近十幾年醫學發展愈來愈逢勃,對病人和醫護權益亦愈來愈重視,例如實習醫生要3日1call、on call要28-36小時、護士病人比例1:14-18等等一直都被批評。不少新世代醫生護士都會lobby system reformation令工作環境更人性化更友善,改善病人權益。
「當年我實習醫生已經做chest drain、LP、BM 等等,班後生依加做咁少又要supervision,一代不如一代」
「當年邊有post call half day、邊有咁多teaching session,依加d trainee已經好幸福」
下刪幾十種當年醫護有多勇猛而新世代有多whiny $ sheltered又唔捱得又嬌生慣養。
「廿年前邊有咁多paper work,咁多張assessment forms?」
「廿年前邊有咁多資助基金要assessment + 填無限張form?」
「廿年前邊有holistic care同biopsychosocial呢個概念?依加興MDT同allied health input去做best possible care,難度不用花多點時間?」
「廿年前authoritative care,醫生叫病人做咩佢地都會做,依加要shared decision + fully inform個病人做同唔做嘅風險,都係要時間。」
「廿年前讀醫學院好多病同藥都係mechanism poorly understood,依加淨係novel agent for cancer & autoimmune + pathway都已經係兩個世界」
你覺得一個醫生巡房或門診只能花3-5分鐘(連開藥+documentation)做得到biopsychosocial + holistic care嗎?
你覺得到2020的今日仍然3日1 call + on call 28-36小時對醫生的精神和身體健康無問題嗎?
踏進2020年的今日,我們不能再舊時舊時舊時,舊時中HIV注定變AIDS再等死,今日都起碼講緊Depot PrEP / 全民Truvada PrEP / PEP,感染後治療都可以U=U, normal CD4 + normal life span。你Stage IV metastatic lung cancer大概都會想用新世代TKI / immunotherapy而不會想用「舊時的化療」吧?
- 科大殺菌塗層MAP-1、次氯水、Zoono、Oo Airject、BioEM、光觸媒、空氣清新機
- Co-Q10、葡萄糖胺、Manuka Honey、魚油Omega-3、濕疹保濕膏、賢者之食卓、腦專加
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Robynn Yip,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「你是讓我無所不能的存在 你是讓我再毋所畏懼的理由」 Little Love Music by Robynn Yip Lyrics by Robynn Yip Produced, Arranged by T-Ma Mixed by John Benedict Pereira Edited by ...
on iv角度 在 余海峯 David . 物理喵 phycat Facebook 的最佳貼文
我比個數字 香港警察 Hong Kong Police 睇:
//“In the previous [2013] SSM report we analysed 34 cases and only a few of them had confirmed retinal injuries. In this report the number of cases with confirmed retinal injuries have increased [an additional 47 cases are described in the appendix]. If the availability of the handheld lasers continues to increase, along with higher optical power and lower cost, we expect that the number of severe eye injuries will continue to grow. Also, the distance from which the lasers can be used to disrupt various societal functions, such as air traffic (pilots) and policing will also increase.”
“Almost all the reported cases involve young children and teenagers. There is also a huge overrepresentation by males. Often the lasers are sold as toys and purchased by a relative as a gift to a child.”//
//They found 34 cases from 1999 to 2012. (This does not include the 2013 Saudi Arabian hospital report of 14 young boys injured by high-powered blue lasers, which appeared too late for this study.) Of the 34 cases:
5 were deliberate exposures by the patient (they deliberately stared into the laser for more than a second or two, or numerous times)
5 were deliberate exposures by a doctor, on a patient whose eye was scheduled for removal due to disease//
用返警察先睇得明的中文來說,就是近代英文文獻內僅有 47 宗因鐳射筆造成的眼睛傷害案例,幾乎全部都係兒童或青少年因為貪玩、多次直視激光造成的,只有極少數是醫療失誤引起。
//激光分為不同的類別: Class 1, 1M, 2, 2M, 3R, 3B, 4. 而我們的激光筆上面清楚寫明是屬於 Class IIIb 即是 3B 級別。
第 3B 類激光產品
連續波輸出功率不超逾 0.5 瓦
它說的漫反射 (diffuse reflection) 就是從其他角度看這束激光。而連續輸出功率不超過 0.5W 如果轉做 mW 即等於 500mW 。
根據網頁所講, IIIB 及 IV 是會對眼睛做成影響,隨著激光的強度增加,影響會更大。圖四講解例如 IIIB 的激光如果近距離照射眼睛1/4秒會有中度至高度的損害,而它也說如果距離增加或照射時間減少,損害亦會減少。
而它在網頁中有另外一個大表,舉出了一個數據是 500mW 的激光在 160 米外照射眼睛是安全的。如果是觀測漫反射出來的光線,也是安全的。要令皮膚感到熱力,也只有在長時間近距離照射才會有感覺。//
圖:Stand News 立場新聞
#科普 #factcheck好重要 #反送中 #黑警
on iv角度 在 游大東【鴻鵠志-影視筆記】 Facebook 的最佳解答
【 火速救兵IV/「生死時刻」角色介紹 】
「好多朋友仔都問我個角色幾時會喺《火速救兵IV》出現,其實我都唔係好清楚,哈!總之有王喜的鏡頭,就試吓留意吓佢身邊嘅下屬吧! 」綽號「有線大隻仔」的《有線娛樂新聞》末代主播 Matt Chung 鍾煒喬 說,他在今晚9:30於港台電視31首播的《火速救兵IV ── 生死時刻(下)》裏飾關公一角。
乍看他的制服跟消防員不同,「因為我飾演嘅角色關公,係屬於高角度拯救專隊。」高空拯救專隊(High Angle Rescue Team,簡稱HART)前稱高角度拯救專隊,於2011年8月成立,這支拯救隊伍會運用繩索及相關裝備,將消防員帶到難於前往的地方。
至於劇中阿Matt角色真的叫「關公」,不是搞爛Gag,飾演其上司的是 WONG HE 王喜:「得我同佢係演員,其他人都係真Fireman。」但願他們行動時不會發生「關公災難」。平時做開娛樂星蹤採訪和主持的阿Matt,說希望能夠Try something new,我問是否由實力派轉為偶像派,他笑言:「我係行實力派主持路綫!」我覺得:Why not both?
#游大東 #游大東影視筆記 Matt Chung 香港電台《火速救兵 IV》 RTHK 香港電台 #伍自禎 #火速救兵 #港劇 我睇咗啲乜嘢 講劇時辰到 快樂的 思想。影視隨筆 William on the way 嚴崇天 Douglas 余采霖 DanYu Sofiee Ng 吳海昕 Xaviera Yau 尤蔭蔭 香港消防員 香港消防處 Hong Kong Fire Services Department
on iv角度 在 Robynn Yip Youtube 的精選貼文
Little Love
Music by Robynn Yip
Lyrics by Robynn Yip
Produced, Arranged by T-Ma
Mixed by John Benedict Pereira
Edited by Keeju Lee, T-Ma
Mastered by Ted Jensen @ Sterling Sound
眨眼間, 今年也不知不覺推出了四首很有意義的作品。四首歌,描述著人生四個轉捩點。 感激今年2020年所有支持著我的音樂路的每一位, 包括家人、朋友、fans、幫忙推廣的朋友和媒體朋友們。 再一次感激今年的監製 T-Ma 和他的團隊和 今年的MV導演張蚊的團隊上下所有人。推廣的朋友們包括 Jennings, Red Cat 和 Connie, 讓我的腦袋中的小世界可以繼續發光發亮。沒有任何的計算, 沒有任何商業的包裝, 只是想把我的近況和最真實的感受放進歌裡讓大家感受。
這一次也希望特別感激兩位很有天賦的藝術家, 小萊 siu loy 和 Iv 去參與這個這麼有美術感的MV。
Artist 自我簡介:
Iv Chan 陳子雯嘗試透過雕塑和裝置等藝術形式,圍繞肉身肢體等迷思進行創作。她針
忌,默默地制約過群眾/ 生態如實反映⋯⋯ 於創新深處,作者刻意擅用不同物料轉化藉
小萊 siu loy: 2017年於理工大學傳意設計系畢業。畢業後從事與插畫相關的工作至今。個人創作的作品題材主要圍繞一個個自我創造的架空世界。
Day by day I slowly came to believe
All the way from outer space you chose me
And now nothing else feels just as true
As compared to falling for you babe
They all say I'm gonna miss how this feels
Somersaults punches and kicks all too real
All the headaches and emotions
but you’re growin' and you’re growin’ on me
Can’t deny
That you’re changing me from the inside
Like the clock
That I can’t unwind But I don’t mind I don’t mind
Little love
You give me a reason to do anything
You give me a reason to not fear or hate
Overthink it or calculate
Even when you keep me awake
Little love
Never thought this woulda come all so soon
Still don’t know when timing comes how I’d do
But I already cannot imagine my life living without you
Vivid dreams
They creep into the night all the damn time
I realize
It's because you’re always on my mind
On my mind
Little love
You give me a reason to do anything
You give me a reason to not fear or hate
Overthink it or calculate
For you I’ll learn to be brave
Little love
You give me a reason to try everything
You give me a reason to take on the pain
Overcome it and be amazed
Even when you keep me awake
I’ll be there
For the first steps you take
The first words you say
I’ll be there
For the first sights you see
and holding you in my arms as you sleep
But little love
You give me a reason to patiently wait
Witnessing every step of the way
No matter what you face
Oh you can be brave
Little love
You give me a chance to see what I’m made of
A chance to see the world through your eyes and your touch
How simple joys are enough
The simple joys as you grow up
My little love
Instagram @robynnyip
Youtube @Robynn Yip
Facebook http:/www.facebook.com/RobynnYip