Until I have a son of my own, I will never know what that means. I will never know the joy beyond joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a mother as she looks upon her son. 🧡
#growuptobelikeyourfather #bekind #beagoodhuman #iloveyoubeforeimetyou #myeldestson #dylanbaram #rozybaby #drderekbaram Central Smile @ Hong Kong
myeldestson 在 倫敦 Mali 媽媽 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Love going everywhere with our scooters , enjoying every moment we spend time together 💕💕💕好享受每一日,跟大仔 AJ 兩個人踩着 scooter 四處去的時間,通常這個時候都是爸爸帶着弟弟,我跟哥哥 AJ 便四處遛達,感覺超爽,我們母子二人超愛速度感 😍😍 #scooter #scootermom #lookathisface #lovemyboy #ukig #hkig #aj #myeldestson #malimama #malimamablog