【臺虎 X 箕面ビール:Tap Takeover】
既然你各位不在意有多少酒精,繼之前推出的 #1PA 後,我們這次與大阪的Minoh Beer(箕面ビール)酒廠合釀另一款同樣僅有1%的超低濃度、讓你千杯不醉的「∞Stout」!
11/23(六) 我們將於大阪市中心的 Beer Belly酒吧舉辦這款新酒發表,同時提供多款臺虎生啤,歡迎想用低酒精換好心情或裝寂寞的你,一起前來共襄盛舉🎉
#啤酒外交 #只賣心情不賣酒精
We’re back again this year for another piece of collaborative mad science with our friends at Minoh Beer. This time around, we developed a Stout that’s all about big sessionable flavor without the hefty alcohol that tends to come with it. We’ve dubbed this monster the ∞Stout, or infinity stout. Clocking in at just 1% ABV, the keg will kick before you do.
The beer will officially launch at a takeover party at Osaka’s Beer Belly on 11/23. Come on down and test the meaning of infinity with us.
This beer is japan exclusive one-off. So come on down to the event and test the meaning of infinity with us.
More information → https://www.facebook.com/events/696945604134493/
one-off meaning 在 Monster Taipei Facebook 的最佳貼文
明天於Monster Taipei舉行的「天狗神社」匠鬼浮世繪聯展,將以十隻匠鬼Custom ONE-OFF的拍賣會為打頭陣的展覽活動!在此感謝十位設計師:PEW PEW GUN、FUNK TOY 放克玩具、Milk Company Toys、MechNoiz Toys、DingDong Kwan、當我們ㄍㄡˇ在一起 Dog Together、Kendytan Works、Kong Andri、Mr Kum Kum和夏波米,悉心為200%的匠鬼設計獨有造型及配色。
每隻大匠鬼背後都有一個特別的故事和靈感寓意,更難得的是,一部份的Custom作品是附有夜光效果的!拍賣會將於明天28/12/2018(五)下午17:00-19:30在Monster Taipei舉行,匠鬼粉絲切勿錯過!!!
展覽時間:2018年12月28日(五) ~ 2019年1月6日(日)
開幕酒會暨拍賣會:2018年12月28日 (五) 晚上7:00
展覽地點:MONSTER TAIPEI 台北市大安路一段51巷46號1樓
開放時間:12:30 ~ 21:00
The Auction of 10 Demon Craft 200% Custom ONE-OFF will be taking the lead in the TENGU TEMPLE - Demon Craft X Ryusuke Muto Exhibition. Great thanks to all 10 participated artists: PewPewGun, FUNKTOY, MILK COMPANY, Mechnoiz Toys, Ding Dong Kwan, Dog Together Studio, KENTANWORKS, Kong Andri, MrKumKum and Shabon Lee, for designing their own unique style of Demon Craft.
There are special stories and inspired meaning behind each art piece, part of the customs have the “Glow in the dark” effect! The Auction will start tomorrow 28/12/2018(FRI) 17:00-19:30 at MONSTER TAIPEI, don’t miss the chance to get your Favourite ONE!!!
Exhibition Name: TENGU TEMPLE - Demon Craft X Ryusuke Muto Exhibition
Date: 28th DEC, 2018 ~ 6th JAN, 2019
VIP and Auction: 28th DEC, 2018 (7:00 pm)
Opening Hours: 12:30 ~ 21:00
#tengutemple #天狗神社 #天狗神社匠鬼浮世繪聯展 #scottywang #ryusukemuto #demoncraft #匠鬼 #ushionisamurai #牛鬼武士 #tengu #天狗 #ukiyoe #浮世繪 #monstertaipei #toyzeroplus #exhibition #sofubi #art #paintings #arttoy #softvinyltoy #designertoy Scotty.W.Toys むとう りゅうすけ
one-off meaning 在 Elon Musk-Twitter saga 'a one-off' for tech investors: Analyst 的推薦與評價

... to purchase Twitter for $44 billion means for the social media giant, post-deal growth, innovation, and the outlook tech investors. ... <看更多>
one-off meaning 在 "one off payment" meaning [closed] 的推薦與評價
The "one-off" doesn't mean the fee is or is not refundable, or what it will actually be used for. It just means what it says, a one-time ... ... <看更多>