Labor shortage的問題最近常出現在新聞裡, 而labor cost也讓企業頭疼. 前幾天Morgan Stanley有出一篇報告, 主要是說Amazon(AMZN)因為人力支出, 獲利會受壓, 短期內股價可能因此會一直盤整下去:
而剛好前兩天的新聞有提到, 透過電商購物的消費者增加, 而其實電商會比傳統的零售業, 需要更多的人力在物流中心, 來做商品的包裝, 運送等:
"Demand for distribution workers has skyrocketed as more consumers shop online, in part because picking, packing and shipping e-commerce orders is more labor-intensive than traditional warehouse operations that distribute wholesale goods or replenish store inventory."
Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/logistics-operators-raise-pay-enlist-robots-to-meet-holiday-demand-11632657600
🌻如何逢低買進(buy the dip)?
每個人buy the dip的方法不同. 這邊簡單說一下我要buy the dip的話, 會注意哪些事情.
1. 個股所在的類股的表現
2. 均線
3. 大盤
4. 財報發表了沒
5. 股價還有沒有上行的空間(估值高低的問題)
🌻有趣的美股小知識: Why You Should Pay Attention to the Way Management Talks
Nomura(野村)的策略家發現, 當CEO在電話會議中, 用簡單易懂的方式來說明公司業務的話, 公司的股價會比使用複雜語言的CEO的公司股價還高.
Mezrich found that simple really does matter. Using the Gunning Fog index, he ranked companies in the Russell 1000 into tenths, based on their earnings conference calls. Over the past three years, the companies with the simplest language have returned 19.2% annualized, beating the equal-weighted Russell 1000’s 15.7%. Those with the most complex language returned just 13.4%. The complex language portfolio was also more volatile than the simple language portfolio.
“Since senior management delivers an earnings call, simple language may produce more confidence among investors in management’s ability to deliver on their vision,” Mezrich explains. “Hence, simpler language earnings calls can lead to subsequent stock outperformance.”
Picture: 小鎮的秋景. 圖片來源: Facebook. 攝影者不明.
同時也有24部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,240的網紅山水畫家的藝術Taiwan Artist World,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#桃園#青埔#書法公園 大園區橫山書法公園暨書法藝術館,位於青埔地區「5-8號陂塘公園」的東北角,大成路二段與大仁路交接處,館區面積約27701平方公尺,為地下1層、地上2層建築物,總樓地板面積2991平方公尺,為台灣第一座由官方經營,以書法藝術為主題的美術館,亦以向民眾收費參觀方式維持營運。 ...
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- 關於operations包 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的最讚貼文
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- 關於operations包 在 你是人吧?戲精法鬥合輯豐富表情包網笑:成精了! - YouTube 的評價
operations包 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
【貝克街非正規部隊——威力汪卡的間諜生涯】#葉郎電影徵信社 #舊文重貼
都快忘記我多年前寫過這個。這個月《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory巧克力冒險工廠》、《The BFG 吹夢巨人》和《Fantastic Mr. Fox 超級狐狸先生》正好是作者Roald Dahl的105歲生日,而串流巨人 Netflix 昨天送上的祝壽大禮是以未公開的價格買下大師的所有作品版權。
在現代的讀者/影迷心目中,Roald Dahl 是那個偉大的童書作家。但在慢慢被遺忘的歷史中,他卻和英國情報員James Bond本人有過錯綜複雜的牽扯。
這是Roald Dahl不為人知的間諜生涯故事:
▇ 龐德電影的寫手
除了童書之外,很少人知道Roald Dahl也寫過很多其他的玩意兒。
比如電影劇本。他親自改寫1971年版的《巧克力冒險工廠》電影劇本(雖然因為電影太偏重Willy Wonka角色,他最後怒而宣布和電影劃清界線)。除此之外,1967年大為成功的007電影《You Only Live Twice 雷霆谷》的劇本也是出自他之手。
找上童書作者Roald Dahl來為007寫劇本可謂製作人Albert R. Broccoli的神來之筆。因為Roald Dahl不僅和當時剛剛過世的龐德小說之父Ian Fleming熟識,甚至曾在同一間諜組織中共事,更離奇的是他們兩位甚至為了間諜活動和私人情慾的不同理由在同一時間睡了同一個美國富豪。
“You Only Live Twice”用在這些戰前戰後都活得精彩漂亮的英國紳士身上,或許是最切題的人生總結。
▇ 貝克街的間諜
Roald Dahl和Ian Fleming參與的這個間諜組織是二戰期間邱吉爾下令成立的英國特別行動處(Special Operations Executive,SOE)。
因為倫敦總部設在知名的貝克街上,這些間諜們有個來自名偵探小說中的封號——「The Baker Street Irregulars貝克街非正規部隊」(小說中原指福爾摩斯的街頭情報來源:街頭行乞的孤兒們)。
▇ 貴婦情報網
英國海軍情報處出身的Ian Fleming負責和美國進行情報交流,並扶持美國建立自己的情報組織:中央情報局CIA。
後來創立奧美廣告的David Ogilvy負責帶領寫手們在美國媒體上發動宣傳戰鼓吹參戰。日後成為專職作家的Roald Dahl和Ian Fleming都在Ogilvy指揮下順便練筆。
Roald Dahl負責的情報工作比較離奇。身為英國大使館僱員的他,利用遊走華盛頓外交圈的社交機會,和各種官夫人、富家女以及有影響力的寡婦們上床,藉以換取美國政治情報和並透過她們發揮政治影響力。
Roald Dahl的線人之一是時尚名流Millicent Rogers,她是超級富豪標準石油創辦人孫女。據說Ian Fleming在他的牙買加豪宅「黃金眼山莊」也和Millicent Rogers「相好」過,後來發現此事的Dahl怒而和Flemig決裂、好幾年不講話,一直到Fleming結婚後才重修舊好。
▇ You Only Live Once
最後,他們在美國的情報工作仰賴另外一名成員Ivar Bryce的大膽計畫取得了空前的進展:
Roald Dahl向來都稱Ivar Bryce是James Bond真正的原型。「龐德身上有百分之五十的元素,包含奢華和氣質都是直接來自Bryce本人」他說。
Ian Fleming從小就認識Ivar Bryce,後來定居牙買加也是受到Ivar Bryce的影響(Fleming的黃金眼山莊還是Bryce幫忙仲介的土地)。1953年Fleming出版第一本007小說《Casino Royale 皇家夜總會》時,就用Ivar Bryce的Middle Name——“Felix”來為故事中的CIA情報員命名,也很可能是為了紀念貝克街男孩們的美國生涯。
Ivar Bryce晚年出版自傳回顧他精彩一生時,也順帶用書名向Ian Fleming原著、Roald Dahl改寫劇本的那部龐德電影致敬。那本書就叫做《You Only Live Once》。
operations包 在 小人物上籃 Facebook 的最讚貼文
灰狼高層火掉了球隊的 President of Basketball Operations, Gersson Rosas.
[9/23 更新: 原因在comment section #偷吃]
- 用 Wiggins 換 DLo
- 狀元籤選 Edwards
- RoCo 換到 Beasley + 一個首輪
- 同一個首輪再換成 Jaden McDaniels and Bolmaro
- Jarrett Culver 交易去灰熊
同時也可以討論的,是沒有發生的交易。今年夏天沒有大動作。是高層 (包括新老闆 A-Rod) 無法接受沒有更積極的去搶 Ben Simmons? 還是沒有把 DLo or Beasley 等非核心換出去?
但是上個球季全隊核心幾乎沒有健康幾場;DLo - KAT - Edwards - Beasley +McDaniels 紙上看起來還不錯但是從來沒有發生過。新上任的高層還能夠等嗎? 還是有其他內部的問題?
#終於有一個真正的NBA消息了 #小人物上籃
operations包 在 山水畫家的藝術Taiwan Artist World Youtube 的最佳解答
Dayuan Hengshan Calligraphy Park and Calligraphy Art Museum is located at the northeast corner of "No. 5-8 Pitang Park" in Qingpu District, at the junction of Section 2 of Dacheng Road and Daren Road. The area of the museum area is about 27,701 square meters, and it is 1 underground level. , A two-story building on the ground with a total floor area of 2991 square meters. It is Taiwan’s first officially operated art museum with the theme of calligraphy. It also maintains operations by charging the public for visits.
The Calligraphy Art Museum was designed by the architect Pan Tianyi. The park is the "inkstone" and the Pitang is the "inkstone".
The base consists of 5 square boxes from left to right, including exhibition space, collection space, education promotion space, commercial space, outdoor exhibition space, administrative space and service space.
In addition to regularly exhibiting works by famous Taiwanese and international calligraphy and seal carving masters, the preliminary plan also has the function of researching and investigating the history of Taiwan's calligraphy and promoting it to the public, so as to show Taiwan's abundant calligraphy and calligraphy artistic creation energy. In order to deepen the local characteristics, part of the exhibition area is planned as the Dayuan Jianshan Site Exhibition Area.
The other space is planned as a cultural and creative space, which is expected to be outsourced in OT mode, so that the public can bring art into life and experience the aesthetics of calligraphy and life while enjoying cultural and art exhibitions and the unique natural beauty of Pitang in the museum area.
After completion, it will be combined with the Taoyuan Municipal Art Museum next to Qingtang Garden to form an art gallery belt, which will become a new leisure attraction and a new art and cultural landmark in the Taoyuan area.
The calligraphy art museum started in September 2017 and is expected to be completed in September 2019. However, due to many issues that have yet to be resolved, the Taoyuan Cultural Bureau will strive to open the museum in the fall of 2021 after the additional budget has been improved.
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operations包 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的最佳解答
The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan》,that reach out to the sky, the sea and the grasslands only to reveal precocious footages of the endangered endemic species that are known for extreme rarity, minimal sighting rate and videotaping challenges—Taiwan Grass Owls, the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins, and the Formosan pangolins.
The production crew of “Elves of Taiwan” partakes in perhaps the most difficult animal rescue operations in line with conservation efforts and the most dignified science-based survey projects. The program unveils diversified local landscapes and endemic species completed by various angles and perspectives—from aerial rescues, ocean investigations, to underground bone excavations; it is indeed a brutally honest series that documents the conservation and restoration of the terrestrial, oceanic, and airborne endemic species in Taiwan.
A pangolin is hunted every five minutes in the world on average. It’s the most seriously poached mammal on earth. The film crew climbs the rock and follows Dr. Ching-Min Sun, a renowned pangolin researcher, in his tracking for pangolins. We monitor their life journeys and try to dig out burrows and the truth behind their deaths. In 50 years, Taiwan has transformed from a hunting ground to a breeding ground for pangolins. After years of conservation, pangolins in Taiwan are increasing with the highest wildlife density in the world. The island has become the last fortress for pangolins worldwide.
■台灣1001個故事 說不完的故事
#台灣的精靈 #地球的孤兒 #台灣穿山甲 #白心儀 #台灣1001個故事 #孫敬閔 #野生動物急救站 #暨南大學神獸 #自然科學紀實節目

operations包 在 台灣1001個故事 Youtube 的最讚貼文
The first nature documentary series on global endangered species in Taiwan, 《Orphans of the Earth》presents three new episodes in 2021 《Elves of Taiwan》,that reach out to the sky, the sea and the grasslands only to reveal precocious footages of the endangered endemic species that are known for extreme rarity, minimal sighting rate and videotaping challenges—Taiwan Grass Owls, the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphins, and the Formosan pangolins.
The production crew of “Elves of Taiwan” partakes in perhaps the most difficult animal rescue operations in line with conservation efforts and the most dignified science-based survey projects. The program unveils diversified local landscapes and endemic species completed by various angles and perspectives—from aerial rescues, ocean investigations, to underground bone excavations; it is indeed a brutally honest series that documents the conservation and restoration of the terrestrial, oceanic, and airborne endemic species in Taiwan.
The film crew participates in Taiwan humpback dolphin surveys by Ocean Conservation Administration on the sea, captures a rare humpback dolphin group, and explores root causes behind their dwindling populations. Also, we document the largest pygmy killer whale rescue effort by 2,000 people over 56 days. We follow researchers to Orchid Island, an outer islet of Taiwan, to uncover the bones of a baby sperm whale, and record the tragic deaths of stranded melon-headed whales and blue whales. Their survivals and deaths are symptomatic of a deteriorating marine environment.
■台灣1001個故事 說不完的故事
#台灣的精靈 #地球的孤兒 #台灣白海豚 #白心儀 #台灣1001個故事 #海洋保育署 #成大鯨豚研究中心 #四草鯨豚搶救站 #台大獸醫系 #蘭嶼 #小虎鯨救援 #自然科學紀實節目

operations包 在 【請問】 Operations在台灣有專櫃嗎- 包包板 - WEB批踢踢(PTT) 的推薦與評價
如題最近在路上看到有人背Operations的郵差包感覺非常的水而且蠻有質感的想請問一下Operations在台北有專櫃或是代理嗎感謝^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業 ... ... <看更多>
operations包 在 你是人吧?戲精法鬥合輯豐富表情包網笑:成精了! - YouTube 的推薦與評價

戲精法鬥合輯豐富表情包網笑:成精了!】 9,380 views9.3K views ... Taiwan Good Job #170: Underwater Operations Unit. 木曜4超玩. 木曜4超玩. ... <看更多>
operations包 在 HNLN 韓戀精品服飾- OPERATIONS 日系輕量單肩包.腰包.斜 ... 的推薦與評價
OPERATIONS 日系輕量單肩包.腰包.斜背包.胸前包潮流時尚必備單品輕量實用款.男女大人小孩皆適逛街.出國.騎單車.戶外教學可放隨身物品黑色.藍色現貨蝦皮免運. ... <看更多>