known in Germany as the "Japanese yodeler."
Looks like Chicken Attack will soon give PPAP a run for its money.
viral video 病毒影片
bizarre 奇異的
Chicken Attack 雞的攻擊
yodel 約德爾唱法
latest hit 最新熱門歌曲
high pitch 高音調的
hilariously catchy song 朗朗上口的搞笑歌曲
chorus/refrain 副歌
the Central Alps 中阿爾卑斯山脈
shepherds 牧民
old records 舊唱片
beer hall 啤酒屋
give…a run for… money 競爭對手構成挑戰*
PPAP 時事英文詞彙: https://goo.gl/eUFaeA
*give someone a run for his money: http://www.voachinese.com/a/wi-give-someone-a-run-for-the-money/2638584.html
Video (English): https://youtu.be/miomuSGoPzI
Video(中文字幕): https://youtu.be/rAVZiDvs6iA
Give that back!
Otherwise you will regret it!
You are going to stop me alone?
Who told you I was alone?
You should know that a man with the power of nature
Can bring you to the end of your luck
And you should know by my stride
And the look in my eyes
That you're about to be massively
Forced to give up!
Chicken attack!
Chicken attack!
Watch your back
Before it fades to black
They might look harmless
But they'll kick your non-chicken ass
Go chicken go!
Go chicken go!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky
With the power of nature
You're never alone
And you can't let evil run amok
Every beast
Every tree
Follows me to the end
And you're about to be massively
Chicken attack!
Chicken attack!
Watch your back
Before it fades to black
They might look harmless
But they'll kick your non-chicken ass
Go chicken go!
Go chicken go!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky
You're young and you're hungry
Perhaps short on money
I give this chicken today
Its eggs for your dinner
Its legs for next winter
You won't have to steal again
What a merciful person
Are you able to control all animals?
I can control all animals
But chickens are the best!
Help! Help!
My brother was held hostage
In a bank robbery in Fujimi!
Don’t worry! It’s going to be OK!
Go chicken go!
Go chicken go!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky
(In Theaters 2017)
More of Ischi's yodeling: https://youtu.be/yO7MWuJ7zLA
mountain range中文 在 【戲劇聖經365-第2季】(繁)耶利米書15-17章03/12 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
... 韓子揚https://tzuyang19930726.wixsite.com/0726【CGNTV 中文 台】官方 ... 【CGNTV 中文 台】 官方網站:http://chinese.cgntv.net/ YouTube頻道: ... ... <看更多>
mountain range中文 在 ChineseWord.EN - 崑崙山昆仑山Kunlun Mountain range [Kun1... 的推薦與評價
崑崙山昆仑山|english,英文,chinese,中文,explain|speak|spell|發音|translate|意思|meaning/Kunlun Mountain range|翻譯|解釋|定義|definition. ... <看更多>